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Oxymorons and just plain morons...

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Old 04-12-2009, 11:39 PM
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People need to learn to turn off their tv's. I watch very little news from either side, mostly I get my news from the net and I trry to just get the factual stories and not the commentary/spin versions.
A few years ago (during the fall of '01) I was doing a clinical rotation at a large mental hospital. During the none-stop coverage following the attacks our patient population more than doubled. Nearly all of whom said a variation of "I just can't stop watching tv, I don't know what else to do"

I guess what I mean to say is that there are a lot of spewing blowhards out there, but in keeping our freedom of speech alive all we can hope for is to turn them off. If we spread the word and enough people turn them off their advertisers will get the message and stop financing them. Without financing they will not have to platform to spew their rhetoric from and the population will be free of their collective drivel.
Old 04-13-2009, 12:51 PM
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I agree whole heartedly, mate.

Unfortunately, we live in the "information" age - thus we get bombarded with every bit of news fit or unfit to broadcast.

Tools like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin are pushing the envelope of common sense broadcasting. Declaring tyranny is beyond the pale. Beck's claiming now that the government is training secret armies now to impose martial rule.

This crap is getting deeper by the day...
Old 04-13-2009, 12:54 PM
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It is common for liberals to undermine individual responsibilty. Glenn Beck apparently made some comments that incited some lunatic to shoot some cops. Instead of bashing the cop killer, Plaindari points his finger at conservative commentators. Perhaps he can provide specific quotes or clips that show the true level of fear mongering that has caused these people to kill police officers. I find it ironic that someone would critisize fear mongering in one breath, and blame political commentators for someones death in the next breath. Basically saying that Fox News is dangerous and contributing to violence and murder.

Its hard to say Democrats dont want unopposed authority. Much of their agenda will likely be passed through a 51 majority in the senate since they dont have the 60 votes they need and cant persuade more than a few Republicans to support their policies. They also want to move the National Census under supervision of the white house so that they can accumulate an advantage for next elections. They favor population projections instead of head counting which is to their advantage. They also do little to stop illegal immigration and benefit with votes by patronizing the latin community. They also like to declare that the Republican Party is "dead", Bush was the worst president in history, Obama is the greatest president since Lincoln etc. So I dont think that conservative commentators think that we live in a fascist country, but they might beleive that liberals are attempting to secure unchecked power.
Old 04-13-2009, 01:20 PM
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Hmmm.... I never mentioned Fox Noise - just a few of their "commentators", mate.

The idiot in Pittsburgh was just that - an idiot. I'm in no way, shape or form promoting "fear" here. What I'm trying to point out is the current wave of from certain tv news "personalities" that claim to "know" what they are talking about and are effectively inciting people to react inappropriately.

If you stand in a crowded theater with a bullhorn and yell "FIRE!" over and over again causing a stampeding mob towards the exits and a few die from being trampled. You should still be held accountable for instigating the situation.

These characters come on these shows - and let's take Beck for instance - he comes on his show crying about how his country means so much to him and how we, the people, surround those, the current government, that are trying to take it from us and we can take back our country.

Then laughs latter and claims he shouldn't be taken serious - that he's just a rodeo clown?? Is that a "cover your ***" manuever? Talk about your hypocritcal stances...

"Hey! Listen to what I'm saying for it's out there!"
"What? I'm just a rodeo clown. There to entertain the masses."
Old 04-13-2009, 03:00 PM
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Perhaps Beck's sarcasm is less obvious than Olberman's. Perhaps he is giving his viewpoint and encouraging independent thought at the same time. He speaks his mind and will be judged according to your own perspective of him. If you think he is a god, then he speaks the gospel. If you think he is a clown, then you can laugh at his jokes. But mostly, I think, he wants to separate your perception of him from your perception of the issues that he talks about. I dunno, "yelling fire in a movie theatre" is just one way to describe it.

Here's a nice video of Olberman in 2006.
Somewhat typical of his commentary. Saying the Bush's word means exactly nothing, Bush did not try to stop 9/11, Bush is a textbook coward etc. The type of news commentary that stirs emotional reactions such as fear and hatred.
Old 04-13-2009, 05:06 PM
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Here's a clip of Maddow talking about the tea party movement. It could easily be an SNL skit or discussion at a middle school lunch table.

Instead of reporting the facts of the movement, she reports about Fox's coverage, then proceedes to ridicule Fox and the movement with a 5 minute sexual pun. I would call it moronic news reporting, but its hardly news reporting.
Old 04-13-2009, 05:08 PM
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Well it's one thing to call you President a moron and call for a voter recall - but to suggest your President is taking away your liberties and you should arm yourself for the next revolution (another word I've heard from them lately) is unsanctioned and ludicris.

Olbermann's a blowhard as well - his antics are comical and I find it hard to take him serious at times as well. Like all these commentators, they make valid points at times then go off the deep end on the remainder.

But at least he's not fear mongering - just name calling
Old 04-13-2009, 05:48 PM
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Provide links of this treacherous fear mongering and we can have a proper discussion. I would rather look at a picture than listen to you describe it.
Old 04-15-2009, 11:37 AM
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No evidence for your claims?

Here's a link about American progressivism. It is short but should provide the guidance for proper research:

Oh yea, its on the Glenn Beck website so you probably wont read it.
Old 04-15-2009, 01:34 PM
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Actually I've been looking for the clips of what I've seen... I'll check there as well.

The truth is out there

Plus have you bought tickets for his new comedy tour?? lol

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