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Oxymorons and just plain morons...

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Old 04-15-2009, 02:37 PM
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Take your time. It is often difficult to find evidence to support your opinion rather than letting the evidence shape your opinion. I find it quite easy to find something informative and revealing from Beck's show. I will be visiting New York City over the weekend and expect that you will produce some truly shocking footage while I am gone. In the meantime, read the article about progressivism and try to understand the resistance to modern liberalism in America.
Old 04-15-2009, 02:59 PM
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A new report by the DHS speaks to the concerns of conservative commentators.

The Department of Homeland Security is now advising local authorities about the danger of "right wing extremism."

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.

Last edited by AutoUnionFan; 04-15-2009 at 04:00 PM.
Old 04-17-2009, 11:55 AM
Audi311's Avatar
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The term liberal fascist is not an oxymoron....the way you defined the term is way off.
You simply can't define the term "fascist" in one single sentence.
The term is so ambiguous and can be applied towards left-wing, right-wing, and even moderate individuals.

I used to listen to Glen Beck a few years ago and only agreed with a small amount of what he had to say, the rest was just garbage. I, myself, voted for Ron Paul...which really sucks since this is a 2 party system.

But back to the point, the term fascist gets thrown around so much these days that I think the word has really lost all meaning to it.

Republicans think Democrats are fascists, Democrats think Republicans are fascists, people believe anti-abortion people are fascists, etc etc

Indoctrination is also a form of fascism which is government control over education and the media (which you can argue goes on in the US through censorship and the way our education system is set up to be biased)

I've read book after book about fascism (some from school textbooks and others from local libraries) and like I said before the term is way to ambiguous to try to sum it up in one little sentence

I haven't read the book liberal fascism yet, but I'm sure they probably tie current liberal parties actions to fascism by means of their radical ideas to change our country. That is just speculation though, since I haven't read the book.

Maybe this summer I'll pick it up and read it though, just for the sake of being able to make more educated comments about it.
Old 04-17-2009, 07:18 PM
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Ambiguous? Like the word "****" is today?

Not necessarily meaning one belonging to a German political movement promoting the white Aryan purity of a "master" race? But more to the current use of the verbage of a "militant extremeist"?

You can banter back and forth as to the meaning of such words - my point is that in current political affairs they seem to now slap together words that, though you can stretch the meaning to fit, doesn't necessarily do - but do so none the less to invoke fear.

Marketers do it all the time for the opposite effect.
Old 04-17-2009, 11:14 PM
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I don't have to listen to Fox News, CNN, CNBC, MSN, etc etc to be fearful of the U.S. government.

The government does a great job itself making me fearful of it.

And before anyone comes in with the cliched, "if you don't like the U.S. than just move out"...just understand that when women could not vote, they did not simply just move to another country.
Old 04-18-2009, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Audi311
I don't have to listen to Fox News, CNN, CNBC, MSN, etc etc to be fearful of the U.S. government.

The government does a great job itself making me fearful of it.

And before anyone comes in with the cliched, "if you don't like the U.S. than just move out"...just understand that when women could not vote, they did not simply just move to another country.
You're talking about a situation were women were oppressed for no reason other than extreme sexism... and comparing that to... what, exactly? You're not 'happy' ?

I don't mind when people complain, really... but it is mind boggling that you think that you'll be able to accomplish anything through it. Obama is in for at least 4 years. If Bush stayed in (for 8!?) then Obama surely will stay for at least 4. People voted for it. Even women.
Old 04-18-2009, 02:03 AM
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I don't just complain , I take action (granted they are small steps) , but still, I try to stay active. Complaining with no action is worthless .

This isn't just me not being "happy", this is whole groups of people who feel that the government has gotten too large and has more control than it should have.
Old 04-18-2009, 02:51 AM
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What concerns me is this...

Government has grown immensely since Bush was president. Mostly due to the creation of Homeland Security. And believe this or not, I'm with you, mate, on the size of current government.

But, when we went from a "surplus" budget to a trillion dollar deficit in 8 yrs again - where were the teabaggers then? where was the call for anarchy? where was the righteous call to take back our country...?

It didn't happen. Because the "liberals" didn't call for such non sense. Yeah, they pissedand moaned about the "stolen" election - but never did they claim the sky was falling. Never did they scream "FIRE!" to incite panic in the crowd.

What I can't stand is such hypocrits like Limbaugh (a drug addict) or Beck (recovering alcoholic) claim that they know what is right and wrong in this world and we, the minions amongst the herd, don't realize - yet when they fail, they claim that they are only human or worst "rodeo clowns".

That's irresponsibilty at it's best and worst.
Old 04-20-2009, 11:35 AM
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Give it a rest, Pali. I see you have yet to provide any real evidence to support your claims. Its been a week or so since I requested something tangible. Your actions resemble the very cliams you are critisizing. Its ironic that you use the term fascist is the most specific and restrictive sense and use the term liberal in the most general and inclusive sense. You are bordering on intellectual dishonesty. Labeling Beck and Limbaugh as recovering drug addicts is, again, ad hominem. It has nothing to do with the issues.

Here is another video from Olberman. I find a new one everyday without even looking for it:

In this clip, Olberman invites comedian Janeane Garofalo for what he describes as a "serious note." They play a video of a liberal blogger turning a tea party into republican party bashing. Then they proceede to describe the physiological differences in a persons limbic region of the brain that drives them to conservatism. It reminds me very much of **** tactics and reasoning. A truly disgusting display of media malpractice. Something that all Americans should condemn. But you liberal supporters are probably too busy searching for needle in the haystack that will make Beck look bad to be concerned with any real proof of irresponsibilty. Too busy worried about the timing of things to notice the content. Too busy using the flaws of Bush to justify the flaws of Obama. Too focused on who won the election to care about the policies that Obama supports. Too worried about the labeling others that you fail to be critical of your own views.
Old 04-20-2009, 12:49 PM
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lol... yeah, they are something together aren't they

Ok, Auto - though having a full time job prevents me to sift through endless clips of Beck...

But here's a couple - metaphorical gasoline? Quadrillion (not even a number) in debt?

Beck has now become the poster boy for the white supremist...

Beck and his insider info from "real experts" scaring an intrepid Fox Noise reporter under the table...

Beck and his "bubba effect" - not to be confused with Garafalo's "racists redneck's" fears...

Beck's SHTF "What If's"...

I'll leave Limbaugh alone - there's waaaay too much material to use there... lol

And like I mentioned before with the Orson Wells/War of the Worlds analogy... the power of the media has been proven over and over again to be double edged sword. It can entertain and inform. Where Beck is dangerous is that he's doing both to dangerous effect.

I'm not defending Olberman (I just prefer to watch him over Beck) he has his opinions and views like the rest.

As for Beck and Limbaugh being recovering tools - I find it funny that though you view it that I'm arguing about them (ad hominem) that was precisely my point. They are not only self righteous gasbags (like Olberman) but dangerous to boot!

The fact is that even now - and in one of those pieces Beck talks about distancing himself from Bush - these two act as if they alone see the truth and we are all blind. Yet they cannot even conduct their own lives in a fashion that excludes such foibles as alcohol and drug addiction. They're stretching of the English language to add such words as "liberal" and "facist" is actually quite funny - but has now become a rallying cry for the lunatic fringe. Even saw posters comparing him to Karl Marx and Lennin - come on... that's stupidity.

That's my point, mate.

As for Obama's policies, I admit there are some that concern me - but I'm hoping I may be wrong. But so far nothing has gotten out of hand and the Dow Jones seems to be stopping it's downward spiral.

As for Bush's flaws there are many - but this thread was not about Bush or Obama - it was about the idiots currently rallying up the extreme right with teabagging parties and the like... lol

That's the point of this thread, mate

Last edited by Palindari™; 04-20-2009 at 12:54 PM.

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