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Old 01-30-2010, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by AWDaholic
FINALLY, someone who *gets* me...

When I run for the FIRST, GEN-U-WINE ASSHATT President of the US of A, will you be my Chief of Staff? PLEEEEEASE?!?!?
Will I get Pop-Rocks and a pony? If so, yes I would love to be your Chief of Staff.
Old 01-30-2010, 07:29 PM
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Fount yer Pwny...

Stand by for the pop-rocks
Old 01-31-2010, 04:56 AM
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Originally Posted by AWDaholic
Black Student unions came about because, 15-20 years ago (back when *I* was in college), student Unions at predominantly white Colleges & Universities would not permit certain minorities to join THEIR "club." But, you are obviously too young to have experienced that sort of prejudiced practices. I understand. You lack the experience base to know where the notion came from, and, apparently, also lack the impetus to do a little research into the reason why.
There's a lot of that hubris going around. Perhaps thinking you have all the answers (the interwebz) fosters a feeling of superiority, even though you personally never provided any of those answers, nor know how they were derived.
Old 01-31-2010, 05:43 AM
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Troo... troo... coupled with our current societial penchent for 10-second sound bites and our inability to vet those bites against facts.

Many of the issues enflaming our debate, here, and other more important national ones are much too complex, historically, to fully define contextually. So, we offer knee-jerk responses based on whether or not we like the person delivering teh message... Message be damned. Because the person is Republican, or Democrat; or Christian, Jewish, or Islamic; Black or White, we choose to oppose simply because they are who they are.

THAT is what *I* rail against. I have many, many friends; Military or otherwise, who I would fight and/or die for. Their race, religious beliefs, or political leanings have NOTHING to do with why. Not one of them do I 100% agree with, ever, about myriad topics. But, they are my Friends, and I owe them that much.

In my Military career I took an oath do defend the constitution. Not the bible. Not the Torah. Not the Quran. America's constitution GUARANTEES our freedom to follow ANY religion we choose. That means I stood in defense of any and ALL of those beliefs, political stances, skin colors, sexual orientations, what-have-you, whether I agreed with or believed in them or not.

Unlike a fair percentage of those I stood in defense of, I held/hold no disillusions about my country. I have read my countries history. Even the unfavorable parts. STILL, this I WILL defend!!! Ignorant and scholar alike.

Personally, *I* try never to open my mouth to offer an opinion until I have heard or researched all sides. Doing so generally makes it easy to discern opinions based in conjecture or, dare I say, prejudice. Verbal prevarications and obfuscations abound. Nearly always by those who seek to hide their true motives in false innocence. I've been a lot of places... Some 16 different countries. And, I speak, with varying degrees of proficiency, 4 languages, and can understand a couple more. I've seen men die, and I've saved a life or two, in my time, also. Done things both good and bad, right and wrong, but I do not lie to myself and say that my wrongs are justified. Just... expedient, I suppose.

My opinions are my own. I offer them, not to sway anybody elses'. Just to make you THINK! If you think, perhaps, you will think about something besides yourself.

Group HUG?!?!?!?
Old 01-31-2010, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by airguard350
To me it's sort of like this: At my college there is a Black Student Union and it's all fine an dandy yet if I went ahead and tried to make a White Student Union then I can almost guarantee that I would be crucified. Same thing with the league and all other clubs. If a minority wants to make a minority-only club then its perfectly fine; but as soon as a white MAN wants to make a white-guy only club then all hell breaks loose. The guy doesn't want to hurt anyone. He just wants to play basketball with a bunch of other white guys. Leave him the **** alone.
I think airgaurd offers a good perspective here.

We have organizations like the NAACP who are proud and respected for promoting the interests of a certain race. We have laws like afirmative action that give opportunity to people based on race. Many people who will be quick to call Moose a racist will defend other race based organizations/policies. This leads to contradictions.

I think what moose is saying is that a white only league will lead to a different style of basketball that may be viewed as an alternative to the current NBA style. If we can accept that different races have unique qualities, then we can begin to understand where Moose is coming from. But it is an oversimplification to simply call him a racist. I would expect much more opportunity to be given to white players than would be taken from black players. And this I think is consistent with current popular views of race based policies (if you consider whites as a "minority" is the world of basketball.)

Having said all of this, I think that a white only league (and any race based policy) is counterproductive to the formation of a society that values character and content over skin color.
Old 01-31-2010, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
I think what moose is saying is that a white only league will lead to a different style of basketball that may be viewed as an alternative to the current NBA style. If we can accept that different races have unique qualities, then we can begin to understand where Moose is coming from. But it is an oversimplification to simply call him a racist. I would expect much more opportunity to be given to white players than would be taken from black players. And this I think is consistent with current popular views of race based policies (if you consider whites as a "minority" is the world of basketball.)

Having said all of this, I think that a white only league (and any race based policy) is counterproductive to the formation of a society that values character and content over skin color.
Nice save, there, right at the end.

OK, so Moose-nuts is a "complex" racist. Feel better, now?

Tell me, was Basketball a Black or White innovation? Now, tell me, what do "Blacks" have, physiologically, that "Whites" don't, that makes them "genetically" capable to playing a "different" style of basketball, Herr Goebbels?

Tell me?

Its not as if this is a league of "spear-chuckers," vying to see who can hurl a pointy stick the furthest, now is it? Clearly "Blacks" have a genetic pre-disposition toward excelling in such competition, would you not say so? Or, competitive pr0n, where, OBVIOUSLY there is a CLEAR "genetic" superiority that gives unfair advantage and must therefore be legislated to provide parity to the "underprivileged-Whites." No, this is basketball. Dr. Naismith's innovative game. Owned, regulated, and controlled by "WHite males." If there is a failing in their oversight of this innovative game, surely your appeals should be to them.

In the mean time, as I mentioned above, Moose Nuts and those supporting this fail, watch the WNBA, play along with the rest of the women if your desire for "pure" basketball is genuine.

One last question... Will the "White-ONLY" league also exclude Asians, Aboriginal Americans, Hispanics, Inuits, and other, non-Aryan races? Herr Goebbels? Surely THEY are not capable of polluting the precious purity of Dr. Naismiths fine innovation, are they? Will THEY be invited? Or, a more telling question I an VERY anxious to hear you answer is: Would YOU invite these other, non-Black races to "your" more genetically pure league, if YOU were in Moose-Nuts jock? Pray tell...

Last edited by AWDaholic; 01-31-2010 at 07:54 PM.
Old 02-01-2010, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
I think airgaurd offers a good perspective here.
What you smokin' there son? No, I don't want any, and you ain't nearly handsome or smart enough to be my son.

Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
We have organizations like the NAACP who are proud and respected for promoting the interests of a certain race. We have laws like afirmative action that give opportunity to people based on race. Many people who will be quick to call Moose a racist will defend other race based organizations/policies. This leads to contradictions.
Wait a minute here. Whites have their own race-based organizations that were around LONG before the NAACP. Just to name a couple of them, we have the **** Party, the Confederacy and the KKK...

Of course, the KKK liked to keep a somewhat lower profile than the NAACP. Let us also not forget that the NAACP represents people who have collectively been discriminated against (and we're not just talking discrimination, are we?) for hundreds of years. Kind of like the Irish and the Police...

Originally Posted by AutoUnionFan
Having said all of this, I think that a white only league (and any race based policy) is counterproductive to the formation of a society that values character and content over skin color.
As soon as our society starts doing that, then the NAACP will become superfluous, as will the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

To be clear, I am 100% caucasian, but more to the point: I am human.

Last edited by Gordon Freeman Jr; 02-01-2010 at 07:57 AM. Reason: To confuse you
Old 02-01-2010, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Gordon Freeman Jr

To be clear, I am 100% caucasian, but more to the point: I am human.
The ONLY point that matters is: YOU ARE MY BROTHER!!!
Old 02-01-2010, 04:49 PM
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For a guy that's supposed to be all fun-loving, you sure sound like you have a pointy stick up your ***.

Originally Posted by AWDaholic
You're pretty naive. I suppose I'll have to pony up some charts and graphs to convince you otherwise. Read your local newspaper, everyso often, if you want actual proof. The section that covers politics.
Really? I follow politics as much as time allows and I haven't heard much about country clubs taking tax dollars. Maybe that just doesn't make the news around here. Charts and graphs might help. And is there really a need to get pedantic and condescending to make a point? Seems to be your style, as evidenced by the comment to the person about the student union. Thank you for enlightening us on the history, oh sage and wise one.

Originally Posted by AWDaholic
As long as it is privately funded, fine. I have no problem. The second it goes public, and/or gets on the federal/state/local dole... Problem for me.
I don't think he's asking for public funds, since the article mentions investors.

Originally Posted by AWDaholic
You suggested that I may have been racist in my intent. Your "cracker" comment certainly IS. Doesn't matter your racial background. What matters is how you conduct yourself.
Now who can't take a joke. And again, thanks for the life lesson.
Old 02-01-2010, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by yesss4
For a guy that's supposed to be all fun-loving, you sure sound like you have a pointy stick up your ***.
Nope. Mine says, "Exit ONLY." Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by yesss4
Really? I follow politics as much as time allows and I haven't heard much about country clubs taking tax dollars. Maybe that just doesn't make the news around here.
Next time I come across an article that makes mention I'll send you a link.

Originally Posted by yesss4
And is there really a need to get pedantic and condescending to make a point?
Well... You make your fun your way, I'll make mine my way. I try to keep things above board, when others do so, too. But, when it comes to public discourse, there are no real rules, are there?

Originally Posted by yesss4
And is there really a need to get pedantic and condescending to make a point? Seems to be your style, as evidenced by the comment to the person about the student union. Thank you for enlightening us on the history, oh sage and wise one.
Really, I didn't get that vibe. BTW, your pedantic condescension is showing. Oh, wait, YOU'RE allowed, right? Because *I* did it first. Pot/kettle.

Originally Posted by yesss4
I don't think he's asking for public funds, since the article mentions investors.
Time will tell. Let me ask YOU, since you seem to want to play... Where will they play? ONLY privately funded venues, you presume. No tax breaks to entice the "business" one way or another? Your ingenue is showing, mon-frere.

Originally Posted by yesss4
Now who can't take a joke. And again, thanks for the life lesson.
You are VERY welcome. Always happy to help those less fortunate.

Humor is contextual. Nothing about your post seemed to me to be humorously delivered, why should I suddenly presume your throw away epithet was so intended?

And, to follow-along that theme, and the one from your first excerpted text, can one not (certainly you allow yourself such leeway) be humorous and serious, simultaneously?

I started this thread because *I* thought it was funny. Still do. Others toook it seriously, and so I responded to them seriously. Others, still, replied with humorous content, and I replied with what I felt was humor. Whats the problem? You don't like me? So what? You matter not one whit, to my QOL. I am sure (at least I would hope) you harbor similar feelings.

Last thought... GROUP HUG?!?!?




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