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Weirdest or Craziest Dream

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Old 12-15-2006, 09:07 AM
Ninam's Avatar
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

ORIGINAL: playa256


Last night I had a dream, I was chasing a chick, and when I finally got laid the chick turned out to be an old-a*s!?!? So then she f**kin disappeared....and I started looking for her again....WHAT THE HELL? I was walking around my house looking for her (like she is some kind of sock ), and I decided to look in (YES....IN) the computer monitor...!??!?!?!?! Then I saw a fine-a*s woman, and the damn alarm beeped....well I was kinda glad that the alarm woke me up, I didn't want the "grandma" experience again!
This dream was followed by the action in your avatar, correct?
No, but it would've been if the f'n old lady didn't appear![&:]
Old 01-21-2007, 02:48 PM
xAUDIx's Avatar
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

Yeah crazy dream last night, God forbid this dream happens to anyone on this fourm

Short but to the point...

I was walking down my apartment stairs to the front door, open up the front door and see that my audi has been put on cinderblocks! (I suppose this put of the dream may have come from the fact that i just got my new rims) Then i see three guys walking down the street and assumed they stole my rims so i start a fight with all three of them (This is the part i really love about dreams) and beat all three of their punkass's. Then i (somehow) I see where they put my rims and i start walking towards them when suddenly the blow up......The End.

Werid sh*t
Old 10-02-2007, 01:47 AM
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

i had a scarey dream

i was driving on the freeway on a super rainy night, in the back seat was my two lil cuzins who are about 5 and 7, i was driving super slow on the far right lane and then out of the blue the car starts sliding, was like drifting the car and i try to counter steer and straitenbut i hit the center devider, i remember freaking out and thinking to myself well im never gonna drive again, then i slam in to the center devider think dam why are my lil cuzins in here, but the wierd part was after the accident i turn around to check on my cuzins they where gone... it was wierd and tripy and i just woke up after that
Old 10-02-2007, 05:53 AM
BAMF's Avatar
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

I usually don't remember my dreams for more than 30 mins after waking up, but xAUDIx's post reminded me of a recent one. I remember telling a friend about it, so maybe that's why it stayed with me.

(As much as I remember) the dream starts out and I am in a parking lot walking out to my car. I don't know where the lot was or where I was leaving from, I just remember that I was leaving and it was dark. I'm walking past rows and rows of cars (I always park in the boonies away from everyone else) and I can't see my car from the building due to the other cars. I finally get to the spot where my car should be (next to a curb, right under a bright-*** fluorescent light) and it's gone! At this point I get really pissed, like ready to fight someone pissed! (I'm a pretty laid back guy, never actually been in a fight in my life). I don't know how long I stood there in pissed disbelief, it seemed like a while but I think it was only a minute before I woke up. The damn dream was so vivid that I got out of bed pissed and it took me a good 10 minutes of being awake to realize that it never happened.

Pretty lame, but I can't really remember any other dreams unless something triggers my memory. Most of them are a lot weirder than this too.
Old 10-02-2007, 09:29 AM
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

I had a dream the other night which wasapparently influenced by an episode of the Sopranos I had watched before going to bed. It was the episode from season 4 when Tony kills Ralphie after the horse stable gets burned down and Pie-O-My is killed, and Tony is convinced Ralphie did it for the insurance money to pay for his son's medical bills. So Tony gets pissed off and goes over to Ralphie's place, they fight, and Tony ends up smashing Ralphies head in on the kitchen floor.

Anyway, I don't remember a lot of the specifics of my dream, but I remember that the first part of it was at my work, and I was arguing with someone, then we went out to the parking garage where I smashed his head in on the pavement, just like that episode of the Sopranos I had watched before going to bed. I remember thinking even during the dream that it was really weird that I was so affected by an episode of a TV show. Thenafter that,I was at my parents' house with some other people, and then someone else told us "it's time", so we all lined up side-by-side on our knees, and the other person shot each of us in the forehead with a handgun. The weird thing is (and in my dream I knew this all along) we weren't being killed - it was like we were having our brains disconnected and then reconnected so we could reboot like a computer. It was really funky; after I got shot in the forehead, I was still aware of everything, I just couldn't move or affect my body in any way. I had this really weird, detached feeling. I was seeing through my own eyes, but I felt as if I wasn't actually attached to them. I could feel my body, but couldn't move. I can't remember for sure (these dreams happened last week sometime) but I think I woke up before our brains were rebooted.
Old 10-02-2007, 09:46 AM
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

ORIGINAL: MrFlippant
I think I woke up before our brains were rebooted.
so NOW what do you do?
what's it like to walk around witha disconnected left and right hemisphere of the corpus callosum?
Old 10-02-2007, 09:52 AM
myaudi98's Avatar
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

I had a dream for a week straight every night where i got shot and nobody would help me, they just said, you will be fine. haha

Then i had another for a few weeks straight where i would wake up to loud thunder, and it was still going for a few seconds when i wake up. Then i look outside, and its clear as day! No storm... it was weird.
Old 10-02-2007, 10:33 AM
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

it was you passing gas ya moron.
Old 10-02-2007, 01:06 PM
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

I just had one last night about me driving my Audi up in Spokane were I used to live. Then I noticed that my airbag is no longer in my steering wheel and that it is really hard to turn now. So now I go into this parking lot by a safeway and try to fix it but realize I don't have any of my tools with me. So I for some reason end up sleeping there in the parking lot. The next morning I go into the store to meet a friend and when we are in line to pay for stuff someone outside the store pulls a gun out and sticks it through an open window. As he does this the clerk closes the window and the guy starts to run around to the door. Once he gets inside he starts yelling and running around and starts shooting. As soon as he does I hide behind this little wall thing look up and see the gun being pointed over the top of it at someone standing in-front of me. I decide to grab the gun. So I do and he freaks out. Everyone around me is still freaking out. There is panic on their faces. I take the gun and look into the chamber and it's empty. I shout that there is no more ammo in there and everyone relaxes until the gunman pulls out another gun from his back. I take the one I have and point it at his face and tell him to drop the other gun or I will shoot. He says "You said it was empty!". I say "I lied. THere is one left" even though there really isnt. So he drops his gun and then ends up pulling another one out. By this time I am getting worried. Then all the sudden I hear shots so I shoot back and both of us fall to the ground. I shot him, he shot me and now we are both dead. Then the camera pulls up and as it does the floor around me turns into a pool of water with me underneath. Then I wake up.

This whole dream started out normal, sort of, and then ends like you would see an ending in a movie. I guess thats what I get for eating, sleeping, and breathing the movie business. LOL

Old 10-02-2007, 09:10 PM
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Default RE: Weirdest or Craziest Dream

I keep having these dreams from childhood where I'm being chased by some animal. Most of the time its a bull with huge pointed horns. Somehow I'll always trip and fall then as I'm scrambling to get up I'll kick real hard and jolt myself out the dream.

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