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2012 Election

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Old 03-03-2012, 09:17 PM
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Default 2012 Election

I still value my fellow Audiers, and just wanted to share information on the gentleman who cured my apathy. This could be the election of our lifetime. Some say he is unelectable, primarily because the media blacks him out due to special interests, or who knows what. Take the time to visit his facebook page. His supporters are loyal and will write his name in if necessary. Please look past shallow things such as age. We need a return to the fundamental values that made this country great. The size of our debt now exceeds the size of our entire economy, and it is not likely that the debt ceiling will again be raised again in November. Unless we make drastic changes, you will find out what hyperinflation is like - the very thing that brought **** Germany about. Please read on..

Dr. Ron Paul, twelve term congressman, is the leading advocate for a constitutional government, free markets, honest money, personal liberty, and international peace. He served his country as a flight surgeon in the US Air Force and the Air National Guard during Vietnam. He is the chairman of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, founder of Campaign for Liberty, and author of eight books. He has been married to his high school sweet heart Carol for fifty three years, and has five children.

National Defense:
Ron Paul supports our troops, and as president he will bring them home. It's time to return to a foreign policy that puts America's security first; not fighting wars, policing, and nation building all over the world. Our troops are too valuable to be needlessly put in harms way to serve other nation's interests. The US has over 900 military installations in over 150 countries. National security has been compromised because our troops are spread too thin. They belong home defending America. Ron Paul knows defending OUR nation is the federal government's most important duty. Ron Paul voted to use our military forces to target OBL and terrorist leaders he voted against the needless wars supported by other candidates.

"War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures." -Ron Paul

"If we want to go to war, the Congress should declare it. You get a declaration of war and you fight it and you win it and get it over with We don't go to war like we did in Vietnam and Korea, because the wars never end." -Ron Paul

Ron Paul is the only candidate who has a full plan to balance the budget, and will accomplish this in year three of his presidency. It cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year, eliminating five unnecessary government agencies. (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, Education). Ron Paul believes that states can collectively and collaboratively continue to regulate and maintain these areas of interest. For Americans, Ron Paul will end taxes on personal savings, allowing families to build a nest egg. He will honor our entitlement promise to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to opt out of social security or choose a private fund. He also abolishes the death tax. President Paul will allow tax credits for private home schooling. Ron Paul will eventually phase out the IRS by scaling back federal spending, financing, and government operations by excise taxes and non-protectionist tariffs. For American companies, Ron Paul will lower the corporate tax rate to 15%, making America competitive in the global market, creating a booming economy and a large demand for jobs. Allow American companies to repatriate capital without additional taxation, spurring trillions in new investment.

Health Care:
A physician who has delivered over 4,000 babies, Ron Paul unique among candidates. Dr. Paul wants to reduce health care costs and to restore the doctor patient relationship. Dr Paul will repeal Obamacare, the federal takeover of health care, which forces all Americans to carry only government-approved health insurance or else answer to the IRS. This is unconstitutional because they would be forcing you to buy a product and would fine you if you don't. Historically, government produces low-quality products and services at extremely high prices. The system of government managed care has caused patients, doctors, hospitals, and medical insurance companies to be very inefficient. Ron Paul's plan allows you to purchase insurance over state lines and provides tax credits and deductions for all medical expenses.
"The federal government shouldn't be in the medical business." -Ron Paul

War In The Middle East:
Ron Paul will implement a foreign policy to put America first, and bring the troops home. The wars cost Americans roughly $1.3 trillion - a total cost of $720 million per day, $2,628 per tax payer, per year. Since 2002, the wars have cost 6,300 American lives and approximately 135,000 civilian lives. Ron Paul knows that the best way to support America and the troops is to bring them home. Roughly 70% of Americans want us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate who voted against the Iraq war. Ron Paul has the largest military support of all the candidates combines. Ron Paul received 90% of the donations from US active military, almost double Obams's and more than nine times the amount of the other GOP candidates.. combined.

There are upwards of 11 million illegal immigrants living in the US, amassing an annual cost of $113 billion to US taxpayers. Dr. Ron Paul knows that to confront the issue of illegal immigration, we must address the cause and not merely the symptoms. Ron Paul endorses increased security to secure the borders, and opposes federal entitlements and amnesty, such as birthright citizenship, to remove incentives to illegally immigrate in the first place. A congressman from a key border state, Ron Paul's plan halts the 3 million illegal immigrants entering the US each year. Ron Paul supports LEGAL immigration for those who work hard and obey US law.
"We need to worry about our borders right here at home instead of the borders in the middle east." -Ron Paul

2012 Dr Ron Paul = Unwavering Consistency Unparalleled Foresight & Character - YouTube
Ron Paul: The Only One We Can Trust - YouTube
You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube
Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube
Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) - YouTube
Who is Ron Paul in 15 minutes Mr. Consistent! (mirrored) - YouTube

Ron Paul is racist?
“Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans only as members of groups and never as individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike; as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their intense focus on race is inherently racist, because it views individuals only as members of racial groups.
Conservatives and libertarians should fight back and challenge the myth that collectivist liberals care more about racism. Modern liberalism, however, well-intentioned, is a byproduct of the same collectivist thinking that characterizes racism. The continued insistence on group thinking only inflames racial tensions.
The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims.
Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity. In a free market, businesses that discriminate lose customers, goodwill, and valuable employees- while rational businesses flourish by choosing the most qualified employees and selling to all willing buyers. More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality.
This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct what is essentially a sin of the heart, we should understand that reducing racism requires a shift from group thinking to an emphasis on individualism.” -Ron Paul (2002)

Ron Paul voted:
H.Con.Res.26 - Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen for their bravery in fighting for our freedom in World War II, and for their contribution in creating an integrated United States Air Force.

H.Con.Res. 249: Commemorating the 45th anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the role that it played in ensuring the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

H.Res.1133: Recognizing the extraordinary number of African-Americans who have overcome significant obstacles to enhance innovation and competitiveness in the field of science in the United States.

H.Con.Res. 242: Honoring and praising the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on the occasion of its 101st anniversary.

H.Con.Res. 135: Directing the Architect of the Capitol to place a marker in Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center which acknowledges the role that slave labor played in the construction of the United States Capitol, and for other purposes.

H.Con.Res. 61: Honoring the lifetime achievements of Jackie Robinson.

H.Res. 509: Recognizing the importance of African-American music to global culture and calling on the people of the United States to study, reflect on, and celebrate African-American music.

H.Con.Res. 296: Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the necessity to expedite the settlement process for discrimination claims against the Department of Agriculture brought by African-American farmers.

H.Res.54: Commemorating African-American pioneers in Colorado.

H. Res. 120: A resolution recognizing the African-American spiritual as a national treasure.

H. Res. 966 [110th]: Honoring African-American inventors, past and present, for their leadership, courage, and significant contributions to our national competitiveness.

Last edited by onepoint8tee; 03-03-2012 at 09:36 PM.
Old 03-03-2012, 09:22 PM
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I understand that many people obligate themselves to certain political parties. Please keep in mind that I am an independent. When I realized that things don't generally change from one admin to the next I began to look more closely at what the individuals had to say. Ron Paul has motivated me to go back to school for a BA in sociology specializing in political science and government. I hope your candidate inspires you, too.

I'd also like to take the time to apologize to any member I have ticked off in the past. Since 2005 I have grown up a lot, and I regret disrespecting some people as I sometimes did.

Last edited by onepoint8tee; 03-03-2012 at 09:28 PM.
Old 03-03-2012, 10:02 PM
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You're a good mod and good mentor. You guided me when I first joined AF but I think Ron Paul is a dangerously insane man. Speaking as a soldier, I'd rather be fighting wars all over the globe than have him legalizing pretty much everything.
Old 03-04-2012, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by airguard350
You're a good mod and good mentor. You guided me when I first joined AF but I think Ron Paul is a dangerously insane man. Speaking as a soldier, I'd rather be fighting wars all over the globe than have him legalizing pretty much everything.
What I think is dangerously insane is to neglect the fact that bankruptcy doesn't really begin to explain the mess we are in. Borrowing and inflating to finance wars, housing bubbles, welfare, and massive government is a suicide mission which hasn't changed from one admin to the next.

Ron Paul is not for legalizing anything other than the constitution and sound money. If you are referring to drug legalization, his political view is that states should determine legality, not the federal gov. His personal view is to treat those with a problem as we treat alcoholics. Besides, nobody ever smoked a joint and proceeded to beat their wife and murder people while behind the wheel of a car. Prohibition doesn't work, and again, we're broke.

Ron Paul - Will Wipe Out War on Drugs - YouTube

Thanks for your service.
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