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Old 01-29-2010, 01:38 PM
yesss4's Avatar
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Uh, yeah, I couldn't stop laughing. I just wonder how funny you would find it if someone made a joke in the other direction.

I'm pretty sure the golf clubs that charge $100K per year for membership don't need federal money. And again, if you don't like it, start your own club. What if I wanted to start a league for midgets? Sorry, vertically-challenged people. Would you take offense to that, or feel that tall people should be allowed to play as well? Well there you go, the all-white league is actually a midget-only league.

In terms of the rest of your comments, I'm not sure where any of that even came from. I'm not even white. All I'm saying is if the crackers want their own league, let 'em have it. Watching midgets play ball would actually be pretty entertaining.
Old 01-29-2010, 02:19 PM
alan93's Avatar
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Midgets would sure be more entertaining than the WNBA that's for sure.
That has got to be the worst televised crap pertaining to sports I have ever seen.
Sheesh, let women play but don't make me have to click past it, there's a limited number of channels as it is.
Old 01-29-2010, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by yesss4
Uh, yeah, I couldn't stop laughing. I just wonder how funny you would find it if someone made a joke in the other direction.
If it were well crafted, and the timing were right, I shoot milk from my nose, even if I hadn't drunkk any...

Originally Posted by yesss4
I'm pretty sure the golf clubs that charge $100K per year for membership don't need federal money.
You're pretty naive. I suppose I'll have to pony up some charts and graphs to convince you otherwise. Read your local newspaper, everyso often, if you want actual proof. The section that covers politics.

Originally Posted by yesss4
And again, if you don't like it, start your own club. What if I wanted to start a league for midgets? Sorry, vertically-challenged people. Would you take offense to that, or feel that tall people should be allowed to play as well? Well there you go, the all-white league is actually a midget-only league.
As long as it is privately funded, fine. I have no problem. The second it goes public, and/or gets on the federal/state/local dole... Problem for me.

Originally Posted by yesss4
In terms of the rest of your comments, I'm not sure where any of that even came from. I'm not even white. All I'm saying is if the crackers want their own league, let 'em have it. Watching midgets play ball would actually be pretty entertaining.
You suggested that I may have been racist in my intent. Your "cracker" comment certainly IS. Doesn't matter your racial background. What matters is how you conduct yourself.

Me, I'm a "Fun-cist." If you ain't funny, you ain't right!!!
Old 01-29-2010, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by alan93
Midgets would sure be more entertaining than the WNBA that's for sure.
That has got to be the worst televised crap pertaining to sports I have ever seen.
Sheesh, let women play but don't make me have to click past it, there's a limited number of channels as it is.
See, that right there is TVism, pure and cimple!
Old 01-30-2010, 11:25 AM
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I heard Moose being interviewed on the radio. He sounded like a decent guy and not a racist.

He said that the style of basketball has changed and he wants to create a league that will bring back the old school style of ball. I dont know if this is the best way to go about it, but I can understand where he is coming from.

Some people would like the NBA to raise the height of the rim.
Old 01-30-2010, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
I heard Moose being interviewed on the radio. He sounded like a decent guy and not a racist.

He said that the style of basketball has changed and he wants to create a league that will bring back the old school style of ball. I dont know if this is the best way to go about it, but I can understand where he is coming from.

Some people would like the NBA to raise the height of the rim.
If I proposed removing all the white guys from current NBA you would call me, or anybody else who suggested such an idea a racist, and you would be correct to do so. A "white-ONLY" league?!?!? Wait, yeah, I see your point... No way THAT'S racist! just one question: If all the teams are wearing the same white-sheets and pointy-hats, how will we tell which guys are on which team?

That "old-school" style of ball is currently available in the WNBA, for all you purists out there. No high-flying dunks... No off-court antics that end up in a different kind of court, and teh front-page of the local paper. No show-boat ***-hats (or, hat-ettes) making babies wit all da wite wemens, shootin up clubs and gettin DUIs...

A "white-only" league IS racist. It IS sepratist. It is foolish of you to attempt an apologist/he-seems-like-an-O-KKK-kinda-guy, to me, stance.

To be clear: This is Me NOT being funny, now. You are more than likely one of those who want quotas to go away, obstensibly to take away the "advantage" it give to some, but; turn around and tacitly support this sort of blatant racism? C'mon. Stop hiding. Be PROUD!
Old 01-30-2010, 03:53 PM
airguard350's Avatar
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To me it's sort of like this: At my college there is a Black Student Union and it's all fine an dandy yet if I went ahead and tried to make a White Student Union then I can almost guarantee that I would be crucified. Same thing with the league and all other clubs. If a minority wants to make a minority-only club then its perfectly fine; but as soon as a white MAN wants to make a white-guy only club then all hell breaks loose. The guy doesn't want to hurt anyone. He just wants to play basketball with a bunch of other white guys. Leave him the **** alone.
Old 01-30-2010, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by airguard350
To me it's sort of like this: At my college there is a Black Student Union and it's all fine an dandy yet if I went ahead and tried to make a White Student Union then I can almost guarantee that I would be crucified. Same thing with the league and all other clubs. If a minority wants to make a minority-only club then its perfectly fine; but as soon as a white MAN wants to make a white-guy only club then all hell breaks loose. The guy doesn't want to hurt anyone. He just wants to play basketball with a bunch of other white guys. Leave him the **** alone.
Personally, I am against ANY organization that aligns itself with a skin color. Chess club? Fine. Audi guys who wanna pick their noses? OK. WHITE-ONLY chess club? Not qool.

As far as THAT goes... If THAT is the intent, where, pray tell, is the BLACK-ONLY league that this WHITE-ONLY league is supposed to counter? Black Student unions came about because, 15-20 years ago (back when *I* was in college), student Unions at predominantly white Colleges & Universities would not permit certain minorities to join THEIR "club." But, you are obviously too young to have experienced that sort of prejudiced practices. I understand. You lack the experience base to know where the notion came from, and, apparently, also lack the impetus to do a little research into the reason why. Choosing ONLY to say how we should go back to the days when whites had THEIR places to gather, and Blacks had theirs. Answer me this, did you, at your college, ever attempt to OIN your Black Student Union? We had lots of Non-Blacks in the BSU at Southern U, back when I went there. I never bothered joining, becasue, as I mentioned, I am not nor have I ever been interested in joining an organization that defines itself by skin color. Never thought it was cool. Never will.

And, above ALL else, being an American, IN America, I can say whatever the **** I want to say about whoever the **** I want. Whnever teh **** I want.


He's free to start his white only league, and I am free to call him a RACIST! If he's into the "old-school" basket ball the way it "uesd to be played," watch teh WNBA. If he can't compete with others, regardless of skin color, on a level playing court, take his racist-*** to the white-only club and play, but DON'T pretend its for some "purist" reason... Call a SPADE a SPADE!
Old 01-30-2010, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by AWDaholic

And, above ALL else, being an American, IN America, I can say whatever the **** I want to say about whoever the **** I want. Whnever teh **** I want.

That's sort of what I was getting at.
Old 01-30-2010, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by airguard350
That's sort of what I was getting at.

FINALLY, someone who *gets* me...

When I run for the FIRST, GEN-U-WINE ASSHATT President of the US of A, will you be my Chief of Staff? PLEEEEEASE?!?!?

By the way, in case anybody is confused about MY stance, I could honestly care less about Moose-nuts and his white-only league. It in no way affects ME or my Q-O-L in any way, shape, or form. I do like a good debate, however.

The ONLY real problem I have with this whole thing is thet people want to try to pretend its not racist. If you wanna BE racist, fine. I'm here to support your right to be. You're an American. Be whachu want! But, why HIDE? What are you afraid of? Unlike those who USED to believe as you do, we don't LYNCH those who aren't like *us.* (and, by *us,* I mean, us non-racists)

You wanna debate your racism-ist-ly views vs my non-racism-ivity? I'm here for YOU, baybeee! I'll include YOU, even if you wanna keep ME out, just like the NBA is with Moose-nuts. If Moose-nuts has any ACTUAL B-Ball talent, he can PLAY!!! Get paid (prolly teh league mminimum, since the pay scale IS talent-based), too! Even if c-e-r-t-a-i-n NBA players would by excouded from *his* league.

Oh, and, incase any of you missed my carefully hidden jibe at Moose-nuts, and those who think he's onto something... Not to be confused with those who think he can do whatever his deep pockets can pay for... Go and play with the Girls-league but he (and you) prolly wudn't make the cut there, either.

Last edited by AWDaholic; 01-30-2010 at 07:31 PM.

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