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100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

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Old 01-16-2008, 07:07 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

Old 01-17-2008, 09:16 AM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

Its interesting to see so many views, some confused, some nonsensical, same angry, and some just plain uneducated. An opinion can be accepted but when people start spouting something they have no knowledge about nor have even tried to gain knowledge about, it really is sad.

ORIGINAL: Palindariā„¢

Religion like all other organizations are prime targets for exploitation.
True religion is not exploited, only that which is motivated by man's own intrinsic evil, wicked,heart which includes the entire human race.

ORIGINAL: Palindariā„¢
Personally, I run into twits, like those quoted, who claim to be persicuted for their beliefs with one breath - then will not hesitate to condemn those that don't follow thier belief system.
If someone condems you Jesus said the love of His father is not in then, therefore they are not Christians. Neither did Jesus say he came into the world to condemn it.

ORIGINAL: Palindariā„¢
You name it, religion, race, sex, patriotism,car clubs,etc... they all have their failings and develop an "us or them" mentality that leads to this sort of blind acceptance of the moronically gifted.
So C.S. Lewis was blind when he converted from atheism to Christianity? Let me guess, you don't even know who that is. If you have the guts (and vocabulary) read what he said and then try to challenge it.

ORIGINAL: Palindariā„¢
Christianity had its own Jihad during the Crusades (The Hack, Slash and Love Thy Neighbor tour) and the Spanards took it a touch further with that wonderful stretch known effectionally as "The Inquisition".
Christianity did not "have" the crusaders, they acted on their own. Just because some one or some group uses the label does not mean they is one. Every one will be judged, crusaders, Hitler's SS, Polpat, Stalin,you, me, EVERYONE.

ORIGINAL: Palindariā„¢

What I don't understand about Christianity is why is it so segregated???

Ever since the Reformation period in the 16th century Christianity has developed so many sects that I can't even find a desive count.

Roman Catholics
Southern Baptist
9 different Presbyterian sects
Seven Day Adventists
Jehovah Witness
Menonite Brethern
Churchs of Christ
Deciples of Christ
Episcopalians etc, etc, etc, etc...[&o]
The word "segregation" is not the right word, look it up, , the word "denomination" however, is. And some of those listed are NOT Christian but cults based on recent totally different beliefs that came wayyyyyyyy after Judeo-Christianity. Even Islamborrowed extensivelyfrom Judaism if you study the history of both. The way to find out if its "CHRISTIAN" is to find out who they say Jesus is. THAT is the bottom line.

ORIGINAL: Palindariā„¢
Also they were the swell guys who knew way the hell back then that church and state cannot co-exist or be one and the same and need to be separate at all times.
I amcertain you have no idea what you are even talking about here. I'm assuming you think the phrase "separation of church and state" is in the constitution right? Wrong. C'mon kids, read some history, you'll be better for it.

Personally, I think the greatest mistake anyone can make is to not think for themselves and ignore the desire that seems to be instilled in all of us to explore life in search of its true meaning.
The biblical view of your statement here would explain that the reason is everyone is lost and separated from God by sin. The prophet Isaiah even said, "come , let us reason together" in regards to understand God.
You don't have to check your intellect at the door to put on the faith that is required to
please God.

Don't assume what someone else tells you is true. "
So what's truth then? everything? nothing? What you decide on your own? How do you know when you are being deceived? Does popular culture that changes from century to century tell you this?
<-Clicky if you want to know why Christianity seems so sucky today. People have screwed it up trying to make it what they think it should be. i.e. made God in their own image.

Have hope, but don't expect that you will necessary find the answer.
Jesus would disagree with you,
"Ask , it will be given to you, Seek , you will find, Knock, it will be opened to you."

ORIGINAL: chaos92287
i hate religion. it is the single greatest cause of death and destruction this world has ever seen and most problems in the world stem from it. i believe in having a personal faith, and not pushing it on others.
Sillyhater! Atheist killers have this categorytrumped in spades! Again, study your history kids, and be sure to eat your green vegetables!

I'll stand by my previous statement which goes un-challenged, there is no morality without God or religion.

You don't have to agree with me, just don'tbe so ignorant. And stop being a hater, haters suck. Hitler was a hater, you see what it got him.
Old 01-17-2008, 10:19 AM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

That is just way too much to process at 7 in the morning
Old 01-17-2008, 10:56 AM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

very well said there Wadaholic and that's how I would see it, the only mistake I said was middle east when I should have said the whole world ( I personally dont hate the Irish I just dont like to see peoples lives wasted ) life is given to live and fanatics waste it, im sure the next life will punish them
Old 01-17-2008, 11:10 AM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

wow I just had time to go through all the quotes and ppls comments ... I have a story of my own I am agnostic but went to a Catholic HS (better education) during HS there was a mandatory Religion class during which I was told I am going to hell b/c I wasnt babtized. Not by my class mates but by my teacher. I told him that I thought his religion was a justified cult and I got suspended. After that I just kept my mouth shut in religion class.

Now I was a dork in HS good grades didnt do any partying etc. That same year some one in my class OD on coke and died. He got the money for the drugs via stealing from his parents, but he was babtized and went to church on sundays (probably high out of his mind)so he is goingto heaven but me (I like to think I am a nice respectful guy who does the right things) I am obviously going to hell b/c some old man didnt sprinkle some water on my forehead.

I realize like it is with all things the minority can ruin the reputation of the majority and I have nothing against religion or those who choose to practice it. The problem I have is when ppl try to force it on others and believe they are superior b/c they participate in ridiculous rituals.

Old 01-17-2008, 12:28 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

ORIGINAL: alan93

I'll stand by my previous statement which goes un-challenged, there is no morality without God or religion.
I hereby challenge that statement. The assumption that a person cannot be moral without outside instruction or influence is a cop-out which excuses people from accepting responsibilities for their own actions. Completely ridiculous.
Old 01-17-2008, 12:57 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

ORIGINAL: MrFlippant

ORIGINAL: alan93

I'll stand by my previous statement which goes un-challenged, there is no morality without God or religion.
I hereby challenge that statement. The assumption that a person cannot be moral without outside instruction or influence is a cop-out which excuses people from accepting responsibilities for their own actions. Completely ridiculous.
Its about time.

On the contrary , people accept "responsibility" because theyare aware ofa moral code. In the religious sense -> Biblical (THOU SHALT NOT), or in the judicial sense ->THE LAW, without which , responsibility means nothing because there is nothing to be responsible to right? If so what?

Your view coincides with the new atheist, at which Nietzche would laugh, EVEN HE, saw the virtue of religion.

btw - this phrase is redundant: "cop-out which excuses people from accepting responsibilities"
Old 01-17-2008, 02:06 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

ORIGINAL: alan93
ORIGINAL: chaos92287
i hate religion. it is the single greatest cause of death and destruction this world has ever seen and most problems in the world stem from it. i believe in having a personal faith, and not pushing it on others.
Sillyhater! Atheist killers have this categorytrumped in spades! Again, study your history kids, and be sure to eat your green vegetables!

I'll stand by my previous statement which goes un-challenged, there is no morality without God or religion.

You don't have to agree with me, just don'tbe so ignorant. And stop being a hater, haters suck. Hitler was a hater, you see what it got him.
hater? wtf am i technically hating? religion? yeah sure, ill admit it. I HATE RELIGION. hating something that has caused the world so many problems doesn't make me a hater. so would hating AIDS make me a hater too? damn, guess im a hater.

i think its you who need to study history. any of these words mean anything to you? crusades...9-11...Rome...o i don't know THE ENTIRE MIDDLE nothing? ok i'll just list some more

Albigensian Crusade, 1208-49
Algeria, 1992-
Baha'is, 1848-54
Bosnia, 1992-95
Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901
Christian Romans, 30-313 CE
Croatia, 1991-92
Early Christian doctrinal disputes
English Civil War, 1642-46
Holocaust, 1938-45
Huguenot Wars, 1562-1598
India, 1992-2002
India: Suttee & Thugs
Indo-Pakistani Partition, 1947
Iran, Islamic Republic, 1979-
Iraq, Shiites, 1991-92
Jews, 1348
Jonestown, 1978
Lebanon, 1860, 1975-92
Martyrs, generally
Molucca Is., 1999-
Mongolia, 1937-39
Northern Ireland, 1974-98
Christian culpabiltiy
Russian pogroms:
St. Bartholemew Massacre, 1572
Shang China, ca. 1300-1050 BCE
Shimabara Revolt, Japan 1637-38
Sikh uprising, India, 1984-91
Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1834
Taiping Rebellion, 1850-64
Thirty Years War, 1618-48
Tudor England
Vietnam, 1800s
Witch Hunts, 1400-1800
Xhosa, 1857
In addition, here are a few noteworthy conflicts where dissimilar
ethnic groups fought for primarily religious reasons:
Arab Outbreak, 7th Century CE
Arab-Israeli Wars, 1948-
Al Qaeda, 1993-
Crusades, 1095-1291
Dutch Revolt, 1566-1609

Nigeria, 1990s, 2000s
more people have been killed in the name of "God" than any other single cause. why do you think Jesus preached about faith, not religion? Religion means so much to people, which is why it makes people so dangerous.

little side note- coming in here and calling people stupid, ignorant, asinine, etc....MAKES YOU THE HATER. you could of approached it in a much better and mature way.
Old 01-17-2008, 02:12 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

interesting but life is now[:-]
Old 01-17-2008, 02:14 PM
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Default RE: 100 Quotes from "Real" Christians

Personally, I think the greatest mistake anyone can make is to not think for themselves and ignore the desire that seems to be instilled in all of us to explore life in search of its true meaning.
ORIGINAL: alan93
The biblical view of your statement here would explain that the reason is everyone is lost and separated from God by sin. The prophet Isaiah even said, "come , let us reason together" in regards to understand God.
You don't have to check your intellect at the door to put on the faith that is required to
please God.
That is the bibilical explanation for this. I'm not going to arugue whether this is true or not, but would encourage anyone to seek the truth, and question anyone who asks you to check your intellect at the door.

Don't assume what someone else tells you is true. "
ORIGINAL: alan93
So what's truth then? everything? nothing? What you decide on your own? How do you know when you are being deceived? Does popular culture that changes from century to century tell you this?
<-Clicky if you want to know why Christianity seems so sucky today. People have screwed it up trying to make it what they think it should be. i.e. made God in their own image.
That is the entire point of my statement. Who can say what is the truth? Is the bible the truth? Many would say yes. Other's would say prove it. The one's who said yes it is the truth would tell the one's who said prove it, that they just need to believe it by faith. The one's that said prove it, would just say "prove it" again. Don't accept anything at face value, question everything and seek the truth.

Have hope, but don't expect that you will necessary find the answer.
ORIGINAL: alan93
Jesus would disagree with you,
"Ask , it will be given to you, Seek , you will find, Knock, it will be opened to you."
I will have to clarify one thing about my statement above. I have "faith" that I will know the truth someday. I think I'll know the truth when I die. Even if I am the most devote Christian who believes with unwaivering faith that Jesus is my savior and I will live for eternity in God's kingdom, I still truly will only know this in my heart by proxy of faith. Which in my opinion is not truly knowing. I can understand if many would disagree with that, but that is my personal belief. I will state that I have come to this conclusion from many years of having "faith", and finding through life that my intellect disagrees with it in many ways. But that's my own walk and I digress.

ORIGINAL: alan93
I'll stand by my previous statement which goes un-challenged, there is no morality without God or religion.
My personal opinion is that we know what is moral instinctually. I think man creates religion as a means to define the morality that we all understand by instinct. We are also seflish by nature, and most actions considered "immoral" or "sinful" are based on selfishness.

I also think that this is a reason for which mankind is "religious". That isn't to say that all people choose to follow a specific "religion" (i.e. Christanity, Islam, Buddism), but that mankind as a whole has always tried to fulfill some part of life with "religion". I think I can re-iterate what AWDaholic said previously. (And correct me if I misunderstood your point AWDaholic) Even choosing to not be religious and despising all practioners of "religion" could be considered being religous. Heck being an Audi lover could be your religion. I think most of us here share that faith!

Geez... thanks to Crystals attempt to entertain us, this sure is getting a lot deeper and heavier than anything I expected to find on a car forum!

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