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100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

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Old 01-17-2008, 02:15 PM
chaos92287's Avatar
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

well right now the biggest problem on the planet seems to be the middle east...a bunch of religious fanatics hell bent on killing the infidels*

*they consider the rest of the people in the world infidels
Old 01-17-2008, 02:24 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

Nice, but no cigar, mate...

ORIGINAL: alan93

Its interesting to see so many views, some confused, some nonsensical, same angry, and some just plain uneducated. An opinion can be accepted but when people start spouting something they have no knowledge about nor have even tried to gain knowledge about, it really is sad.

ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢

Religion like all other organizations are prime targets for exploitation.
True religion is not exploited, only that which is motivated by man's own intrinsic evil, wicked,heart which includes the entire human race.
That statement is almost as naive as it gets. I grant you there are several religions out there that take care of their own - but there are a great deal more that have profited through out history. Not all Pope's were great and that goes for their cardinals, bishops, etc... look it up

ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Personally, I run into twits, like those quoted, who claim to be persicuted for their beliefs with one breath - then will not hesitate to condemn those that don't follow thier belief system.
If someone condems you Jesus said the love of His father is not in then, therefore they are not Christians. Neither did Jesus say he came into the world to condemn it.
I agree whole-heartedly, mate! Not all Christians are bad - but there are quite a few hypocrits - so all you've done is quoted bible verse? I don't see the debate. Unless you're just agreeing with me

ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
You name it, religion, race, sex, patriotism,car clubs,etc... they all have their failings and develop an "us or them" mentality that leads to this sort of blind acceptance of the moronically gifted.
So C.S. Lewis was blind when he converted from atheism to Christianity? Let me guess, you don't even know who that is. If you have the guts (and vocabulary) read what he said and then try to challenge it.
Hey! Now here's a challenge! You're putting an author of children's books up as an authority for Christianity? That's like asking JK Rowling to speak on behalf of gay rights. lol

Just so you know I'll overlook the slight on my educational background. One does not need big words to convey big thoughts.

Again, a belief system is exactly that, mate - it's your belief. I don't question it and I may not embrace it. Live with it - I'm cool with you being Christian.

ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Christianity had its own Jihad during the Crusades (The Hack, Slash and Love Thy Neighbor tour) and the Spanards took it a touch further with that wonderful stretch known effectionally as "The Inquisition".
Christianity did not "have" the crusaders, they acted on their own. Just because some one or some group uses the label does not mean they is one. Every one will be judged, crusaders, Hitler's SS, Polpat, Stalin,you, me, EVERYONE.
OK here you are dead wrong. The bloody Pope Alexander II gave his blessings on one of them! lol...Templar knights were sanctioned by the Holy See!

So, perhaps you're right. The priests weren't fighting - but everyone else sure the hell was

ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢

What I don't understand about Christianity is why is it so segregated???

Ever since the Reformation period in the 16th century Christianity has developed so many sects that I can't even find a desive count.

Roman Catholics
Southern Baptist
9 different Presbyterian sects
Seven Day Adventists
Jehovah Witness
Menonite Brethern
Churchs of Christ
Deciples of Christ
Episcopalians etc, etc, etc, etc...[&o]
The word "segregation" is not the right word, look it up, , the word "denomination" however, is. And some of those listed are NOT Christian but cults based on recent totally different beliefs that came wayyyyyyyy after Judeo-Christianity. Even Islamborrowed extensivelyfrom Judaism if you study the history of both. The way to find out if its "CHRISTIAN" is to find out who they say Jesus is. THAT is the bottom line.
lol.. I'm well aware of the meaning of the word. But allow me to copy from for you...

3. to separate, withdraw, or go apart; separate from the main body and collect in one place; become segregated.

Almost everyone of these religions removed themselves or were expatriated to become what they are. Why? because they simply don't agree amongst themselves.

Even the Episcopalians are tearing themselves apart because they approved a gay bishop??? Guess what? Segregation is happening yet again

ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Also they were the swell guys who knew way the hell back then that church and state cannot co-exist or be one and the same and need to be separate at all times.
I amcertain you have no idea what you are even talking about here. I'm assuming you think the phrase "separation of church and state" is in the constitution right? Wrong. C'mon kids, read some history, you'll be better for it.
Again, with the slights - ok, sparky, pull your head out of your four corner contact and look up the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment of the Constitution. Yes, you are right it doesn't say "separation of church and state".

But it does say "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...".

So, that means - and guess what? the US Supreme Court thinks this too - that Christianity - or any religion - is not the religion for the United States.

That pretty much says it all there.
Old 01-17-2008, 02:51 PM
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ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Yes, you are right it doesn't say "separation of church and state".
But it does say "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...".
So, that means - and guess what? the US Supreme Court thinks this too - that Christianity - or any religion - is the religion for the United States.
That pretty much says it all there.
ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Yes, you are right it doesn't say "separation of church and state".
ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Yes, you are right
ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
you are right
ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
you are right
ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
you are right

Btw-do you even know where the phrase comes from? Or in what context it was used?Most people spouting it don't.
If you knew you wouldn't be using it in the exact OPPOSITE Context.

Again, a little more education before speaking would be great.

And, who told you my nick name was Sparky?
Old 01-17-2008, 02:56 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

lol... small victories - yet you lost the war...

Because I'm man enough to say - technically you're right - is enough for you to gloat - go for it. Funny how you agreed with me on a few points.

As for the quote of separation of church and state - it's believed to have originated with Thomas Jefferson in a letter to some Baptist cult
Old 01-17-2008, 02:56 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

My personal opinion is that we know what is moral instinctually. I think man creates religion as a means to define the morality that we all understand by instinct. We are also seflish by nature, and most actions considered "immoral" or "sinful" are based on selfishness.
So are you saying it evolved? Because animals don't have this right? Where do instincts come from. This sounds like the evolutionist, something from nothing arugment to me.
Old 01-17-2008, 03:00 PM
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ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢

As for the quote of separation of church and state - it's believed to have originated with Thomas Jefferson in a letter to some Baptist cult
Your resistance of the truth is futile. You have to concede the phrase was used in the context of government intruding into religion, not the other way around. This was the slight-of-hand shell game performed by the supreme court in the mid 50s-60s which totally warped our religious heritage of this nation. Saying it means the opposite will put you in the same category of mentalityas Rosie O'Donnel.
Old 01-17-2008, 03:22 PM
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ORIGINAL: Palindariâ„¢
Hey! Now here's a challenge! You're putting an author of children's books up as an authority for Christianity? That's like asking JK Rowling to speak on behalf of gay rights. lol

Just so you know I'll overlook the slight on my educational background. One does not need big words to convey big thoughts.

Again, a belief system is exactly that, mate - it's your belief. I don't question it and I may not embrace it. Live with it - I'm cool with you being Christian.
So much to respond to and so little time but this one I couldn't resist.

But , yea , he (C.S. Lewis)is , ahem, an authority on Christianity.

From Library Journal
The late Lewis, Oxford professor, scholar, author, and Christian apologist, presents the listener with a case for orthodox Christianity. This is definitely not the shouting, stomping, sweating, spitting televangelist fare so often parodied; Lewis employs logical arguments that are eloquently expressed. He describes those doctrines that the four major denominations in Britain (Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic) would have in common, e.g., original sin, the transcendent Creator God, and the divinity of Jesus as well as his atonement and bodily resurrection. Geoffrey Howard reads both works, and his performance is superb; he is clear and unhurried, giving just the right emphasis and/or inflection. The volume on the Blackstone edition is recorded at a higher level than HarperAudio's. Otherwise there were no perceived differences in the recordings. If your institution can afford it, the Blackstone production would be preferred because of its sturdy case and the announcement of side changes. Whether or not one agrees with Lewis's arguments, it is a pleasure to hear such a skillful reading of an eloquent work. Public libraries as well as institutions that teach religion/theology or speech should consider.
ANd a belief system is not isolated, it is based on either a truth or a lie.

Likewise live with your beliefs, I'm just apologizing for the rancid mis-interpretations of religion and Christianity by alack of knowledge. "lack of knowledge" !?!? Now where have I heard that phrase before?
Old 01-17-2008, 03:29 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

ORIGINAL: alan93
So are you saying it evolved? Because animals don't have this right? Where do instincts come from. This sounds like the evolutionist, something from nothing arugment to me.
Uhhhh.... animals have all kinds of instincts. I'm saying I believe we do instinctually have morals and a sense of right from wrong. We don't need relgion to tell us right from wrong. Our human selfish nature certainly complicates the execution of right and wrong, but I think at a basic animalistic level we know right from wrong.

Is it ok to kill other people for fun? I don't think anyone without religious input would natually decide yes... this is a good thing to do! I think by instict we know there is something that's not right about it.

On the opposite side, is it ok to kill in self defense? I think anyone put into a life threatening situation could say that instict would kick in and say, I've got to do what I can to preserve myself.

I use that as an extreme to illustrate what I personally believe. Now of course I can't prove this to be the truth. You can disagree with me and say someone requires a moral structure to tell them something is wrong. I would argue that the Bible itself does suggest that man knows right from wrong, and is corrupted by sin and separation from God. I believe you quoted this yourself previously.

Also, whether you agree with evolution or not, no educated believer in evolution would state that something happened from nothing. The theory is based on something happening over time because of external influences in nature adapting to its environment. Evolutionists by the way are using "faith" to believe, just as much as Christians use "faith" to believe that Jesus is their savior. Evolution is a theory (at least Macro-evolution is) and is yet to be proven.

My point being that many Christians would eagerly encourage anyone to adopt their beliefs by "faith", yet are incredibly offended by evolutionists insisting you accept evolution on "faith". Seek the truth and hopefully you will find it, whatever it may be.
Old 01-17-2008, 03:30 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

lol... well at least you're passionate for a cultist

now pardon me, I must get back to work
Old 01-17-2008, 03:43 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

ORIGINAL: alan93

ORIGINAL: MrFlippant

ORIGINAL: alan93

I'll stand by my previous statement which goes un-challenged, there is no morality without God or religion.
I hereby challenge that statement. The assumption that a person cannot be moral without outside instruction or influence is a cop-out which excuses people from accepting responsibilities for their own actions. Completely ridiculous.
Its about time.

On the contrary , people accept "responsibility" because theyare aware ofa moral code. In the religious sense -> Biblical (THOU SHALT NOT), or in the judicial sense ->THE LAW, without which , responsibility means nothing because there is nothing to be responsible to right? If so what?

Your view coincides with the new atheist, at which Nietzche would laugh, EVEN HE, saw the virtue of religion.

btw - this phrase is redundant: "cop-out which excuses people from accepting responsibilities"
Sure; for the most part, it is necessary to have a governing body of some sort to provide guidelines and consequences for the people of a population. Else those fewwho cannot, or will not, behave in a manner which is harmonious with the greater population will eventually cause rampant, unchecked mayhem. And of course there will always be people who would just prefer that someone else tellthem how to behave, and then be perfectly happy doing as they are told without question.But those of us who are not sociopaths or sheepare perfectly capable of being responsible for, andto, OURSELVES.

At some point,thethings an individual does will affect a few other people in some way. But throughout the course of a lifetime, EVERYTHING an individual does has a full and defining effect on that individual'sENTIRE life. Therefore as a matter of self-preservation, it becomes necessary for that individual to examine their actions (and the consequences thereof), judge whether or not those actions are prudent, and adjust their behaviour accordingly. Thus morality can be acheived from within, through necessity.

I am not saying that religionhas no purpose; I'm saying that it is incorrect toclaim that religion is the one and only source of morality. Personally, I see religion as an antiquated, and nearly obsolete, form of government. It served its purpose; and to some degree, it still does. But to say that there can be no true morality without God and religion is just as great a fallacy as to say that there can be no truelaw without a totalitarian government.

By the way, an excuse may be a great cop-out, but a cop-out is not always an excuse. And don't criticize my word usage until you learn how to use punctuation correctly.

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