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Old 04-20-2009, 03:10 PM
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I'm sorry that your full time job prevents you from justifying your opinions. Nothing really jumped out at me from any of the links you provided. You also did not really comment on the links or the Bubba Effect or anything. Instead of making assumptions about what and why you find something objectionable, I will leave it to you to elaborate if you find the time and motivation. Keep in mind, most of what you linked is Glenn Beck describing "worst case scenarios" and is supported by qualified individuals. But I think that Beck provides somewhat of a proper context for the more extreme scenarios that he speaks about. I find the utube style reminiscent of AudiSport because it lacks any logical contruction from yourself. On a side note, quadrillion is a real number = 10^15.

You say that Beck informs and entertains and does both dangerously. Unless you sepak of misinformation, I do not see how informing people is a negative thing.

Ad hominem - arguing against the man instaed of the issues. Or replying to an argument by attacking the character or belief of the person making the argument. It is a logical fallacy. Your point should not be based off of such shallow thinking.

You certaintly dont defend Olberman, but most of what I have linked is indefensible. And I have heard Beck repeat the quote, "All that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." So you dont defend the man but you dont critisize him either and this indirectly gives him credibilty.

While you sit and "hope" that you are wrong about Obama, some have decided to take action. To protest not just Obama, but all of the politicians who are players in this corrupt system. I find it completely insulting and terribly unAmerican for people to defame those who are willing to protest for such change.

This thread is about so called idiots who stir up conservative extremists? These idiots are educated men. These extremits what nothing more than to enjoy thier freedom with minimal government interference. It is a basic principle of the founding fathers.

Last edited by AutoUnionFan; 04-20-2009 at 03:13 PM.
Old 04-20-2009, 05:27 PM
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UnAmerican? hmmm... well, if that's what you feel my actions equate to then that's your opinion - highminded or not. Yet, I've served proudly this country of ours and retired honorably - can you say the same?

When one has seen what the consequences of others actions wreak upon others - maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the point here is.

As I mentioned before, screaming "fire" in a crowded theater is the equivalent of what Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and others convey. Educated or not - these men are snake oil salesmen. Stirring up the populace with militant ideas just to boost their own pocketbooks without contributing anything worthy.

Beck's 9/13 club? Though the premise sounds good - I'm not buying his intent.

Go enlist and after you served tell me then what you may think. Other than that you may watch who you start calling unAmerican, mate

Also, what our Founding Fathers envisioned and what came - even during Thomas Jefferson's administration - is completely different. Even Jefferson himself nearly quadrupled not only the size and scope of the government - but the very land they governed as well.

Seems even our Founding Fathers could not practice what they preached.
Old 04-20-2009, 06:46 PM
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I'm afriad that this debate is becoming a lost cause. All I ask is for a bit of evidence and logic to support your claims that Glenn Beck is "Stirring up the populace with militant ideas just to boost their own pocketbooks without contributing anything worthy." It is irresponsible, as you claim yourself, to make false accusations. Even if Beck is doing something similar to what you say, which I contend he is not, it is still only a small part of what he says. You characterization of the man is completely inaccurate and unfounded. I feel that I am constantly repeating myself because you constantly evade the topic.

Second, its the 9/12 project - not 9/13. Of course you immediately dismiss the idea, based on your prejudices, and do not care to find out what its really about. If you dont buy the motivation, then look into it and figure out why. A simple but effective concept.

Third, I was not referring to you specifically when I said it is unAmerican to defame (to harm the reputation of by libel or slander) those who simply want to enjoy freedom with minimal government interference. I greatly respect those who serve honorably in our military. My cousin is a commander of a platoon of M1 tanks and his brother is in the airforce.

However, I give less respect to those who use their record of service to look down on others who have not served. Or those who feel that service justifies thier future actions. Didnt Lee Harvey serve in the military. Was it unAmerican for him to kill the President? Military service really has nothing to do with what you were talking about. Attacking a persons character does not make their argument wrong, and praising someones character does not make their argument right. I respect your service, and respectfully disagree with your characterization of the tea parties. If you think that conservatism is a brain abnormality as Olberman was reporting, then you have the freedom to do so. But I have the freedom to disagree and to provide my own informed opinion.
Old 04-20-2009, 06:51 PM
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Yep, you're right - this argument with you is pointless.

We can agree to disagree.

As for using my service record to look down upon others - you, my friend, have some growing up to do.
Old 04-21-2009, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Palindari™
Yet, I've served proudly this country of ours and retired honorably - can you say the same?
Sorry if I seemd to insult you. But no I have not served in the military. I have done research for them and contributed my share. It really has nothing to do with the issues here.
Old 04-21-2009, 11:12 AM
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Apology accepted, mate, I never take things too seriously, but if I came across too harshly, my apologies as well.

As for your cousin the M1 Tank commander (my job in the Army as well) - tell him "Gunner, Sabot (pronounced say-boh), Tank!" and if he doesn't respond with "Identified" tell him he's a no-go at this station.

Though I think the new commands now may be just "Gunner, Tank!" but he should still know what you're talking about
Old 04-21-2009, 12:31 PM
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Wow, you were apart of a tank crew? Pretty cool stuff. Those Abrams tanks are serious pieces of machinery. But I didnt realize how susceptible they are to roadside bombs.

Originally Posted by Palindari™
As I mentioned before, screaming "fire" in a crowded theater is the equivalent of what Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and others convey. Educated or not - these men are snake oil salesmen. Stirring up the populace with militant ideas just to boost their own pocketbooks without contributing anything worthy.
If you think that "liberal fascist" is some sort of contradiction, then I can understand that. What I dont understand is how you can say that Beck contributes nothing worthy.

Here is a nice link to the 9/12 project and the core values and principles that Beck feels America must embrace. I dont agree with every principle (#2 for instance) but I feel that you and most other people can support the general concept.
Old 04-21-2009, 01:08 PM
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Yeah, any track vehicle is susceptible to explosives that disable their only means of locomotion. But I would rather be in one of those than a Humvee...

As for the use of the word "fascist" even the GOP is coping to the use...

I know this is from Fox Noises arch-nemesis MSNBC but the points are still accurate.
Old 04-25-2009, 09:46 PM
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Beck's now tearing apart the GOP with his lunatic visions it seems...
Old 04-25-2009, 09:48 PM
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Fears of a Clown... Beck's getting the recognition he deserves it seems..?,00.html

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