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Old 04-02-2007, 04:47 PM
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Default RE: CAR SURVEY! Get to know us and our cars.

ORIGINAL: veloracer

OK... so I admit that I was wrong about some of your sources. I didn't know about The Lancet. I looked over their site, and it looks similar to what JAMA is doing. But the Lancet is not subject to peer review, whereas JAMA is, which makes JAMA articles more credible than Lancet articles. It looks like The Lancet has lots of good info on their site though. As far as the legality of marijuana, I think it's more a taxation issue. I'm sure the U.S. government knows about the pros/cons of marijuana, they just haven't figured out how to tax the stuff. IMO, when the government figures out how to tax the stuff properly and fairly, I think it's only a matter of time before marijuana gets legalized. Getting back to articles, I'd be more inclined to trust a JAMA article than I would a Lancet article.

BTW, shouldn't this discussion belong in its own thread?
Chaos, I applaud you for spending all this time providing us with articles relating to marijuana.

PS... I just did a search on JAMA relating to marijuana, and the articles I found on JAMA seem to contradict articles found on The Lancet. Who's right? Lancet? JAMA? I dunno. I think people believe what they want to believe. I'm sure there's valid arguments both for & against the stuff. I would agree with Belligerence on this issue though.
lol ya it should. i posted a thread a while ago about weed. maybe time to bring it back. about the whole legalizing issue. it has nothing to do with health issues. if tha were the case alcohol and tobacco wouldn't be legal. i also dont think its about the money. were spending over $20 billion right now because of weed (probly more)(drug war, prosecuting offenders, etc...) but if we legalized it the gov't would be making money. i think the only reason it isn't legalized is because of the lack of info about it. the gov't has done a good job of convincing the american people that drugs are bad and if you smoke weed your whole life is now gona suck. so those people object to having it legalized and they are the majority as of right now. however recently more and more people are learning about it and realizing it isn't what the gov't makes it out to be. and soon we will become the majority. a lot of states have legalized/decriminalized weed and a lot of the rest of the world already accepts it use as a recreational drug (much like alcohol and tobacco). so its not far off.

as for the whole JAMA/Lancet thing. like i said above not much is known about weed and its properties (much like tobacco was in the beginning). different groups are doing different studies. some articles are older than others and newer ones have brought newer things to light. it is FACT that marijuana smoke (lets be clear on that part, its only the smoke that contains the carcinogens, using a vaporizer you dont get any) contains about the same amount of tar as a cigarette (1 gram joint= 1 gram cigarette). if you dont think so there are plenty of sources that list what is in each, one of which i listed in a previous post. the debate about the health issues comes with if it is actually the tar that causes cancer. there are arguements both ways on this one. even if i gave the other side of this arguement the benefit of the doubt and it was the tar that was causing cancer, there is still no way you can smoke as much weed as people do cigarettes. like i said you would have to smoke nearly an ounce a day to compare to an average smoker. nobody smokes that much weed. and that IF tar does cause cancer. and i've read a bunch of articles that prove it is not the tar that causes it. so i stand strong in what i've said.

ps- see not all weed smokers are idiots[8D]
Old 04-02-2007, 04:50 PM
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Default RE: CAR SURVEY! Get to know us and our cars.

ORIGINAL: luckystrike

O.k. daughter, sure, let's talk about it...

I do drink alcohol. Quite a bit, actually.

I'm not here to debate whether it's better for you than marijuana or not. I don't know. Neither do you.

Putting your child aside, do you ever think about the damage that you could do to your husband if you're caught?

What is he? Army?

That's a BCD for him if you're caught. Do you realize this?

I'm not here to argue about it, it just bothers me. I have no problem with marijuana. I'm not a user, but I have no issue with those who do. What DOES bother me is when people such as yourself do it with total disregard for those around you.
dude, how is she gona get caught if it is LEGAL where she lives?
Old 04-02-2007, 06:32 PM
zrwhat's Avatar
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hi mom, this is an audi forum, do you have one
if not get the **** back, lol
i dont worry about you or my husband.
this is my life, my choices, not yours to worry about
so how about, you go get your own life, and stay out of mine
thank you

oh, and if you want to talk about audis, ill be here, but this is a car survey topic, and i will not condon ppl
getting My topics off track, thank you
so how about this,
you can be mrs smart, like you are
and make your own marijuana topic, how about that?

one more question, how is MY business a CONCERN of yours?
just wondeing, GROW UP, and get your OWN life

oh ya, sounds like you have a problem getting *****
Old 04-02-2007, 07:10 PM
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OK, enough with the name gratutiuos calling, CHILDREN. If you're going to call someone a name, make it original. Put a little thought into it. MAKE ME LAUGH, fercryinoutloud!!! Otherwise I'll just hafta lock this and force you to resort to name callin via PM

And, for GOOD measure...


Old 04-02-2007, 07:18 PM
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pwn that dog lol this is funny to read
Old 04-02-2007, 07:29 PM
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Default RE: CAR SURVEY! Get to know us and our cars.

Yeah, the toker-war is funny, but, 'Nessa and some new guy are about to elevate to "I-dare-you-NOT-to-ban-me" status...
Old 04-02-2007, 09:56 PM
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WTF? Shoot the dog and everybody mind your business. This isnt high school, its an online forums where everyone is as good as an artificialy inteligent BOT. There is no point in getting personal with anyone so luckystrike, shut your hole, and everyone else just go about your biznaz. Dayum.
Old 04-02-2007, 10:27 PM
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Default RE: CAR SURVEY! Get to know us and our cars.

ORIGINAL: onepoint8tee

WTF? Shoot the dog and everybody mind your business. This isnt high school, its an online forums where everyone is as good as an artificialy inteligent BOT. There is no point in getting personal with anyone so luckystrike, shut your hole, and everyone else just go about your biznaz. Dayum.
agree 100%, but in all fairness vanessa should probably know better than to take it one step further by resorting to name calling. I think most of us are adults here aren't we?

chaos - I was just reading some of the articles you linked to, and I must say that I'm intrigued. I really didn't know that there was that much conflicting information out there. one point I will make though is the issue of marijuana being a "gateway drug". in other words, if little johnny thinks it's ok to try weed, what's stopping him from trying acid when he's bored with blunts? when acid isn't fun anymore, well there's always meth, right?
Old 04-02-2007, 11:05 PM
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Default RE: CAR SURVEY! Get to know us and our cars.

ORIGINAL: Belligerenceā„¢

chaos - I was just reading some of the articles you linked to, and I must say that I'm intrigued. I really didn't know that there was that much conflicting information out there. one point I will make though is the issue of marijuana being a "gateway drug". in other words, if little johnny thinks it's ok to try weed, what's stopping him from trying acid when he's bored with blunts? when acid isn't fun anymore, well there's always meth, right?
ya i was reading some articles in JAMA that conflicted with some of my points.
Most cannabis research within the USA is funded by government agencies who in turn publish position papers citing research studies that spotlight the negative consequences of cannabis use. In light of this, some people question whether these agencies make an honest effort to present an accurate, unbiased summary of the evidence, or whether they "cherry-pick" their data, and others caution that the raw data, and not the final hypothesis, is what should be examined.
thats the best reason i found as to why there is so much conflicting data. which is why i try to go deeper than just reading something i hear and believing it. and from my experience i have found more to support my claims than reject them. when it comes down to it, we just dont know enough about the substances. everything seems to cause cancer nowadays[&:] so its hard to pinpoint just which carcinogens are the culprits and which are not.

as for the gateway drug thing, i disagree. to some extent it may be true, but shooting up meth and smoking weed are soooooooooo different its not even funny. it pisses me off when some people think that because i smoke weed that im one of those druggies. it takes a certain kind of person to start shooting up meth and heroin or smoking crack. that is a WHOLE nother level of drugs. i stick to weed, alcohol, and every like 6-12 months i'll trip on shrooms (no acid tho). thats the most intense drugs i will do, and most of my friends are the same. they wont touch anything else either. i wont do exstacy because of whats in it, and every other drug is just too hardcore for my tastes. so weed isn't a gateway drug for me or any of my friends. the ones who decide shooting up meth or smoking crack is a good idea are complete fukin morons. weed can be equivalated with alcohol in terms of effects (kinda) except your much more in control of your actions and can function properly. so is alcohol a gateway drug? if anything it is alcohol that first gets some kids to start smoking weed. they start drinking and going to parties cuz its "cool" and then someone at the party has weed and little johhny wants to try some since everyone else is doing it. (this is actually how i started smoking weed BTW)
Old 04-02-2007, 11:11 PM
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