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Did Audi Make Vehicles For the Nazi's? Answer : Yes!

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Old 06-30-2006, 07:21 PM
NightFlight's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

[quote]ORIGINAL: NightFlight

BMW, Bavarian Motor Works made aircraft engines for WWI and later Hitler’s Luftwaffe. Ergo their still existing Roundel “Blau Mit Weiss” (blue with white, to signify sky and clouds) Until 1941 they also made those great sidecar bikes we saw the Wermacht cruising around in..

[quote]ORIGINAL: SilverSeven

It's is also supposed to represent a spinning propeller..

I knew that! LOL Thanks for jogging my memory SS, it's been a while since my BMW days..

[quote]ORIGINAL: pturbo

The world is very tied together now. If the US sneezes, then everybody catches cold. If German bankers take a certain stance, it can have far reaching effects. If the Japanese real estate market tumbles, it can change things here as well. I think that is the nature of global markets and not so much that we defeated these countries in war. The fact that we helped to rebuild the conquored with a democratic tradition after the war is to our everlasting credit and we now benefit greatly from those past acts of thoughtfulness. We would do well to remember this with regards to Iraq.

Indeed. Well said pturbo. You are a thoughtful man, my Audi friend.
Old 06-30-2006, 07:38 PM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

Those that know me KNEW this was coming, dintCha?


Everyone seems to forget that before there was slavery in America there was slavery in Europe(seen gladiators?), SA, Asia, Africa (who do you think built the pryamids).
<AWD - Yabbut, the conversation was about Slavery in America, right? Did you also know that there are Volcanoes in Hawaii?>

AWD its nice that you know what slavery is but were you a slave?
<AWD - Not sure that it's germain to MY point, but, since you asked, No, never was, and hope to never be>
There are alot of americans who were force to do what they didn't want to do. It was called the draft. I had a great-grandfather who died in the war, he was drafted. Should I get free stuff from the government? I would like to but I'm not. They already paid their debt to my great-grandmother. The government gave your ancestors their freedom is that not enough?
<AWD - Again, unsure of the relevancy, or where you're going with this, but, if we're going THAT route, then, your pile of free stuff for Grandfathers, and Fathers who were drafted will equal mine. Which is as it should be, IMHO>
Obviously not because you don't value freedom enough since you have never been w/o it.
<AWD - Again, by using YOUR standard, YOU, TOO have no value to place on freedom, now do you? I find it surprising that you have taken it upon yourself to speak for MY value system. Isn't that a bit presumptious of you? *I* would never presume to speak for any other persons value system. But, then, I'm better than you (ouch!)>

I made the above quote directed at the whole 40 acre/mule comment. While you were joking, this is infact the view of some people who are lobbying congress for it. When I say you its more a general comment.
<AWD - Bear in mind that I NEVER have, and will NEVER ask for a handout from ANY Man or entity. I stand or fall on my OWN abilities. However, it is common knowledge that there are other ethnicities interested in reparations for past injustices visited upon them by those that PROFITTED from those SAME injustices. If they have been deemed, by U.S. Congressional decree, and those of other International tribunals, why shouldn't others who have suffered INJUSTICE (Not service to ones country, as in the Military, mind you... DUH!)? The argument that the cost of such reparations be too great doesn't hold water. Never did, never will. IF an injustice has been done, and payments made, shouldn't access to the largess be doled out equitably? Or, is skin color a pertinent factor? I don't think it should be, but I have only the actions of the world at large on which to base my observations.>

I'd be willing to bet that YOU get to walk into a store or resturant ANYWHERE in America without causing a scene, don't you?
What is a scene? people looking at you or people pulling a knife and starting a fight?
<AWD - A scene is Women pulling their children OUT of stores and resturaunts. A scene is Clerks walking away from their register when I'm next in line, and returning only after someone else has waited on me. A scene is when, as you mentioned below, heads SNAP around and conversation STOPS for the duration of my visit to a commercial establishment. A scene is when I'm FOLLOWED around a store. Not to ask if they can be of assistance but, simply to monitor my activites. A scene is the WAY I'm looked at. Not as a customer, or a person, but as a THING. Walk a mile, as you say you have in Gary, or STFU.>

Way to be sterotypical and think that just because someone isn't you they have life better than you. Kilo was trying to say that while slavery caused alot of people suffering there are other things out there that contiune to cause problems. Namely gang and drug violence.
<AWD - In his post Kilo EQUATED the strife and poverty of immigrant America in the teens and twentys with Slavery. My contention is they were nothing alike. Nothing you've put forth in YOUR diatribe has done anything to change my opinion. As far as quality of life goes... I tend to think I do alright, mon frere. $1000.00/month in support payments for the last 4-5 years and I still make enough to live off of. Not living HIGH, mind you, but I ain't hurtin, if you know what I mean. I speak three languages, and am casually working on #'s 4 & 5 in my spare time. Lived for the better part of a decade-and-a-half in Europe. Owned a Porsche, a few BMW's, even a very nice 175mph Opel, in my time. BTW, I din't see anyting in Kilo's post about Gangs or Drug Violence. Are you sure we were reading teh same post?>

Ever heard of Gary Indiana?
<AWD - Why, yes, I have heard of Gary, IN. Thanks for asking>
Highest murder rate a couple years ago.
<AWD - So what? I grew up in a place very much LIKE Gary, and, FWIW, we, too, held that distinction for MORE than a couple of years. Ever hear of Detroit? And, notice I dint even hafta include which state it's located in for you to recognize it, diddeye?>
Guess where yours truely got to take his S.A.T's at?
<AWD - Just a shot in the dark (no pun intended), but, I'm guessing the WHITE side of Gary...>
Just so happens that there are a lot of people with dark skin that live there and I of lighter skin was in fact a minority.
<AWD - As what used to be termed a Mulatto, I faced, and STILL face descrimination from Blacks as well as Whites. Doubly so because I am well spoken. I'm not impressed by this particular part of your Curriculum Vitae. What, you want a hug to help you get over it? Are you still in Gary? Because, I STILL live in an environment where I'm CONSTANTLY the Minority. Again, I'm not impressed.>
Did i feel uncomfortable? Hell yeah I did, i was different after all. I walked into the room and everybody looked up. They look up no matter who walks in anyway. But since I don't know that I'll assume they all looked up because of my skin color. So I sat down, talked a little with the person next to me. Everyone else in the room continued their conversations and i'll assume it was bad stuff about me since i couldn't hear what they were saying.
<AWD - see my comments, above, concerning the LACK of a resumption of "normalcy." If you experienced ANY of that, you get one (1), but ONLY 1 point. You're STILL suckin hind-teat>

So why don't you help some kid from becoming a drugie, drug dealer, gangsta and get an education, job, and become a contribution to society instead of thowing out the slavery card when you have a bad day.
<AWD - Actually, I do voulnteer my time, AND money, to helping young adults in my neighborhood, irrespective of their skin color, achieve knowledge and skills that will help them in a life away from teh streets. But, thanks for assuming that us Minorities DON'T try to help others. Who's passing around stereotypes, now? As far as the slavery card goes, Bitch PLEASE! You don't know me. fv<&n newb! I challenge YOU to find ANY post, in THIS, or ANY OTHER forum, where I claim ANY special consideration because some of my ancestors were slaves. Other of my ancestors ruled entire Nations and roamed the American Mountains and Plains living in harmony with the land and nature while yours were eeking out an existance in caves.>

On another note:

Sterotypes are a problem for everybody and come from every aspect of life. It just so happens that the first thing you see about a person is what they look like. So your brain is already trying to figure out this person and weather its a friend/foe and the whole fight/flight deal embedded in everyones brain. If you spend 2 years reading the paper. 10% of the time you see a "red-neck" looking mans picture for beating/rape his wife/gf. Now none of the pictures of mayors, athletes, or good samaritans look like that. To you 100% of "red-neck" men are evil. If you are a woman and a "red-neck" guy comes up and starts talking to you what do you do?

I'd hate to sound harsh but these forums are not the best way to express oneself.
<AWD - I'll have you know that some of my best friends are admitted "Necks." Damn proud of it, too. I'd die for them, if needs be, and they'd do the same for me. Comes with the Uniforms we all wore. I applaud the diversity that America has (almost) always been. I would die defending that diversity, too, if needs be. Rednecks aren't teh ONLY stereotypes that people buy into, as you seem to well know. As an "African-American/Native-American, who also happens to be Muslim, I have spent much of my life, both as a child, teen, and adult railing against those stereotypes but, you know what? Stereotypes BECOME stereotypes for a reason. And, I believe that THIS forum is as good a place as any to talk them over. You come across as young, and still exploring they world you're discovering. True? No matter. I enjoyed this little tete-a-tete. I got to use some words I don't often have use for. For that I thank you.>
What is a scene? people looking at you or people pulling a knife and starting a fight?
<AWD - A scene is Women pulling their children OUT of stores and resturaunts. A scene is Clerks walking away from their register when I'm next in line, and returning only after someone else has waited on me. A scene is when, as you mentioned below, heads SNAP around and conversation STOPS for the duration of my visit to a commercial establishment. A scene is when I'm FOLLOWED around a store. Not to ask if they can be of assistance but, simply to monitor my activites. A scene is the WAY I'm looked at. Not as a customer, or a person, but as a THING. Walk a mile, as you say you have in Gary, or STFU.>

***I neglected to mention that the above situation happend IN your neck (again, no pun intended) of teh woods, Chingy. Bloomington, IN, during teh summer months, when all teh Jocks were back at their summer homes, in the Poconos, Co Sprngs, Palm Beach, and places like that... Oddly enough, once school let back in (Bloomington, IN is home to IU, for thopse that dint already know), no one seemed to consider me a Leper anymore. I wonder why THAT is?***

Old 06-30-2006, 10:18 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!


AF Noobs--0.

So there's more to ya than intentional misspellings and gentle sarcasm...

What better way is there to collect your thoughts than writing them down? The forums are an extremely good way to express your opinion in an ordered, cohesive, intelligent way. I don't think I'm the only one who is more articulate in writing than verbally.
Old 06-30-2006, 10:52 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!



AF Noobs--0.

So there's more to ya than intentional misspellings and gentle sarcasm...

What better way is there to collect your thoughts than writing them down? The forums are an extremely good way to express your opinion in an ordered, cohesive, intelligent way. I don't think I'm the only one who is more articulate in writing than verbally.
Nope, I are, two
Old 07-03-2006, 12:46 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

good thread, good read. thanks for the entertainment guys.

and i have to agree with yuik, yet again...jazz gets the medal in this comp.
Old 07-03-2006, 01:14 PM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

Thank you! Next time I shall endevour to complete my monologues without resorting to profanity, as I did, here. I regret that neither Chingy, nor the thread originator, chose to rejoin the debate. I do, however, look forward to picking on newbs, again, whenever the opportunity arises, and ignorance reigns.

<bows, deeply, rises erect and walks humbly to exit, stage right>
Old 07-03-2006, 10:33 PM
bluovalguy's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

That was one of the best reads of the day.

NOTE TO SELF: Never start arguement with Jazz

Old 07-03-2006, 11:23 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!


<bows, deeply, rises erect and walks humbly to exit, stage right>
I understand you, I always rise erect when I win arguements.
Old 07-04-2006, 12:28 AM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

Thanks for bringing back my favorite Archer, my friend.

Yeah, mmm, that sentence read better in my head than it does on the screen, huh?
Old 07-04-2006, 12:37 AM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

wasnt it also hitler that approved VWs beetle and used it extensivly through out the army? IM pretty sure he also came up with the idea of the autobahn and also used it as an emergency air strip.

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