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Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

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Old 04-15-2005, 03:28 PM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

Wow, nice read mjcole. Very informative and well said.

Panzer just one Q, how do you know that iranians are CRAZY or LUNATICS? Have you ever been to IRAN? Do you know of one personally? Or is that what FOX and CNN told you, so thats what your reciting. I think you need to go online and listen to some BBC radio or even better yet CBC. These stations are not filtered by their respective countries.
Just an FYI, did you know that NO, I MEAN NO, news agencies in the U.S.A. were allowed to show footage, or even talk about American soliders being hurt or killed in IRAQ and Afghanistan, untill these two news agencies brought it to the North American people. Its against your FCC laws! What kind of Freedom is that?

ALSO YOU GUYS HAVE NUKES!!!! Most people around the world think americans are crazy just like you think Iranians or Noth Koreans are.

Answer me this question Panzer: WHY DONT YOU GUYS GET RID OF YOUR NUKES? Please try to answer that for me.

Another FYI Panzer, you guys (the U.S.A) supported SADDAM when you wanted him to ruin IRAN in the early 80's. So you guys were the ones the gave him the weapons, ALSO you guys supported the and created TALIBAN too, and for what, A PIPELINE to go through Afghanistan so that you can consume more OIL. Everyone knows of the meetings that TOP TALIBAN officials had with TOP U.S officials in TEXAS in the late 90's (99-2000) cause its not hard to spot a TALIBAN member in TEXAS.

Again PK, I am not trying to offend you or any other american, but you can justify SOME of the stuff you guys say and do.
Old 04-15-2005, 04:17 PM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

yup. once again, Canada's better
Old 04-15-2005, 05:22 PM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

i smell a fight...

graduating with a major in history, i'd be willing to go toe to toe on any of these issues, but it won't cause anything but enemies... politics and car forums should stay separated

ha... lets all have a canadian beer and laugh about this later

Old 04-15-2005, 05:35 PM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

I agree. It is obvious that most of these guys are brainwashed by socialist public schools. Have a beer, while the U.S. protects your interests around the world. I am done with people like the above who engage in ad hominis attacks, becuase they can't argue against the logic of stopping terrorism.
Old 04-15-2005, 05:37 PM
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So you guys were the ones the gave him the weapons, ALSO you guys supported the and created TALIBAN too, and for what, A PIPELINE to go through Afghanistan so that you can consume more OIL. Everyone knows of the meetings that TOP TALIBAN officials had with TOP U.S officials in TEXAS in the late 90's (99-2000) cause its not hard to spot a TALIBAN member in TEXAS.

Again PK, I am not trying to offend you or any other american, but you can justify SOME of the stuff you guys say and do.

Old 04-15-2005, 05:39 PM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

ORIGINAL: mjcole

Okay, "Panzer Kommander" you have been listening to too much Rush Limbugh, or Fox news or some such Republican cheerleading horse crap.

First, I find your choice of aliases rather indicative of someone who really should familiarize themselves with history before going on about the “we saved the world from H*tl*r BS”. As Jew and a grandchild/great grandchild of Holocaust survivors I find your attitude reprehensible. America was dragged into both wars kicking and screaming and never made one tenth the contribution Newt Gingrich would have you believe.

We all know America had to be directly and deliberately attacked to get out of its deplorable isolationism in World War 2. Most people forget though, that neither the rape and pillage of an avowed but weak neutral (Belgium) nor the slaughter of a hundred innocent Americans at sea (the Lusitania), could bring America into the war. It is generally believed that even if the axis powers had just conducted the illegal unrestricted submarine warfare the US still would not have involved herself in the “defense of liberty” it took an unholy alliance of Germany and Mexico invading America to drag America into that (World War 1) war.

Oh and FYI, at no time in either war was America’s contribution as big as Great Britan’s, and when you consider that the entire British empire, not just GB was on side, the simple fact is, Jesse Helm’s has been lying to you.

Now as for Saddam Hussein, is he a bad man? Yes absolutely. But is the world better off without him? Well when he ran Iraq at least there was one country that was not a training ground for terrorists. But the part about Hussein that gets me, if your president had gone into Iran he could have waved real weapons of mass destruction (Iran is building a bomb, everyone knows it). POTUS could have said the US was warring with a state sponsor of terrorists (Iran not just supports, but in fact founded Hezbollah) and I suspect that International opinion of the US would not be so low. But by getting even with the guy who tried to kill ol' poppy Bush, son-of-a-Bush no longer has the military wherewithal – because the US armed forces are so depleted - to wage a war against friggin North Korea, let alone Iran.

PK learn some history before you start reciting ‘everything Fox news brainwashed into me’. Personally I find it offensive, and so do many of my American friends.


BLAH BLAH . . . COMMUNIST, LEFT WING SCHOOL SYSTEM PIG SWILL TALK! Say hi to Jane Fonda for me sometime.
Old 04-18-2005, 01:23 AM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

ORIGINAL: Panzer Kommander

ORIGINAL: mjcole

Okay, "Panzer Kommander" you have been listening to too much Rush Limbugh, or Fox news or some such Republican cheerleading horse crap.

(To save space... it can all be read above.)


BLAH BLAH . . . COMMUNIST, LEFT WING SCHOOL SYSTEM PIG SWILL TALK! Say hi to Jane Fonda for me sometime.
I was under the impression that the last refuage of a scoundral was patriotism... I see that in fact it is good old fashioned name calling. (Granted I did call Son-of-a-Bush just that... but hey, he is a son of a Bush! And Bill O'Reilly is a liar... but I never said that above, I am saying that here. "Bill O'Lie-lly" (Al Franken's the greatest!)

Now let me set the record straight M. Panzer Kommander.

1. Yes I went to public school, just like the majority of people in the developed world. Given your "pig swill talk" I assume you went to public school too, probably not one as well funded as the Canadian system. Yes I am being judgemental, but given my vocabulary is ever so slightly more sophisticated than your own, I would have to say the Canadian system is just a little better than what you endured.

2. My data was unattributed before because I did not actually exepct anyone would challenge me on historical facts, (and I don't take cdnskier's remarks to be a challenge, rather I take the "left wing school system pig swill talk" to be an accusation that I am in fact making things up). Well I am not making things up.

Where did I obtain my data? The granddaughter to the former US ambasador to Turkey at the out break of World War 1, a little girl by the name of Barbara W. Tuchman. (Well she was a little girl in 1914.) In 1958 she wrote a book about America's entry into World War 1, the book is entitled The Zimmermann Telegram, that was my chief source. (For those of you who like spy stories, its still an exciting read almost one hundred years after the fact.)

Of course most of you may have heard of Tuchman because of her historical non fiction page turner, The Guns of August (another good read) a Pulitzer Prize winning title from 1962. A copy of that book was given by former president (and leftist pig swill?) John F. Kennedy to British PM MacMillan, Kennedy told MacMillan 'we must see to it that this can never happen again' (sorry I am parphrasing, I don't have the direct quotation available. (Those of you who have seen the Kevin Costner movie 13 Days will recognize The Guns from that movie as it was directly mentioned by the character who played JFK.)

I find it curious though, we KNOW for a fact that there are no WMD in Iraq (just ask your own weapons inspector David Kay, he spent 15 months looking after the US defeat of Hussian). We also KNOW (always knew - Bin Laden detested Hussian more than he detests Americans) there was no link between Al-Queda and Hussian.

NATO unconditionally supported the United States in Afganistan, PK are you aware that just a month after a friendly fire accident in which a US national guard pilot killed four Canadian soliders assisting the US army in Afganistan (one of them is burried down the street from my parents home)... anyway just under a month after the US solider killed allies in an accident, the Canadian national anthem was BOOED at a hockey game in Pitsburg... this was in 2002, long before the start of the second Iraq war, and long before anyone knew that Canada would not be partsipating.

I am still waiting for the appology (I am not holding my breath.)

PK you want me to be vulgar, I'll be vulgar, shut the **** up you rude little boy, you have no ******* clue what you are talking about. You want to know why the World hates American's, look in the mirror, your navel gazing disgusts the rest of us.

Thank you for putting up with my appaling abuse of the language there, I needed that.[:'(]

Old 04-18-2005, 02:53 AM
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i have a new favorite person...
Old 04-18-2005, 03:36 AM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

ORIGINAL: Panzer Kommander

.......It is obvious that most of these guys are brainwashed by socialist public schools......
i'm gonna try not to get into this....but panzer, we're not "brainwashed", we're educated....intelligent people listen to both sides of the story and make their own conclusions...i don't want to insult you here, but i really, truly believe that you (and 99% of US soldiers) are the ones who are brainwashed....and i don't think it was by republican news like FOX (although i'd put money down that that's your favorite news network), you're brainwashed by your superiors in the military........i've had quite a few friends go off to the military and come back different....very, mindless drone style different....
Old 04-18-2005, 04:18 AM
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Default RE: Anybody from Toronto, Canada?

mjcole, you sound highly educated, where'd you go to school?

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