Euro Plate ticket
holy cow... what happened to my thread.
Baltomore is prolly like the NYPD. Dealing with sooooooOOO much $hit & seein' the horrors of society. Its hard to communicate openly when they constantly expecting the worst.
@ kriptonik:
I ain't Lindsy, but she was on my redeye back from NY day after xmas. If she had parents around, good time to rescue their daughter...she looked horrible. Playboy spread was ALLL photoshop.
fixed my ticket.
Baltomore is prolly like the NYPD. Dealing with sooooooOOO much $hit & seein' the horrors of society. Its hard to communicate openly when they constantly expecting the worst.
@ kriptonik:
I ain't Lindsy, but she was on my redeye back from NY day after xmas. If she had parents around, good time to rescue their daughter...she looked horrible. Playboy spread was ALLL photoshop.
fixed my ticket.
*I* know WHY this is soooo fookN phunnie, but I'm not sure how many others do. so, I ROTFLMFAO, and smile.
Nice pic, Choco. Does ur mother know you misbehave, like this, on the interwebz?
If it mimics your ACTUAL plate you might be able ot talk them into letting it go, every once in a while. But, if it's a slow news day, and they ain't got schitt better to do, you're gonna getta "fixit." Take a pic of the front with your "legal" plate with you to court and they'll dismiss. So I was told by a friend with a BM-Vu fixation.
@ Mr J - Wisconsin...I carry with my registration an excerpt from the state law book which describes the requirements for plating, in mucho vagueness...front plate "should be" mounted, if so equipped from the manufacturer...rear plate "must be" permanently attached and lighted so it's visible from at least 50 ft to the far, no tickets...
Last edited by Mgodwin; 01-08-2012 at 01:31 PM. Reason: added text
how the ***** would people know where ur beamer or quattro is registered ??