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How Obama Got Elected

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Old 02-18-2009, 05:53 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Originally Posted by krystallbluea4
Audi90SportQuattro, you're way out of your league here pal...
I have said all this before....and proved it. I dont need to write books on this stuff so I use video's with Obama talking to back up what I have been saying all the long.
Old 02-18-2009, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Audi 90Sport Quattro
Obama wants to be friends with the Muslims.....Why????
You honestly don't see it do you?

The Muslim faith is not what's bad - it's the extremist that pervert the faith that are.

Kinda like those nut jobs that were torching abortion clinics and killing the doctors who did it in the name of Christianity.

To difuse any situation you have to meet on common or neutral ground. Or you will essentially get what Isreal has - an unwinable war with the Palestinians. Or what the British had with the Irish Republican Army.

Attrocities aside, you have to stop the stupidity or the "eye for an eye" mentality overrides all common sense and decency left in those that live in those areas.

Though over 3k died at the WTC on 9/11 - we have since wiped out tens of thousands more in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

The stupidity has to stop, mate
Old 02-18-2009, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Originally Posted by Palindari™
You honestly don't see it do you?

The Muslim faith is not what's bad - it's the extremist that pervert the faith that are.

Kinda like those nut jobs that were torching abortion clinics and killing the doctors who did it in the name of Christianity.

To difuse any situation you have to meet on common or neutral ground. Or you will essentially get what Isreal has - an unwinable war with the Palestinians. Or what the British had with the Irish Republican Army.

Attrocities aside, you have to stop the stupidity or the "eye for an eye" mentality overrides all common sense and decency left in those that live in those areas.

Though over 3k died at the WTC on 9/11 - we have since wiped out tens of thousands more in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

The stupidity has to stop, mate
Look at the Koran...Mate...The Muslim religon states over and over to destroy the non-muslims...its in that book that the terrorist read every day. Who's side are you on?

The Isrealis have over and over given those rocket lauching scum bags you want to negotiate with and all they get is more rockets. Meeting in the middle does not work when your fighting with terrorists.

Muslims were the ones that killed 2,740 Americans...If we need to kill more then be it, but your comment sounds like Jane Fonda's Vietnam qoute that the *US Service Men is nothing but Baby Killer's*. Hell yeah...if they have a weapon and they want too kill you and me, I will shoot them between the eye's and go home and he wont.

I guess I like walking with a larger stick then you.

So, what do you know about Afganistan and Iraq? Tell us your personal stories about what is goin on there since your a expert and have you been there?

Just by what you have said it proves that your stupid and have not a single clue about what your talking about and expect a call from Obama because he needs people just like you on his loser will fit right in.

Last edited by Audi 90Sport Quattro; 02-18-2009 at 06:52 PM.
Old 02-18-2009, 07:43 PM
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LOL... Obviously you have never read the Koran.

Also in the Bible it talks about smiting sinners as well. Does that mean Christians are out for religious justice for non believers? Well does it?

Nowhere in the Koran does it say what you claim. You just read it somewhere and swallowed that tripe, didn't you?

Did you ever research what the Koran actually says??? And I mean read the motherf'ing thing - not go by what some rightwing nut job with Aryan brotherhood ties slapped together for you to drool over.

I dare you to go find any passage that describes that nonsense. Go ahead, if not - shut the fu<k up.

Man, you are clueless. Up til now I've been patient about your childish rants and constant YouBoob postings but you need to back the truck up, mate, for you're about to crash. lol

You come across as a hate filled, ignorant bigot and your last post proves as such.

Muslims were the ones that killed 2,740 Americans...If we need to kill more then be it, but your comment sounds like Jane Fonda's Vietnam qoute that the *US Service Men is nothing but Baby Killer's*. Hell yeah...if they have a weapon and they want too kill you and me, I will shoot them between the eye's and go home and he wont.
History has proven over and over again that Vietnam was never a factor. It fell, Communism never invaded the US.

As much as I hate saying it, but the Vietnam conflict was wrong and we lost 57K American men and women for it.

We are doing the same here so that twits like yourself can get a hard on over it.

I served with the Army and retired was distinction. What have you done, mate?

Squat. So don't attempt to lecture me about what matters military. I've slapped punks like yourself until common sense, like cream on milk, finally rose to the surface.

Might, does not make right. This too has been proven time and again through out history - perhaps you should take the time to read instead of watching Fox Noise and idiotic YouTube mind droppings.

But then again, you're simply a product of your generation - if it isn't spoon fed to you in some nifty quick sound bite video with bitching graphics - it just ain't real, is it?

Grow up, mate, grow a set and go pick up a rifle and show those dirty "Muslims" what a mindless twit you truly are and then perhaps somebody may listen to you.

Maybe - but until then shut the fu<k up and listen to your elders.

That is all

Last edited by Palindari™; 02-18-2009 at 07:57 PM.
Old 02-18-2009, 08:17 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Originally Posted by Palindari™
LOL... Obviously you have never read the Koran.

Also in the Bible it talks about smiting sinners as well. Does that mean Christians are out for religious justice for non believers? Well does it?

Nowhere in the Koran does it say what you claim. You just read it somewhere and swallowed that tripe, didn't you?

Did you ever research what the Koran actually says??? And I mean read the motherf'ing thing - not by into what some rightwing nut job with Aryan brotherhood ties slapped together for you to drool over.

I dare you to go find any passage that describes that nonsense. Go ahead, if not - shut the fu<k up.

Man, you are clueless. Up til now I've been patient about your childish rants and constant YouBoob postings but you need to back the truck up, mate, for you're about to crash. lol

You come across as a hate filled, ignorant bigot and your last post proves as such.

History has proven over and over again that Vietnam was never a factor. It fell, Communism never invaded the US.

As much as I hate saying it, but the Vietnam conflict was wrong and we lost 57K American men and women for it.

We are doing the same here so that twits like yourself can get a hard on over it.

I served with the Army and retired was distinction. What have you done, mate?

Squat. So don't attempt to lecture me about what matters military. I've slapped punks like yourself until common sense, like cream on milk, finally rose to the surface.

Might, does not make right. This too has been proven time and again through out history - perhaps you should take the time to read instead of watching Fox Noise and idiotic YouTube mind droppings.

But then again, you're simply a product of your generation - if it isn't spoon fed to you in some nifty quick sound bite video with bitching graphics - it just ain't real, is it?

Grow up, mate, grow a set and go pick up a rifle and show those dirty "Muslims" what a mindless twit you truly are and then perhaps somebody may listen to you.

Maybe - but until then shut the fu<k up and listen to your elders.

That is all
Before you speak out your A$$ you should be able to back up what you are supporting.

The Koran does talk about killing "Non-Believers" were wrong...

What Army did you serve with distinction? Al-Qada I guess because you sound like a supporter with all the defending you do of those muslim terrorist you love so much.

Yeah we lost approx 58,929...US Servicemen...I guess their dedication for freedom means nothing to you since you again put up another wrong number of americans who died..just like your 9/11 numbers...I guess I just take this more serious then you..since you way too laxed in your figures.

I put youtube videos up because these are actual videos of obama lying over and over again out of his mouth by him. The facts are the facts.

I would love to talk about my military experience but i doubt your so-called military background would include a Secret Clearence...even that would be too low. I have been there and down that. I doubt you were ever in the US Military. Dont confuse your service in the Salvation Army with what I have done.....

I have read your posts and all you do is support the muslims who are terrorist's.

Me shut up and listen to my elder's??? I only listen too people who are smart...which your not......

Do you really drive a TT? You must be a chick.....
Old 02-18-2009, 08:27 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Palindari...why didnt you say you were at a Obama Press Conferance?

Palindari after the Obama Press Conferance.....Drop the PS3 controller and pick up a book instead.

Remember "Joe The Plumber"??? Remember how the liberals wanted to beat him down because he pointed out the Obama was a Socialist to his face? I guess on this idiot illegal alien should be treated differently because he is pro-give me everything Obama.

Btw...Palindari...your mom wanted the house so you can play your PS3...

Last edited by Audi 90Sport Quattro; 02-18-2009 at 08:50 PM.
Old 02-18-2009, 10:16 PM
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Wow this thread has gone downhill.
Old 02-18-2009, 10:43 PM
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Thanks to Obama...its in his plan...

He hires more losers and here is his latest loser talking trash against americans..

Here comes the US's Top Attorney for the US Justice Dept....
Old 02-18-2009, 11:58 PM
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Dude, you are truly sad and pathetic.

You post a website from (?!?!?) as your source about the Koran and you take that to be the truth????

Did you even look at the one I posted from the Library of the Univeristy of Michigan??? An actual place of learning???

Let me school you a touch here, mate...

You're backwoods website quotes the Koran verse 9:123 to read...
"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you."

When the University of Michigan has it quoted as:
"O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil)."

Sounds pretty straightforward as say this quote from the Bible:
“But the LORD thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed.”
Deuteronomy 7:23

or this one...
"Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it”
Isaiah 13:9

Only the ignorant eat what's laid in front of them, as my my dear departed grandmother would say.

or perhaps this Bible verse could be more fitting....
“A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult”
Proverbs 12:16

Last edited by Palindari™; 02-19-2009 at 12:47 AM.
Old 02-19-2009, 12:00 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Well since I am from Chicago...this does not suprise me one bit. I knew Obama was a liar and a muslim lover while serving in Chicage since he was pushed to the fore front by the media as the "Chosen One" and his buddy Burris is being found out to be another liar being associated with ties to Obama...

Other bites the dust....That must be the theme song of the Obama Adminstration...

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