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Anyone else get this BULLS***

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Old 05-24-2005, 04:54 PM
Patrick's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

that person is in NO WAY a part of the AF organization. We have been having problems with this at a few places, and we are working on fixing it. you guys are all smart enough to know that this isnt real but some site members are not that bright...
Old 05-24-2005, 11:29 PM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

Something else that ought to be mentioned, Patrick, is that, for the last 3-5 days, 2-3 times a day, someone does a SERIOUS probe of my system through AF. My BlackIce firewall tells me this is a troo statement. Problems with my GUI prevent me from seeing any whois info on the culprit. Once I cure my GUI I'll pass on the info. We've got a fox in the henhouse people. Crank up the paranoid-O-meter to 11 on your firewalls! Change the hexkey on youw wireless routers, too, if ya gots em.
Old 05-25-2005, 12:28 AM
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS*** a writer, and an english please?
Old 05-25-2005, 01:15 AM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

ORIGINAL: Patrick a writer, and an english please?
Ralph sent me a PM and I filled him in. Sorry about the technospeak. Ur title says admin so I assumed... I kno, I kno, when U assume, you maks an a$$ of Spence. I won't doit no mor, I promise...
Old 05-25-2005, 01:36 AM
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

i know alot about forums...and girlfriend knows alot about computers, as does any problems i have, i ask him. [8D]
Old 05-25-2005, 02:00 AM
BFlan2001's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

awd, this happens to you everyday?? i'm only using mcafee firewall and it's outdated, got any recommendations for a better one?
Old 05-25-2005, 02:34 AM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

Not everyday. Just the last few. FTR, since I got a router witha firewall included, I no longer have the 100-300 probes I used to experience each day. With the BlackIce I run, as well, I'm behind two firewalls now.

Any firewall can be a good one BUT you hafta keep your license current, and update it periodically (every f/w I know of has a buton to click that will update it at the company's website. Some of teh better ones have the capacity to be set up for automatic updates at preset intervals.

If your McAffee is outdated I'd say your best first step would be to check to see if your license is current. Not familiar with McAffee but I'm almost certain if you were to click on the drop-down menus, one of them almost HAS to have a choice for "update." A thought just occured... Is your McAffee the firewall, or your Anti-virus?

BlackIce runs something like $40.00/year for a license. One of teh things I like about it is that it's not that well known, so it's not prone to being a subject of concentrated attention like some of the more popular F/W's. If you run a search on google or any of teh other search engines you can find several well-thought-out free F/W's. One that does recieve many good reviews is one call "Tiny Personal." Not a personal endorsement, just pasing on what I've read.

You could run down to your local grocery store a pick up a copy of MaximumPC magazine. It ALWAYS comes with a CD that includes recommended software/shareware/freeware and game demos (PC, not platform games). In fact, make ya a deal ya caint refuse... If you (or anybody else who's interested and reading these words) PM me ur addy I'll burn you a copy of their latest and snailmail it to you free of charge.

FTR, I work in the IT industry, so InfoSec (information security) is both my profession and my hobby. My *new* position as a Security Analyst will allow me to expand my knowledge base and gain a few certs along the way (wish me luck you clods!!!).

NEway, this turned out longer than I expected it to.
Old 05-25-2005, 02:49 AM
SamJamaica's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

i be hanging out with my homes scrooge mcDuck. we trade stories of catching some big waves on our loot piles. all the expense of others. woo hoo
Old 05-25-2005, 02:55 AM
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

Old 05-25-2005, 02:56 AM
BFlan2001's Avatar
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Default RE: Anyone else get this BULLS***

yea, i have last year's firewall from keeps reminding me to update, but it wants me to buy the new version....have you heard anything about the Zone Alarm free firewall?

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