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Did Audi Make Vehicles For the Nazi's? Answer : Yes!

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Old 06-30-2006, 03:16 PM
pturbo's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

ORIGINAL: NightFlight

BMW, Bavarian Motor Works made aircraft engines for WWI and later Hitler’s Luftwaffe. Ergo their still existing Roundel “Blau Mit Weiss” (blue with white, to signify sky and clouds) Until 1941 they also made those great sidecar bikes we saw the Wermacht cruising around in..

ORIGINAL: pturbo

Let's not forget Volkswagon and Mercedes. I don't know much about BMW history. Porsche was all post-war, but he did work for Volkswagon. But does any of that matter? The entire German nation was at war with the world. Mistubishi made some of the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor. Should I go beat up a random ricer over it?

Hmmmmm, actually that's not such a bad idea.
Yeah, that's right. I've heard some of that before on the Discovery Channel, but I had forgotten it. I believe that all BMW drivers today are secret members of the Wermacht.
Old 06-30-2006, 03:19 PM
pturbo's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

AWD - I think Kilo was not so much comparing the two (slavery/plight of immigrants) as he was trying to highlight the suffering of said immigrants. Then again, I could be wrong.
Old 06-30-2006, 03:27 PM
SP4NK3R's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

We need a rant of the week!!!!! I vote for AWDaholic!!!![sm=goodidea.gif]


Nice rant!




Did you know America was build, fundamentally, on teh backs of endentured servants, and, later, through teh use of Slave labor? Where's my 40 acres & my frikkin Mule?
Everyone seems to think that after slavery there was no more suffering in America. What about the massive numbers of European servants who came to this country because of starvation/disease/poverty only to be treated like **** here? Families worked 6 days a week doing 12+ hours in horrible and unsafe conditions(if they were lucky to find a job). And when the father of the household got injured and couldn't work the children had to start winning the bread nomatter how young they were or else the family starved(that is if the children werent abandoned to fend for themselves). If thats not slavery I don't know what is.
Hey, Kilo, not tryn to be funny but, I was tryN to be funny in my first post. Given the facts you've shared with us, no, you don't know what slavery is.


~came to this country...
"Came," not brought. Their voyage was voluntary. And, they came as passengers, not CARGO.


~Families worked 6 days a week...
Only six, huh? They had it easy, I'd say. They got a day off.


~if they were lucky to find a job...
A "paying" job. Which they had teh freedom to go out and look for, from a home or apartment (regardles of how slum-like itmay have been) that they had at least a modium of choice in obtaining, I'd bet. Not the LEAST of which was, again, their CHOICE to come to America in the first place.


~And when the father of the household got injured and couldn't work ...
Generally, as "property," not "people," slaves who were injured and couldn't work, or otherwise contribute to the welfare/wellbeing of their OWNERS were shot, hanged, or otherwise discarded, if they couldn't be SOLD to recoup some of the intrinsic value they held as "property."


~the children had to start winning the bread nomatter how young they were or else the family starved...
As soon as they were old enough to walk, and carry, and pull, or cook, or clean, or whatever else was needed, CHILDREN wer PUT to work, right beside their Fathers, and Mothers, and Sisters, and Brothers, ALL of whom were AREADY being USED as PROPERTY to the betterment of their OWNERS.


~that is if the children werent abandoned to fend for themselves...
Slave children we often TAKEN from their families shortly after being weened from their Mothers teat, and sold or abandoned when their OWNERS' needed cash, or were otherwise unable to support anothe Slave mouth to feed.



Did you know America was build, fundamentally, on teh backs of endentured servants, and, later, through teh use of Slave labor? Where's my 40 acres & my frikkin Mule?
What about the massive numbers of European servants who came to this country because of starvation/disease/poverty only to be treated like **** here?
I'd be willing to bet that YOU get to walk into a store or resturuant ANYWHERE in America without causing a scene, don't you? I'm 40-something-FV<&ing years old and, YES, there are STILL entire REGIONS of this, MY COUNTRY of birth, where heads turn and conversations STOP simply because I had the temerity to enter a particular establishment. And, truthfully, it AIN'T because I so damned GOOD looking... Treated like ****?!?!? Ever been the subject of a felony stop JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE DRIVING A BIG, FLASHY Audi A8, in an economically depressed section of your Nations capital? Do you even KNOW what a FELONY STOP IS? Treated like ****?!?!? Do you HAVE to come in ealier, and stay later, than all those of more amelorated ethnicities, not to get ahead, but simply to stay employed? Treated like ****?!?!? Were your ancestors driven from the land they've LIVED ON FOR CENTURIES, as half of mine were, simply because those who "discovered" (and, honestly, how do you "discover" a place that already has people living on it?) it considered you way of living within the means of the natural world around you to be SAVAGES?

Again, Kilo, I'm not tryN to be funny, buy, NO, you DON'T know what Slavery REALLY is, apparently... Your analogy doesn't even come CLOSE to comparing. Apples and Oranges might both come from a tree, and be characterzed as fruit, but, they aren't the same, now are they? You are comparing Apples to Oranges and THAT particular sponge is too holey to hold even a drop of water. I could drive a truck through the gaps in your knowledge, and I haven't been in a school that offers that kind of knowledgs since the late 80's. You've got a LOT of catch-up reading to do, my frined.
Old 06-30-2006, 03:43 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!


Really long message..


Old 06-30-2006, 04:05 PM
NightFlight's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

LOL Yeah, there was a time when I too....

[quote]ORIGINAL: pturbo
Yeah, that's right. I've heard some of that before on the Discovery Channel, but I had forgotten it. I believe that all BMW drivers today are secret members of the Wermacht.
Old 06-30-2006, 04:35 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

ORIGINAL: pturbo

AWD - I think Kilo was not so much comparing the two (slavery/plight of immigrants) as he was trying to highlight the suffering of said immigrants. Then again, I could be wrong.
That's what *I* thought, too, at first, then I read:

~If thats not slavery I don't know what is.


We need a rant of the week!!!!! I vote for AWDaholic!!!![sm=goodidea.gif]


Nice rant!

Thank you. Thank You Very Much! I'd like to thank everyone who made this all possible... I'd LIKE to, but I'm NOT GONNA!!! HA!

hey Kilo. Nothing personal, right. Sometimes small things set us off.
Old 06-30-2006, 05:22 PM
SilverSeven's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

ORIGINAL: NightFlight

BMW, Bavarian Motor Works made aircraft engines for WWI and later Hitler’s Luftwaffe. Ergo their still existing Roundel “Blau Mit Weiss” (blue with white, to signify sky and clouds) Until 1941 they also made those great sidecar bikes we saw the Wermacht cruising around in..
It's is also supposed to represent a spinning propeller..

ORIGINAL: pturbo

Let's not forget Volkswagon and Mercedes. I don't know much about BMW history. Porsche was all post-war, but he did work for Volkswagon. But does any of that matter? The entire German nation was at war with the world. Mistubishi made some of the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor. Should I go beat up a random ricer over it?

Hmmmmm, actually that's not such a bad idea.
I do find it amusing that many of the countries which we have defeated are countries that we are now economically reliant on, and economically dependant in Japan's case.
Old 06-30-2006, 05:25 PM
Chingy's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

Everyone seems to forget that before there was slavery in America there was slavery in Europe(seen gladiators?), SA, Asia, Africa (who do you think built the pryamids).

AWD its nice that you know what slavery is but were you a slave?
There are alot of americans who were force to do what they didn't want to do. It was called the draft. I had a great-grandfather who died in the war, he was drafted. Should I get free stuff from the government? I would like to but I'm not. They already paid their debt to my great-grandmother. The government gave your ancestors their freedom is that not enough? Obviously not because you don't value freedom enough since you have never been w/o it.

I made the above quote directed at the whole 40 acre/mule comment. While you were joking, this is infact the view of some people who are lobbying congress for it. When I say you its more a general comment.

I'd be willing to bet that YOU get to walk into a store or resturuant ANYWHERE in America without causing a scene, don't you?
What is a scene? people looking at you or people pulling a knife and starting a fight?

Way to be sterotypical and think that just because someone isn't you they have life better than you. Kilo was trying to say that while slavery caused alot of people suffering there are other things out there that contiune to cause problems. Namely gang and drug violence.

Ever heard of Gary Indiana? Highest murder rate a couple years ago. Guess where yours truely got to take his S.A.T's at? Just so happens that there are a lot of people with dark skin that live there and I of lighter skin was in fact a minority. Did i feel uncomfortable? Hell yeah I did, i was different after all. I walked into the room and everybody looked up. They look up no matter who walks in anyway. But since I don't know that I'll assume they all looked up because of my skin color. So I sat down, talked a little with the person next to me. Everyone else in the room continued their conversations and i'll assume it was bad stuff about me since i couldn't hear what they were saying.

So why don't you help some kid from becoming a drugie, drug dealer, gangsta and get an education, job, and become a contribution to society instead of thowing out the slavery card when you have a bad day.

On another note:

Sterotypes are a problem for everybody and come from every aspect of life. It just so happens that the first thing you see about a person is what they look like. So your brain is already trying to figure out this person and weather its a friend/foe and the whole fight/flight deal embedded in everyones brain. If you spend 2 years reading the paper. 10% of the time you see a "red-neck" looking mans picture for beating/rape his wife/gf. Now none of the pictures of mayors, athletes, or good samaritans look like that. To you 100% of "red-neck" men are evil. If you are a woman and a "red-neck" guy comes up and starts talking to you what do you do?

I'd hate to sound harsh but these forums are not the best way to express oneself.
Old 06-30-2006, 05:28 PM
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

AWDaholic is the final winner because hes good
Old 06-30-2006, 06:22 PM
pturbo's Avatar
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Default RE: Did Audi Make Vehicles For the ****'s? Answer : Yes!

ORIGINAL: SilverSeven

ORIGINAL: NightFlight

BMW, Bavarian Motor Works made aircraft engines for WWI and later Hitler’s Luftwaffe. Ergo their still existing Roundel “Blau Mit Weiss” (blue with white, to signify sky and clouds) Until 1941 they also made those great sidecar bikes we saw the Wermacht cruising around in..
It's is also supposed to represent a spinning propeller..

ORIGINAL: pturbo

Let's not forget Volkswagon and Mercedes. I don't know much about BMW history. Porsche was all post-war, but he did work for Volkswagon. But does any of that matter? The entire German nation was at war with the world. Mistubishi made some of the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor. Should I go beat up a random ricer over it?

Hmmmmm, actually that's not such a bad idea.
I do find it amusing that many of the countries which we have defeated are countries that we are now economically reliant on, and economically dependant in Japan's case.
The world is very tied together now. If the US sneezes, then everybody catches cold. If German bankers take a certain stance, it can have far reaching effects. If the Japanese real estate market tumbles, it can change things here as well. I think that is the nature of global markets and not so much that we defeated these countries in war. The fact that we helped to rebuild the conquored with a democratic tradition after the war is to our everlasting credit and we now benefit greatly from those past acts of thoughtfulness. We would do well to remember this with regards to Iraq.

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