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Old 02-16-2012, 08:28 AM
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Default Ticket postmortem...

Originally Posted by shipo
Thanks for the comments folks; I'll be sure to report back next week after the court appearance.
Promised update on the outcome of my ticket for doing 17 mph in a 35 mph zone.

The judge:

The oversized courtroom was filled with maybe one-hundred individuals with a summons of one form or another, and ranged in age from kids with wet ink still on their license to grannies that learned to drive in a Model T. As instructed we all rose as the judge entered the chambers, and to say he was not a physically beautiful specimen of humanity is a gross understatement. He spoke well, had perfect diction, and was obviously well educated, but geez, to look at him was an assault on the eyes; he was tall, rotund, completely bald, grossly disfigured in both body and face, and had an enormous port-wine stain (you know, the mark on the top of Mikhail Gorbachev's head) running from the top of his head above his left ear down across his left eye, over the bridge of his nose, across the right cheek and jaw, and down to the right side of his neck.

His Honor's opening remarks went something along the lines of, "Today you are all here because you were cited for violating one or more laws. What I expect from each one of you is a declaration of either guilty or not guilty; I do not want to hear any dialog recounting decades of a perfect driving record, extenuating circumstances, officer misconduct, or anything else your creative minds can come up with. I want to hear a plea of guilty, in which case I'll pass sentence, or not guilty in which case I'll have you scheduled for trial; a trial in front of me I might add. Do you all understand?"

He paused while he scanned the room for any sign of a lack of understanding, and then continued, "Mister Prosecutor, please call the first person."
People "not getting it":

Sprinkled within the first twenty or so defendants were folks who just had to do exactly what his Honor told us not to do; kids who wanted to argue, wealthy middle aged folks who brought lawyers who wanted to have the charges summarily dismissed, and little old ladies with certificates showing perfect driving records for decades. They all fell before the wrath of the judge and were all declared guilty. With the opening salvos out of the way, the next fifty or so defendants were like lambs led to the slaughter; all pled guilty, and all were given a fine and points.
My turn:

The prosecutor called my name and I walked up to the bench and faced his Honor. "Mister Shipo, how do you plead?"

"Well you Honor, I'm really not sure."

The violence in his eyes betrayed the flare of anger that had welled up inside of him as he took a deep breath to launch into one of his obviously well rehearsed lectures; then his eyes caught sight of a copy of my ticket and what I was charged with. His face softened (relatively speaking), and both of his hands dropped to either side of my ticket. "Mister Shipo," he said, "I have to agree with you, I'm really not sure how I'd plead either."

He then handed the copy of my ticket to the very confused looking Prosecutor and the double-take he did when took in what was written on my ticket was comical to say the least. The look on the officers face when he saw the ticket he'd written was even more comical as was his immediate reaction to dive through his pile of tickets, just to make sure nothing had been changed.
The verdict:

The Prosecutor returned to the bench and sheepishly said, "The People move to dismiss the charge against Mister Shipo."

"Mister Shipo," the judge said in a loud voice, "you're a very lucky man. Have a wonderful day."

As I was walking out of the court room the look of disbelief painted on the faces of the remaining defendants was priceless.
Old 02-16-2012, 09:09 AM
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nicely done. a bit verbose, but a thoroughly enjoyable read. having spent my fair share of time in various courtrooms (thankfully not as a defendant), your words allowed me to picture the events that transpired perfectly.
Old 02-16-2012, 10:36 AM
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A very interesting read for sure... well written, and very comical.
Old 02-16-2012, 11:15 AM
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Thanks guys, it was kind of a surreal situation to say the least. I've had the "pleasure" of being on both sides of various cases and issues, called to testify for both sides, and even a jury foreman on one occasion; and none of the above quite prepared me for this experience.
Old 02-17-2012, 08:12 AM
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Folks I am so sorry I fell behind. I've been kind of lazy as of lately but I apologize.
Originally Posted by IronCobra53
if a car backfires alot or throws a flame upon downshifting is that reason to get pulled over? if so any idea what the penalty would be?
To the wrong cop that isn't a car fan yes it could be deemed an "Unsafe Vehicle" = Car towed

Originally Posted by RedneckinaSuit
I'm from Canada and I used to travel over the border to the US before 9/11 to go wheeling, camping etc but since then most canadians look at the states as a totaltarian dictatorship almost. Many see these laws being placed in that allow people to be arrested and held indefinitely for suspicion of terrorism.

Can you clarify these laws? Is there any oversight? This kind of stuff makes me nervous, I havent been to the US since 9/11 for this reason. And I miss my wheeling down there lol.
I'm honestly not sure the laws you speak of. It's not that bad down here I promise!

Originally Posted by Ranger_b0b
I have a question for AAC...A while ago, I was traveling home from college (10 hour trip), and I used to use a radar detector. Anyway, I was driving across Michigan's Upper Peninsula (desolate place, beautiful wilderness, depending on your POV) and going through a small town. At the time I wasn't speeding, but I saw a cop, waiting. I tucked the detector under my seat, and as I was doing it, swerved over the line. They ended up pulling me over for crossing the yellow, and it turned into a search, because they found cellophane in my ashtray (full view, as I was a smoker at the time, and it was the cellophane from the top of the pack).

My question is, does that constitute probable cause? I initially refused the search, as I was only about 4 hours into my 10 hour drive, but then they made a comment about towing/impounding my car, and making me wait at the station 2 hours away. In this particular instance, extenuating circumstances probably dictated the officer's response (I had an idiot with me that couldn't keep his mouth shut). If there is probable cause, can they hold me if I refuse the search?
They can't make you wait 2 hrs ect. They can tell what ever they want to scare you. Also the fact that you tucked the radar under the seat is enough to search the car WITH OUT your consent. Now if they have probable cause to search and you refuse to get out now you have an obstruction of justice charge and a new set of bracelets and they are still going to search your car!

@shipo Glad to hear everything worked out. We can amend a ticket after we issue it, to fix things or add charges. and here you CAN be cited and ticketed for 17 in a 35, I hate slow drivers more than I do speeders!
No person shall stop or operate a vehicle, trackless trolley, or street car at such an unreasonably slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when stopping or reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or to comply with law.
Old 02-17-2012, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by AskAcop
@shipo Glad to hear everything worked out. We can amend a ticket after we issue it, to fix things or add charges. and here you CAN be cited and ticketed for 17 in a 35, I hate slow drivers more than I do speeders!

I find that my irritation at other drivers varies by the square of their speed above AND below the posted limit.
Old 06-14-2012, 04:00 PM
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Old 01-20-2013, 01:34 AM
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Old 01-20-2013, 10:42 AM
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^^^Yore ALIVE!!!!!

I thought maybe you had been caught up in some kinda parking-ticket fixing scandle, or sunthin... I remember reading about somthin like that hap'nen in Florida..., or was it Arizona? Well, ONE of those Plains-states, anyway.

Glad to see yore acquitted, and back helping us scofflaws and nere-do-well's beat Da Man, man.
Old 01-20-2013, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by AWDaholic
wow, that's pretty informative. thanks for that. Gotta share that vid with my car tuner friend, he's one of those smart-***-talk-back-to-everyone types... just a matter of time before he gets himself in trouble. LOL

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