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How Obama Got Elected

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Old 02-17-2009, 04:43 PM
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The name of this thread was chosen by me to be the same as the link that I provided in my first post. There is nothing really deeper than that. I knew that the title would draw attention and spark debate. If you read the all of the posts (which would take more time than it is worth) then you would see this. And I never said that the media bias is the most important issue of the day, or that media bias is a new thing. I am saying that Obamas relationship with the media is unique and has never been seen before in history. So before you go explaining the electoral process to me, read what I have written about Obama and the media. Or dont read it, you seem to prefer other topics.

If you think I include baby killers and rapists in my "most" description than you are either missisng the point or are more worried about the wording of argument than the content. You are comfortable saying that "It's a tragedy anytime anyone dies fighting for what they believe in" but not comfortable with "give me liberty or give me death"?

Again you miss my point about the Iraq war. You say that the soldiers in Iraq are fighting for a lie. However, the search for WMDs has been a relatively small part of the war effort. So maby the WMDs could be conbsidered a lie, but much of the effort since the invasion is not about WMDs, so how do you consider the other missions in Iraq to be based on lie? And dont tell me that the everything is a result of the invasion and therefore a result of a lie. I'm not asking what caused the war. I think our soldiers are over there and doing the best that they can. Just becasue they want to get home safely doesnt make them dishonorable. And of course safety and peace are relative, atleast as relative as most things. Seat belts make you safe, airbags safer. You could still die in a crash but your chances of survival are improved.

Your views on conservatism are obviously biased and you should simply admit that. What objective mind would put Santa Claus and compassionate conservatism in the same category?

You speak of conspiracy theories as though they are undeniable fact. Even the general theory of relativity is called a theory. Since I appear to be ignorant to "exactly" what the Federal Reserve is, perhaps you will enlighten all of us. I would argue that the collapse of the housing market had much to do with the downturn in the economy. The collapse was caused in large part by banks giving loans to people who couldnt afford them. Actions based on the liberal principle that we should all have the oppurtunity to own a home. I also beleive in 2007 Barney Frank became chairman of the House Financial Services Committee which oversees housing and banking industries. I doubt he is as innocent as you beleive.

I guess you will also ignore my comments about the nanny state and social security/health care.

Conservatism is all about keeping people safe with as little government interference as possible. That doesnt mean no oversight or poor oversight. I dont know any conservatives who want lunatics to own guns. I do know that criminals will get guns no matter what the government says. In fact, studies have shown that relaxing gun regulations will often lead to a decrease in violence becasue citizens can protect themselves and criminals must think twice.

Is media content regulated by the government? Do you think the Chinese media is less bias than USAs?

You ultimatley believe that I have much to learn. I couldnt agree more. Everyone in this world has much to learn, yourself included. I will leave you with two quotes:
"The more you know, the more you realize that you know very little" - (unknown)
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty." - Henry Ford

Last edited by AutoUnionFan; 02-17-2009 at 04:46 PM.
Old 02-17-2009, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
Let me explain things in terms that most can understand. Bush led us into this current war in Iraq. He used misinformation to manipulate public opinion. The media did not do its job and allowed the public to be persuaded. As I see things, Obama is using a very similar strategy. His goal is not war, but the advancement of liberal agendas. He is controlling media access and attempting to surround himself with "journalists" who have similar liberal philosophies. Immelt is a great example of what I am talking about. If you think that Obama's relationship with the media is typical of any President than you would be dead wrong and I can provide many examples to support this view.

I think that some of the criticisms here only support my argument. When we use the actions of Bush to justify the actions of Obama, we are asking to be fooled a second time. Shame on us.
It seems we have found common ground. But what you need to know is this is politics - plain and simple.

There's a HUGE difference though, Auto, and I think you may be overshadowing it.

Bush did exactly as you said - but got us into a war that has thus far killed thousands (including 4k of our own brethren).

Obama is trying to fix the situation we are currently in.

As for "liberal" or "socialist" agendas - that's a matter of opinion. What is currently being pushed and signed today is a "stimulous" package not much different that what Roosevelt did back in the 30's to pull us through the Great Depression.

You can go and say that Social Security is socialism. It was created back during that era as well.

This whole distribution of wealth is a pipe dream, smoke and mirrors for the conservative groups grousing over their toothless power they find themselves in DC now.

But lets say, for ***** and giggles, that you are completely, 100% correct in your assessment of President Obama. Then guess what? He won't be voted for again in 4 years and it will be the next man's (or woman's finally) job to change things again.

Blacks only make up 17% of the US populace - and only half of the eligible came to vote and not all voted for him. So his chances of getting re-elected will be slim to none.

Truly, I, and I can only speak for myself of course, believe there's more to President Obama or I would not voted for him - I too, am wary of Democrats. Though I have to admit Clinton got us back on budget - but Bush drove us even deeper into a deficit. lol...

Personally, I believe you're seeing waaaay too much into this. But for bad or worse, Obama is the 43rd President and let's hope he can come through on at least 50% of his promises. lol

Honestly, I find it freaking hilarious that every candidate thinks they have "the" plan to fix what ails teh US. Yet none completely implement their plans as promised. Like one of my friends (who's a poli-sci minor) said, it's like the armchair quarterbacks on Sunday morning looking down on the field from their televisions - of course there were three men open down field yet it was thrown for short yardage and failed to get a first down.

Becoming President - or any "new" political appointment - is very similar and history is a motherfrakker to those who fail. Hindsight being 20/20 is completely unforgiving.

Again, let's not listen to Limbaugh and hope for the best here, eh?

Last edited by Palindari™; 02-17-2009 at 05:10 PM.
Old 02-17-2009, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
I am saying that Obamas relationship with the media is unique and has never been seen before in history. So before you go explaining the electoral process to me, read what I have written about Obama and the media. Or dont read it, you seem to prefer other topics.
I have read what you wrote. His relationship with the media is unique but I suspect it's considerably less alarming than you would like everyone to believe. I want the media all over Obama. Keeps him honest. I wasn't trying to explain the electoral process to you. I was simply calling your attention to the foundations for elections laid out in the Constitution and its amendments.

If you think I include baby killers and rapists in my "most" description than you are either missisng the point or are more worried about the wording of argument than the content.
AUF, I do not actually believe you support baby killing or rape. I would bet your a great person and I honestly consider you to be quite knowledgeable on the side of the debate you stand by. Its just a little to right-wing skewed for me to give it much credibility.

You are comfortable saying that "It's a tragedy anytime anyone dies fighting for what they believe in" but not comfortable with "give me liberty or give me death"?
Isn't it a tragedy when a family loses a loved one? When a brother loses a brother a child loses a father or mother, or vice versa? Regardless of what side they are fighting on? Give me liberty or give me death? What provides our liberties If the constitution "is just a goddamn piece of paper!"? - George W. Bush

Again you miss my point about the Iraq war. You say that the soldiers in Iraq are fighting for a lie. However, the search for WMDs has been a relatively small part of the war effort.
You need to research the buildup to the war considerably deeper than that my friend. I have no time to walk you through that whole mess.

So maby the WMDs could be conbsidered a lie,
Considered a lie?!? Thought we were already on the same page here.

but much of the effort since the invasion is not about WMDs, so how do you consider the other missions in Iraq to be based on lie? And dont tell me that the everything is a result of the invasion and therefore a result of a lie.
So in other words you want me to ignore the facts? Here's a neat little story a friend of my brothers wrote to try to explain this to people in simple terms:

A few years ago there was a man named George who convinced a lot of people to give him a Very Big Job. You would think that someone would be very smart and grown-up to have this Very Big Job, but George was actually pretty dumb and a real brat. He got the job because some other people wanted to put someone in the Very Big Job who would let them get their way, and they were very good at saying a lot of stuff very loud over and over again and get a lot of other people to believe it. Even so, another man named Al got more votes, but the people who were trying to put George in the Very Big Job just got some judges to say that the votes didn’t matter.

And so George got the Very Big Job. He had a friend named Dick who came along to help him with the Very Big Job. Well, actually, Dick sort of took over the job and so George spent a lot of time taking naps and going on vacation. One of the things Dick did was bring over a bunch of his other friends who were Very Greedy People. They had a Secret Club where they talked about things that would affect all the other people in the country, but they said that the people weren’t allowed to know what they said or did. A lot of people pointed out that it was Against The Rules to do that, but the Secret Club said that they didn’t care about the rules and had decided to make their own rules, and didn’t care if anyone else didn’t like it.

So nobody found out much about the Secret Club at first. Then some Very Bad People made some buildings blow up and everybody got very scared. George and Dick didn’t say anything for a while and then they suddenly said that there was a Very Mean Man far away who made the buildings blow up. Everybody agreed that George and Dick should send soldiers to catch the Very Mean Man.

But while that was happening, George and Dick said that there was someone else, a Very Scary Man, who helped the Very Mean Man and was going to do a lot of things that were much worse. They said that it was more important to go after the Very Scary Man so everyone could be safe. Some people who had been paying attention said that they didn’t understand how the Very Scary Man could have anything to do with what happened or be able to make other bad things happen, and George and Dick got very mad. So did all the people who made sure that George and Dick got the Very Big Job. George and Dick and their friends went on TV and said that anyone who asked them questions they didn’t like or said they shouldn’t do everything they wanted was a Bad Person. Maybe even as Bad as the Very Mean Man and the Very Scary Man. They asked if anyone wanted to be thought of as being that bad, and most people said no. But some people said that they still wanted proof of what George and Dick were saying. But Dick winked at his friends from the Secret Club and said that the proof was secret and they couldn’t show it to anybody.

Now some other people started getting mad at George and Dick and said that they had to show proof because it was In The Rules! So George and Dick got their friends to say bad things about the people who wanted proof while they went away for while. Then they came back with some drawings and some letters and said that they were proof. Some people said that the drawings and the letters weren’t enough because they could just be made up. Those people got called lots of bad names by George and Dick’s friends and George and Dick said that everyone had to let them go after the Very Scary Man or more bad things would happen. Some people still said that George and Dick weren’t following the rules and were probably lying, but most people were still scared about the Very Mean Man and now even more scared about the Very Scary Man, so they said George and Dick could do whatever they wanted. George smiled, and Dick went back to the Secret Club in a hurry. Both of them said that taking care of the Very Scary Man would be easy and would be over very soon.

Taking care of the Very Scary Man wasn’t easy and it wasn’t over soon. There were a lot of people who lived in the same place as the Very Scary Man, and they didn’t like him at all, but what they didn’t like even more was a bunch of people that they had never hurt coming to their homes with guns and hurting them. So they fought back against the people that George and Dick sent to hurt them. And once the Very Scary Man wasn’t in charge anymore they also started hurting each other because they had been mad at each other for a long time over some other things. George and Dick were surprised by this, and then they got really mad when some other people pointed out that they had been told this would probably happen. So they fired those people. They had fired a lot of other people before who told them that things wouldn’t work out the way they said, and every time they fired someone they hired one of their friends in that place. They hired them just because they were their friends, even if those friends couldn’t do the job that the person they fired did.

Things went really really badly in the place where the Very Scary Man used to be in charge. But George and Dick and their friends didn’t like it when people said so. If anyone said so, George and Dick and their friends said that the person saying so was just like the Very Mean Man and the Very Scary Man. They especially got mad whenever anyone noticed that they weren’t doing anything anymore to get the Very Mean Man who blew up the buildings. But all of Dick’s friends in the Secret Club were smiling all the time now.

While all this was happening, some people started to find out some of the things that the Secret Club did in the meetings that no one was allowed into. It turned out that they were talking about the place that the Very Scary Man had been in charge of. They were talking about taking it over because it had stuff they wanted. It also turned out that a lot of the Very Greedy People in the Secret Club and a lot of their friends had talked about it before when they had another club that wasn’t as secret as the Secret Club. It was called the Project, and they wrote letters to the man who had the Very Big Job right before George and Dick telling him that he should do all the things that George and Dick were doing now so that the Very Greedy People in the Secret Club could take what they wanted from the place where the Very Scary Man had been in charge. They even put the letters on the Internet, but then when more people started to notice and to say that it looked like they were planning this all along they took down the letters and said that everyone who said anything bad about them were liars and Bad Persons. The Very Greedy People in the Secret Club were making a lot of money now that George and Dick were doing what they were doing, and they were very happy and didn’t want it to stop. Not only had they gotten a lot of stuff, they had gotten The Rules changed so that they were the kind of rules they wanted.

And then it came to be time for George and Dick to go, because the rules say that they could only have the Very Big Job for a certain time. Maybe they’ll change those rules, too. Anyway, now some people are arguing about who should have the Very Big Job next. One man who wants to have the Very Big Job wants to change everything that George and Dick did and try to put things back the way they were before, at least as much as he can, and his name is Barry. The other man, whose name is John, says he also wants to change things but his idea of change is to keep doing everything George and Dick were doing. That doesn’t make very much sense.

One of the arguments people are having is about what to do about the Secret Club. They’re not so secret anymore, but they still have things going their way. John, the man who wants to keep things the way George and Dick made them, thinks that the Secret Club should keep having their way. Barry thinks that the Secret Club shouldn’t get their way anymore. He thinks that the rules should go back to what they used to be and that the Secret Club owes something to everyone else because of how they got the rules changed in the first place.

Many people think that this is a good idea. They aren’t sure how to go about it yet, but are happy that at least someone is talking about it and willing to work something out. There are other people who think it’s a bad idea, even some people who don’t like the man who wants to be just like George and Dick. Some of them think that it doesn’t matter how the Secret Club got what they did. They think that making the Secret Club go back to the old rules is bad. They think that if the Secret Club had to give up some of what they got by changing the rules, it’s somehow the same thing as taking everything away from them that they’ve ever gained or ever built, even the good things.

Obviously, it’s not. But they say it is. Some of them say that the only man who could fix things is the Very Cranky Man named Ron who kept saying that the Constitution is all about God even though that word never shows up in the Constitution. He would do a couple of important things differently than George and Dick did, but he said he would do everything else the same. Ron, and the people who like him, not only think that the Very Greedy People in the Secret Club should keep doing the same things that George and Dick let them do, they think that the Secret Club should have even less rules that they have to follow. They say that if they have less rules to follow, everyone will be better off because the Very Greedy People will treat everyone better. The people who believe this aren’t able to point to any time in history where this has ever been true, but they believe it anyway.

The people who don’t agree with the people who like Ron get annoyed with them sometimes. Once someone even lost his temper and used bad words. But mostly they just ask the people who like Ron to stick to the facts, and are puzzled when they refuse to. The people who agree with Barry like him for a lot of reasons, but partly because he’s not like the people who don’t want things to change. The people who don’t want things to change say that that isn’t a good enough reason, and so everyone should support John, or support Ron. That doesn’t make any sense either, but they pretend it does.

Once upon a time there was a man named Thomas. Thomas was one of the first men to have the Very Big Job, and he said that part of the reason for government was to protect the ordinary people from the Very Greedy People. The Very Greedy People, like the ones in the Secret Club, and other people who like the Very Greedy People, don’t like it when people tell what Thomas said, or when they agree with him. They say that it’s the same thing as being like a man who was named Karl, who was born after Thomas had the Very Big Job.

There was once another man named Teddy. Teddy was another man who had the Very Big Job a long time ago, and he said that he didn’t mind if the Very Greedy People got to have a lot of money, but that they had to understand that it was all the other people who made it possible for them to have all their money and the Very Greedy People owed the people for their wealth. He also said that the Very Greedy People shouldn’t be allowed to have Secret Clubs and should have more and more taxes when they got more and more money. He said that the government should have lots of rules for the Very Greedy People to follow and that the government should “supervise and control” them if they got out of hand.

The Very Greedy People in Teddy’s time didn’t like Teddy. They didn’t like him at all. They said he was big and mean and scary. They said that anyone who agreed with him was also being like the man named Karl. The people today who like George and Dick and Ron also say that people who agree with Thomas and Teddy are being just like Karl. They say that because they hope that people who don’t want to be compared to Karl will stop saying that they agree with Thomas and Teddy. That way, they can make people forget that Thomas and Teddy said these things. And then they can get their way, just like the Secret Club.

A lot of people don’t like Secret Clubs. They think that clubs that affect everybody else should have their meetings in the open so that the people can see exactly how they will be affected. Barry wants to have all the clubs meet out in the open. And that’s one of the reasons why why the people who agree with him support him instead of supporting John or Ron.

The End.- Rick Saveau

Couldn't have put into any simpler terms myself.

Your views on conservatism are obviously biased and you should simply admit that.
They are biased because I researched first developed an opinion second. Olberman didn't convince me of anything. Can you say the same?

What objective mind would put Santa Claus and compassionate conservatism in the same category?
They are no less absurd in my mind.

You speak of conspiracy theories as though they are undeniable fact. Even the general theory of relativity is called a theory.
You keep adding theory to conspiracy. Why? Do some research and evaluate my hypothesis. I'm comfortable with hypothesis as opposed to theory only because our population has been so manipulated by our previous leader calling for us "not to embrace wild conspiracy theories". Most people, after such mental pollution, are similar to Pavlov's dogs. We've been programmed. Someone says conspiracy, we bark and add theory to the end of it and dismiss it. Use the scientific method. My views hold up. Do yours? AUF the facts are out there. Look into it, decide for yourself. Very sad how the mis-informed are led like sheep to pasture.

Since I appear to be ignorant to "exactly" what the Federal Reserve is, perhaps you will enlighten all of us.
So glad you asked. This is where I started my slip down the rabbit hole that is the truth. This information is singularly the most amazing piece of history I have ever studied. It's terrifying and once you understand it you will see what the real issues with our country are. I have to make it brief but it's 100% accurate and please check into what I'm about to tell you.

The Federal Reserve is as much a government institution as Federal Express is. The FR is neither Federal nor a Reserve. It is not a government institution at all. It is a privately owned for profit bank. Its shareholders have never been listed, and probably never will. The private bank we call the Federal Reserve gained control (read took control of our nation) of coining our currency with the passage of the 16th Amendment on February 25th, 1933 with only 4, yes that's right 4 states ratifying it properly which is why many educated in constitutional law have a legitimate argument that it is an unconstitutional amendment.

They control our monetary system and charge us to do it. Every red cent they coin for us has interest applied to it. The total interest annually that th e federal reserve charges us is equal to, after government waste, EQUAL to the amount of money collected through income tax. All those services you feel rob you of your money by helping the underpriviliged are not supported by your income taxes. Thats a lie. You like videos, here's one you should definitely watch. When and if you do you'll thank me for opening your eyes.

Watch it. It's quite long but very detailed. Not a quick little buzz-word or sound byte the uninformed seem to prefer. That's a good thing though.

I would argue that the collapse of the housing market had much to do with the downturn in the economy. The collapse was caused in large part by banks giving loans to people who couldnt afford them.
I don't doub that you would argue it that way. Although, If you want to have an educated argument here look into the Federal Reserve. You are way off base here again. Turn off that conservative stuff poisoning your mind. The current collapse of the economy began when the tech-bubble burst. All those investors lost their asses. What could be done to keep the fat cats fat? Give everyone a who wants one a home loan. All that money and interest piled up but with absolutely 0 foresight and a ton of elite greed, it went way too far. Greenspan attempted to correct for this by continually lowering interest rates. We therefore lost foreign investment capital. Who wants to invest in america? They're only paying a 0%-0.5% return. Your a smart guy AUF, you do the math. Once again research, research research. After all didn't you quote me:

"The more you know, the more you realize that you know very little" - (unknown)
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty." - Henry Ford
I actually live a breathe by that train of thought hence my astounding level of knowledge. I wish everyone did as well.

I guess you will also ignore my comments about the nanny state and social security/health care.
Only because those are such miniscule, whiny, inconsequential talking points completely lacking real substance. Thats way down on the list of legitimate concerns one should be having. There is a real problem here in america. I'm trying my heart out to reach you on a level you will respect and possibly inspire you or at least challenge you educate yourself further.

Conservatism is all about keeping people safe with as little government interference as possible.
Communism looks great on paper too btw.

Is media content regulated by the government? Do you think the Chinese media is less bias than USAs?
Yes, AUF media content is regulated by the government. It's called the FCC. Don't care about China. I care about the U.S. You really require much more education than I previously anticipated.

You ultimatley believe that I have much to learn. I couldnt agree more.
You are obviously intelligent. I have no doubt about that. Humility is a admirable personal trait you demonstrate very well. I'm myself am working on it.

Everyone in this world has much to learn, yourself included.
I couldn't agree more. I try to learn all I can. Knowledge=Power.

I'll leave you with this.
"Give me control of a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws" - Mayer Amshcel Rothchild.

Look into what I have suggested. You will understand why that quote is terrifying. Good luck.

Last edited by krystallbluea4; 02-17-2009 at 08:11 PM.
Old 02-18-2009, 11:40 AM
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Alright, krystalblue, your "astounding level of knowledge" obviously makes your views superior in many ways. My arguments are meager in comparison to your vast array of knowledge and concrete logical constructions. But in reality, our interaction has proven that you are conceited and arrogant. And as you know, for you know many things, conceited means that you have an excessively favorable opinion of yourself. I will address some of the topics that you have mentioned, but my patience is begining to thin and the return on my investment in time is this discussion is diminishing. Not that you care, your goal is apparently to silence everyone on this forum, and to this end, you may yet accomplish something.

The Federal Reserve, your favorite topic, is a very dangerous institution. I beleive that Thomas Jefferson said, "Banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies" and Ron Paul as consistently been saying that the Federal Reserve is almost always the cause of unsustainable economic bubbles and recessions. The Federal Reserve manipulates our economy and interferes with the free market. I have never argued in favor of the Federal Reserve, you brought it up, apparently as part of some undeniable argument. But you havnt provided much of a connection to any of the subjects that we were discussing. You make a fuzzy argument about how tax dollars dont go towards social programs, but instead the federal reserve charges us interest that (after subtracting government waste) is equal to taxes collected by the feds? Onc again your powerful mind has left me in the dust. Besides the fact that you provide no sources(except for maybe a 3 hour video whcih I dont have time to watch right now, if the video does support your claim, let me know at what times in the video you want me to watch) I see a few holes in this logic. First is that you include government waste in your equation, like somehow this is some number that is calculated. Second, congress determines tax rates and the bills must be voted on by electd officials. You seem to be implying that the interest that the FR charges us determines tax rates. I admit to know very little about these issues, but I am sure you can explain them to me with your usually clarity. You also say that the cost of social programs is based on "miniscule, whiny, inconsequential talking points completely lacking real substance." The fact is that these programs accounted for %42 of the federal budget in 2007,, and defense spending including the wars in Iraq and Afganistan accounted for 22%. So i have my concerns about the cost of these social programs. I will leave it to you to minimalize them.

Now to provide some support for my claim that you are conceited and arrogant. I suggested that the collapse of the housing market, initiated by suspect lending, led to the economic downturn. Your opinion of this remark was, "You are way off base here again. Turn off that conservative stuff poisoning your mind." You then go onto to say that the burst of the tech bubble led to suspect lending which led to actions by the Fed which further diminished the economy. So when I say that "the collapse of the housing market had much to do with the economic downturn" I am way off base and have a poisoned mind. But when you say that it had much to do with it (you list it is one of three causes) then I guess it is correct?

The FCC and media is one of the more concrete topics that we can discuss. The FCC must make sure that media is "competitive and diverse." It really has very little control over media content which is the what I was saying in response to your claim that less regulation will make the media even more bias. My point is that China regulates its media much more than the USA, and they have a much more bias media. You probably dont care about China becasue it contradicts your claim. And of course, my comparison to China shows that I, "require much more education than I previously anticipated." Somewhat of a concsited and arrogant way to put things, dont you think?

The issue of honor and tragedy is more of a philisophical topic. However, your amazingly insightful parable of the Iraq war does not mention a single account of a soldier. It does sound like it was written for a child, so I must assume that your brother is similar to you and his friends are similar to him, and his friend likes to speak to people like they are children because his friend is conceited and thinks he is much smarter and insightful than most people. But I digress. You do however seem to think that all death is a tragedy and this is a fair enough view for one to take. But you also said, in a previous post, that there can be no honor in tragedy. So basically you are saying that no death is honorable. These are your words. What I think you are really trying to say is that there is no honor in fighting a war that is based on lies. I challenge you to speak to the families of some of those who have lost loved ones in Iraq and tell them that there was no honor in thier sons death. Your response to "give me liberty or give me death" is to provide a quote from Bush about the constitution. I will base my honor off my own actions and let Bush determine your honor for you.

I should warn you to respond with more humility than you have been capable of previously. I will be happy to argue issues with you if you can speak to the content of things, and speak to me (or atleast pretend to) as an equal.

Last edited by AutoUnionFan; 02-18-2009 at 11:44 AM.
Old 02-18-2009, 01:39 PM
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LOL... this almost sounds like a religious argument.

Personally, I like to debate (that's how I roll ) you can never be too informed and can easily be set in your ways if you don't - that's a tip from your Uncle Pali lol

Can't wait to see how this "stumblist" package will fair... lol
Old 02-18-2009, 04:46 PM
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Posts: 346

Obama made several campaign pledges concerning his *Plan* that whenever someone asked him what his *Plan* was to fix America, Obama never had a single answer and the idiot morons believed him because the media hyped up Obama and they were the ones that called obama *The Chosen One and the Messiah*. Obama has lied over and over to the amerian people and they accept it...well most believe him.

This spending bill is nothing but a socialist takeover and will change America forever. Obama never read the bill but wanted it passed asap because he was repaying all those lobbist who donated to his election.

Socialism you get......

1. National Heath Care

2. Goverment take over of the private industry's

3. Goverment take over of the banking systems

4. Goverment take over of the energy grids...hence the Obama Smart Grid it.

5. Do I really need to go on? Compare other socialist counties with what Obama has planned for changning the face of America...they look the same.

More transparent lies by Obama over and over...

Why did Obama have to waste taxpayers money to fly in AF1 just to sign this wasteful spending and fly to Denver. He even flew 100 miles to a health spa in AF1 from DC..just more wasteful spending from your loser president...The Messiah... Obama

Maybe he went to Denver to also visit the area where the "New NORAD" is to be moved too.

Obama wants to fire teachers...or maybe those who dont agree with is agenda...
Old 02-18-2009, 04:47 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Obama made several campaign pledges concerning his *Plan* that whenever someone asked him what his *Plan* was to fix America, Obama never had a single answer and the idiot morons believed him because the media hyped up Obama and they were the ones that called obama *The Chosen One and the Messiah*. Obama has lied over and over to the american people and they accept it...well most believe him.

This spending bill is nothing but a socialist takeover and will change America forever. Obama never read the bill but wanted it passed asap because he was repaying all those lobbist who donated to his election.

Socialism you get......

1. National Heath Care

2. Goverment take over of the private industry's

3. Goverment take over of the banking systems

4. Goverment take over of the energy grids...hence the Obama Smart Grid it.

5. Do I really need to go on? Compare other socialist counties with what Obama has planned for changning the face of America...they look the same.

More transparent lies by Obama over and over...

Why did Obama have to waste taxpayers money to fly in AF1 just to sign this wasteful spending and fly to Denver. He even flew 100 miles to a health spa in AF1 from DC..just more wasteful spending from your loser president...The Messiah... Obama

Maybe he went to Denver to also visit the area where the "New NORAD" is to be moved too.

Obama wants to fire teachers...or maybe those who dont agree with is agenda...
Old 02-18-2009, 04:48 PM
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AutoUnionFan, I may come across as conceited and arrogant, that's fair enough for you to assess me that way I guess. Your intelligence was apparent in your posts and I like a challenge and never once did I honestly consider you anything but an equal. I am a very passionate person when it comes to what I believe and It's a tendency of mine to resort to that when I feel I'm not being taken seriously or dismissed outright. I have spent considerable time investigating my beliefs, to determine what is legitimate information and what is not. I offered you information as to why I feel the way that I do, yours to investigate independently, which by your own admission you don't have the time (or interest most likely) to spend on delving into. You on the other hand did offer quite little that I have not already seen or heard on conservative media outlets. Outlets, which when it comes to politics have very little credibility in my mind. What I offered up to you gets no play whatsoever on any major media "news" source, which is understandable considering it's implications. I thought my offering of an independent view from what you have previously been approached with, would possibly challenge you to investigate and you could then challenge my beliefs. I hope you do get time to watch that video. It's very long but it overflows with accurate information as to why we are in the current situation we as a nation are in. If you are to watch it at some point I feel things will fall into place for you, and you may understand why I say what I say. To conclude, I too feel that our debate/argument has drawn on too long and accomplished little if anything at all. You see things your way I see them mine. I believe that we both want whats best for our country, we simply view things differentlty. In short I hope I have not offended you personally. I do not know you, all I see are your words and do not judge your personality or character by them.

P.S. "my astounding level of knowledge" comment followed by a smiley was an effort to inject humor. Maybe my approach and timing are off but the intent was to lighten the mood of my post. Admittedly I have some things to learn in that regard.

Last edited by krystallbluea4; 02-18-2009 at 05:03 PM.
Old 02-18-2009, 04:50 PM
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Audi90SportQuattro, you're way out of your league here pal...

Last edited by krystallbluea4; 02-18-2009 at 04:58 PM.
Old 02-18-2009, 05:51 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 346

Obama wants to be friends with the Muslims.....Why????

Quick Reply: How Obama Got Elected

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