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eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

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Old 10-22-2007, 05:31 AM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

Now THAT's a propper eFight! Just remember guys, KEEP IT HERE! Don't let it spill out into other threads, please!

Call 'em out, bring 'em to the "room" and spew your bile. Roll up your sleeves and type 'til yout fingers bleed. If we can keep it in here, I think I can convince the powers that be that it's all in good fun and keep anyone from getting VTB'd.

Cartoon cussin' ONLY!

Oh, and NO THREATS!!! (note to self: go back and add that to teh rules)

Bring your "A" game 'cuz us spectators deserve nuthin' less.

Trash-talk, innuendo, whateva it takes to make your point and verbally BEAT 'EM DOWN!!!

Ever played teh DOZENS?!?!? Well, this is just like that, with a wider audience.

Old 10-22-2007, 10:31 AM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

I have updated THE RULES
Old 10-22-2007, 10:43 AM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

At least take the time to address all my posts seperately.. jesus. But ok, I'll sort this mess out.

ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx
Wow, you took rounds one, two and three, ran with them, jumped off a bridge, and then sat on the rocks in the river below crying about your boo-boo's.
Or you could say I defended myself from false statements and lies. And then bashed back and made your sorry a$$ "boo-hoo"

ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx
My A4 has about 55k miles, how many does your's have? And you don't autocross or attend any legit events with your car because you're scared of getting your a$$ handed to you by some 16 year old in a Cooper S. You'd be a typical gun owner like they talk about in Shoot 'Em Up all the time, because you're just a pu$$y with a gun. And I'll bet your horribly untrained driving scared the bejeezus out of Jeff. I get scared when some punk is driving and you can just feel it in the car when they don't know what they are doing.
Thats actually fairly impressive mileage wise. Mine just hit the 50k mark, but in reality hit the 2k mark. Everything was fully replaced and certified, including the turbo. And I don't autocross cause I'm not a god damn moron, we drive an Audi A4 pal, with 170HP... you can beat around the bush all you want, and claim AWD >> all you want. But no matter which way you look at it, its a family sedan (Until modded otherwise) Accept it. Get something else and do it properly if anything.

Yeah, you know me. You know how I deal with real life issues and conflict. Good call

And yeah, I hadn't been on those backroads a million times and learned what my car does on my own, I wouldn't try to push any new limits with a passenger in the car. Thats stupid, I have more common sense then that. But I still may have given him a scare[8D]

ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx
And keep 'praying' for me, you give all your religious nutjob brethrin a bad name!
I'm not religious, I used "Pray" as a general comment... as in a think your a huge douchebag and with all my heart I hope you change.

ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx
Besides, what's you're defenition of 'doing it right' in an autocross? I already have the ultimate autocross car, i.e. my Miata. So, if there's autocrossing any other right way, feel free to let me know since you're the worlds foremost expert.
Yeah I will agree. That is doing it right, lol @ you shoving your little B5 sedan in there though. Get outta here.

ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx
Although, I gotta hand it to you. What has it been, three months since you drove into anything? The curbs really appreciate it.
Hmm.. Not suprised. More twisted information. Your wife must LOVE you, I really hope you don't do this in real life and with friends and stuff.[]

I was in an inclined parking spot, been there a hundred times.. Small parking curb infront of me. I apparently parked to far into the space (Not over the curb, or even touching it) but when I went to reverse I rolled forward a bit since its stick. Reversed maybe a split second later but my bumper had gone over the small curb. And when I reversed it tore' er off[:'(] Fun times for me, luckily my new bumper is the USP sport one and I'm putting a custom mesh grill setup into it. Looks amazing!
Old 10-23-2007, 02:01 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

Maybe you don't autocross, because you can't drive. There's no reason not to auto-x an A4, because it's more about skill rather than speed. Which is something you can't seem to grasp. You've proven that you have extremely limited skill behind the wheel, because of your careless mishap with the curb.

Once you learn how to drive, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Oh, and I'm not married yet, but my lady loves me just the same. In real life, I go racing with my friends in my cars, or dumping brass down at the range. Try again, because you're hilarious!
Old 10-23-2007, 08:00 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx

Maybe you don't autocross, because you can't drive. There's no reason not to auto-x an A4, because it's more about skill rather than speed. Which is something you can't seem to grasp. You've proven that you have extremely limited skill behind the wheel, because of your careless mishap with the curb.

Once you learn how to drive, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Oh, and I'm not married yet, but my lady loves me just the same. In real life, I go racing with my friends in my cars, or dumping brass down at the range. Try again, because you're hilarious!
Thats such a stupid statement that you just feed off. Which is pathetic, lets see.. a few reasons to not auto-x an A4.

1) Its an Audi A4
2) Its heavy
3) Its a luxury sedan
4) Its an audi?
5) Not a ton of power, especially outside of boost (Low RPMS)
6) Just cause its AWD doesn't mean its meant for Auto-X

Its essentially the bare minimum of what you should be using to auto-x with, especially fully stock and beat like yours.

I'm not doubting it takes skill to beat cars that should beat you, but its still the wrong car for that particular event.

I've proven I can't drive? One thing that doesn't even qualify as an accident? I'll admit it was retarded but it was totally unlucky for that to have taken place, besides its happened to many people on the Zine so its not uncommon. Our cars sit low, I technically did notihing wrong and was hardly even "Driving" I was only backing out. But alright.

And alright, sounds like a blast. I'm glad your friends can deal with you. Now..I didnt start this ***-fest and I'd rather not be involved, cause theres only one *** here and its the person who "called me out" so.. can we be done? Cause i'm tired of reading your BS.
Old 10-23-2007, 08:25 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)


ORIGINAL: cyberlogicx

Maybe you don't autocross, because you can't drive. There's no reason not to auto-x an A4, because it's more about skill rather than speed. Which is something you can't seem to grasp. You've proven that you have extremely limited skill behind the wheel, because of your careless mishap with the curb.

Once you learn how to drive, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Oh, and I'm not married yet, but my lady loves me just the same. In real life, I go racing with my friends in my cars, or dumping brass down at the range. Try again, because you're hilarious!
Thats such a stupid statement that you just feed off. Which is pathetic, lets see.. a few reasons to not auto-x an A4.

1) Its an Audi A4
2) Its heavy
3) Its a luxury sedan
4) Its an audi?
5) Not a ton of power, especially outside of boost (Low RPMS)
6) Just cause its AWD doesn't mean its meant for Auto-X

Its essentially the bare minimum of what you should be using to auto-x with, especially fully stock and beat like yours.

I'm not doubting it takes skill to beat cars that should beat you, but its still the wrong car for that particular event.

I've proven I can't drive? One thing that doesn't even qualify as an accident? I'll admit it was retarded but it was totally unlucky for that to have taken place, besides its happened to many people on the Zine so its not uncommon. Our cars sit low, I technically did notihing wrong and was hardly even "Driving" I was only backing out. But alright.

And alright, sounds like a blast. I'm glad your friends can deal with you. Now..I didnt start this ***-fest and I'd rather not be involved, cause theres only one *** here and its the person who "called me out" so.. can we be done? Cause i'm tired of reading your BS.
The club I run with has seen Jettas rocking five passengers during runs, at least one Eurovan, local police, rally cars that completely suck for tarmac runs, and a class-dominating 1989 VW Cabrio. You've once again proven that you know nothing about our cars and autocrossing in general because a day of autocross is about the same as driving 150-200 miles, tops. I seem to know another heavy, awd, sluggish, german luxury car that runs well in class, the BMW 3xi series.

I'll give you a few reasons to autocross an A4.
1. You can safely push your car to find it's limits as a machine
2. You can safely push yourself to find your limits as a driver
3. You can train yourself to be able to drive your car to the extremes
4. It's a challenge to try and run a car that is pretty low in its class
5. It's a blast to show up the cocky kid driving the '06 STi who doesn't know how to drive (of course, you'd be the one who would still lose to him)

You called me a f@g. That's real mature. I'd cry, but my lady gave me a really nice ******* today so I'm in a good mood.
Old 10-23-2007, 08:46 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

OK, let's watch the name-calling.

amze, you dint call it, directly, so I dint delete your post, but, name-calling ALWAYS gets peoples dander up!

I'm just sayin, if you can't come up with better insults than having to resort to name-calling, the referee (who volunteered to ref, again?!?!?) may hafta TOSS you outta the room...
Old 10-23-2007, 08:57 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

Lol! Amze got served by Jazz!
Old 10-25-2007, 04:10 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

All right, since I managed to show Amze up so good he's left the forum, who's next?
Old 10-25-2007, 04:12 PM
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Default RE: eFIGHTS!!! (bring 'em HERE!)

what??? Amze got pwnd by the NRA nancy in the dancing car??? say it isn't so!

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