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An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!

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Old 03-06-2007, 01:51 PM
JohnnyBravoA4's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!

amez brings up a good point.. if moderators are going to be in the contests, you cant have a moderator as a judge.. dosent look really good.. makes an unbias contest look bias when a moderator wins..
dont want to take anything away from baconbit.. he won and i give him props.. his esay was good..

euphoriA4and even though you "were not trying to be a dick" it sure as hell looked liked it.. next time if you truly dont want to be a dick.. just dont say anything.. like you said "you have no room to talk on cars, but this is just my opinion, and I have some experience in short nonfiction" also looks like you have experience being a dick..
Old 03-06-2007, 02:33 PM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!


While I agree with you about the Mod judge/Mod winner thing, I had no way of knowing who would enter, when I picked a judge. I asked the most opinionated person I knew of, from here, for the reasons I previously stated. Are you saying Mods & Admins SHOULDN'T enter our unofficial contests at all, or ONLY if there happens to be a Mod or Admin as judge, for a particular contest. Using THAT logic, if I were to choose a non-Mod/Admin judge, then ONLY Mods & Admins would be able to enter a particular contest, due to the "bias" all the non-Mods & Admins will have towards picking a non-Mod/Admin to WIN!!!

These aren't "OFICIALLY" sanctioned contests. The guidelines and limitations are determined SOLELY by whomsoever decides to pit something up for grabs (for FREE, I might add). If *they* want to exclude a certain group, or ethnicity, or gender, IT'S ENTIRELLY UP TO THEM! If the DO, however, they will not only be showing a little bit of who they REALLY are, but possibly ruining it for the rest of us. Once somebody (or, several somebodies) make a sufficient number of complaints, I can very easily SEE this being a BANNED activity. Hopefully, none of us is petty enough to WANT that! Hopefully!

So, to keep it as FAIR and EQUITABLE as possible, I recommend that:
[ul][*]If you have something you wish to donate to the contests, do so, but be careful WHO you exclude from participating. Try to make it as OPEN as possible to ALL our member to join in. This is SUPPOSED to be for FUN, after all, RIGHT?!?!?!?[*]If you happen to be one of the members of teh "ruling" class, so to speak, be aware of how things are sometimes percieved by the "prolateriat" amongst uswho don't necessairly have a lifetime of experiences in fairness/unfairness to draw upon, when deciding if/how/when to b1tch. Follow your conscience. Enter if you choose to, just be aware. Kinda like bringing a Gun to a Knife fight, of you win, someone's gonna suspect something. Many of us Mods/Admins have been around teh block, a time or two, despite how old or young we are, and it's reflected in our experiences, which we'll natrually bring to any contest we enter... DUH!!![*]If you DON'T win, MAN- (or WOMAN) UP!!! You tried & failed. Mom & Dad may think yu da schiz-nitt, but there are 5,999,997 folks running around with a slightly more realistic opinion of your "skills." As some of you "younger" folks grow INTO the lives you're headed for, there will be countless dissapointments headed your way. Take these minor, pointless criticisms as your "started-kit" for life. Savor your fall-short-ed-ness. How do you think *WE* got all our "experience," dummy? Take your Crow-pie as your very necessary Stage-I mod to your view of how great you truely are![*]HAVE FUN!!! PHUGK, if you can't enjoy your failures, when they happen (and they WILL happen, more that you'll ever want them to, they WILL happen), you'll never rilly learn to appreciate how sweet it is when you DO win.[*]Don't cry FOUL, or complain. If something turns out the way you DINT want it to, just make a mental note to EHAT the person who won (or picked someone OTHER that YOU to win), and take it out on the neighbors cat, or, better yet, join teh Military... Have a sucessful 20-year career... Use that latent hatred to abuse those unlucky enough to serve under you, as your career progresses... Learn ALL YOU CAN about weapons, how to use them, their effective uses, etc... After you retire, and are of no more use to society, as a whole, go rent a hotel room in some podunk town, and swallow the barrel of your Baretta, OK? Thanks![/ul]
If anything I wrote, above, sounds a little like you, I apologize for "outing" you on national TV... (you dint know this was televised? HAH! Fooolish mortal!)

GUYS, we can have tons-O-fun with this, DFIU, please...
Old 03-06-2007, 02:37 PM
JohnnyBravoA4's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!

wow thats a long post b4 i read it, i just want to say, lets just drop it.. I dont realy care, i made my point, it dosent really matter, I dont want to complicate things for future contests.. it was fun, lets move on.. ill be honest i didnt really care for his comments on my essay, and how it just looked like he was buddy buddy with some of the others.. so im done.. hope everyone else is as well.. lets please just move on..
ok now ill read your post..
Old 03-06-2007, 02:40 PM
JohnnyBravoA4's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!

and fly i didnt care about losing.. to be honet i couldnt only run one 10 its not in my nature i dont even like how quiet my 2 10's are.. just it ddidnt look right if you stepped back and look at who was involved..

congrats to the winner.. im not coming back in this thread IMO its all settled..
Old 03-06-2007, 05:59 PM
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!

I entered the contest before knowing what the prize was. If I had known it was a sub box, I would have entered a submission with 151 words to disqualify myself. Check out my gallery and you'll see that I already have a decent audio setup and my crossovers are mounted where the box would go.

If it's okay with Bentframe andthe event organizers, I'd like to put the box towards the next competition.
Old 03-06-2007, 06:01 PM
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!


Oh, so now as a Judge you will make decisions based on personal relationships... nhicceee call. Way to let us know you do that sort of stuff. And as I said before, I wouldn't call myself that much of a sore loser, I also feel that out of all the essays baconbaits was very intelligent and written well. It's just you seemed to do them with little thought, but mabye your capable of doing that. And thats cool... Clearly your the sore loser, getting all butt hurt and now making not only one, but two threats. Sweet deal, I'd like to think your younger than me, but I doubt thats the case. Pathetic pathetic... sigh.
Did I base anything on my personal relationships? FWIW, Redgoat is a personal friend of mine, and he didn't win. No where did I threaten you, I mearly pointed out, that bashing a judge about his decision is just wrong, it shows poor sportsmanship, how immature & self important you are.

How am I sore? I did what was asked of me, & I had nothing to win or loose. In all of this I have at least kept my pride, & not sorted to name calling, and pettiness.

You wonder why people don't do contest like this, it's sorrily due to the petty & disgruntled losers.
Old 03-06-2007, 06:08 PM
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Not tryN ta be harsh, just real, and fair.

Nothing against 2k s4, but he will prolly not be teh judge for the next contest. He *fit* what was needed, for this one, VERY WELL, I might add. And, NO, his MOD-status had nothing to do with it. But, if/when we have another ES-SAY contest, his Mexican-heritage WILL come in handy, again Viva la RAZA!!!

This is intended to be done in good fun. It cost NOTHING but your time and a little thought, to win. If you dint win, I'm genuinely sorry!!! Better luck next time. If everybody cud win it wudnt be a contest, would it? Don't be sour grappes, that's how fun stuff gets banned (remember the thong thread, old heads?).

AMze, STOP running up and down teh hall with those scissors, PLEASE!!! It's ALL fun & games until SOMEONE loses an eye... Then it's ONE-EYED fun & games!!!
I'm not Mexican, I'm Scott/english & welsh, basically as white as they come.

Good point, this was suppose to be fun. The downside is, that only one person could have won. So while it normal to be upset at not winning, saying you deserve it is not. No every one could win, & this is just the way life is going to be. If you can't deal with loosing a little essay contest, you will not be very successful in life.

Really this has taken all the fun out of the contest. Why should anyone donate a prize & do this again? Maybe I'm a little to old school, but, there is basic lack of disrespect. While you don't have to agree with a judge, you should show some respect, and respect the desision. In not doing so, you are taking away from the winner, and basicially telling him, that he doesn't have the right to win. I must say I'm a little disappointed with some of the comments.
Old 03-06-2007, 06:17 PM
BFlan2001's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!


If it's okay with Bentframe andthe event organizers, I'd like to put the box towards the next competition.
that's fine, i haven't even found a box for it yet so i'm not really ready to send it out anyway...

since we had some issues with this contest, i was thinking it would be a good idea to get suggestions from all the members as to what kind of contest we should do next...the first idea that came to my mind was an online scavenger hunt of some kind?
Old 03-06-2007, 07:25 PM
JohnnyBravoA4's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!

If mods are going to enter and mods are going to judge then you should have more then one judge, one no-mod and one mod then the two can come to a consensis and there wouldnt be and dought.. im not saying he was bias i dont really care either way, it just would cover all the compliants. I have never even seen 2k S4 on the forum, nor have I ever said conversed with him... and after this i dont think i ever will..
lol just kidding .. Like I said to bentframe i think i have something that might be good for another contest.. I have parts to a carbonio v1 intake that can be used for a custom intake setup.. its one of the sheilds they use to house the filter and MAF.. i dont need two.. would be a good prize..sure its worth a decent amount becasue the v1 is like 350 and this is the main part..



While I agree with you about the Mod judge/Mod winner thing, I had no way of knowing who would enter, when I picked a judge. I asked the most opinionated person I knew of, from here, for the reasons I previously stated. Are you saying Mods & Admins SHOULDN'T enter our unofficial contests at all, or ONLY if there happens to be a Mod or Admin as judge, for a particular contest. Using THAT logic, if I were to choose a non-Mod/Admin judge, then ONLY Mods & Admins would be able to enter a particular contest, due to the "bias" all the non-Mods & Admins will have towards picking a non-Mod/Admin to WIN!!!

These aren't "OFICIALLY" sanctioned contests. The guidelines and limitations are determined SOLELY by whomsoever decides to pit something up for grabs (for FREE, I might add). If *they* want to exclude a certain group, or ethnicity, or gender, IT'S ENTIRELLY UP TO THEM! If the DO, however, they will not only be showing a little bit of who they REALLY are, but possibly ruining it for the rest of us. Once somebody (or, several somebodies) make a sufficient number of complaints, I can very easily SEE this being a BANNED activity. Hopefully, none of us is petty enough to WANT that! Hopefully!

So, to keep it as FAIR and EQUITABLE as possible, I recommend that:
[ul][*]If you have something you wish to donate to the contests, do so, but be careful WHO you exclude from participating. Try to make it as OPEN as possible to ALL our member to join in. This is SUPPOSED to be for FUN, after all, RIGHT?!?!?!?[*]If you happen to be one of the members of teh "ruling" class, so to speak, be aware of how things are sometimes percieved by the "prolateriat" amongst uswho don't necessairly have a lifetime of experiences in fairness/unfairness to draw upon, when deciding if/how/when to b1tch. Follow your conscience. Enter if you choose to, just be aware. Kinda like bringing a Gun to a Knife fight, of you win, someone's gonna suspect something. Many of us Mods/Admins have been around teh block, a time or two, despite how old or young we are, and it's reflected in our experiences, which we'll natrually bring to any contest we enter... DUH!!![*]If you DON'T win, MAN- (or WOMAN) UP!!! You tried & failed. Mom & Dad may think yu da schiz-nitt, but there are 5,999,997 folks running around with a slightly more realistic opinion of your "skills." As some of you "younger" folks grow INTO the lives you're headed for, there will be countless dissapointments headed your way. Take these minor, pointless criticisms as your "started-kit" for life. Savor your fall-short-ed-ness. How do you think *WE* got all our "experience," dummy? Take your Crow-pie as your very necessary Stage-I mod to your view of how great you truely are![*]HAVE FUN!!! PHUGK, if you can't enjoy your failures, when they happen (and they WILL happen, more that you'll ever want them to, they WILL happen), you'll never rilly learn to appreciate how sweet it is when you DO win.[*]Don't cry FOUL, or complain. If something turns out the way you DINT want it to, just make a mental note to EHAT the person who won (or picked someone OTHER that YOU to win), and take it out on the neighbors cat, or, better yet, join teh Military... Have a sucessful 20-year career... Use that latent hatred to abuse those unlucky enough to serve under you, as your career progresses... Learn ALL YOU CAN about weapons, how to use them, their effective uses, etc... After you retire, and are of no more use to society, as a whole, go rent a hotel room in some podunk town, and swallow the barrel of your Baretta, OK? Thanks![/ul]
If anything I wrote, above, sounds a little like you, I apologize for "outing" you on national TV... (you dint know this was televised? HAH! Fooolish mortal!)

GUYS, we can have tons-O-fun with this, DFIU, please...
Old 03-06-2007, 07:37 PM
Amze's Avatar
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Default RE: An "unOFFICIAL" AF contest!!!


I entered the contest before knowing what the prize was. If I had known it was a sub box, I would have entered a submission with 151 words to disqualify myself. Check out my gallery and you'll see that I already have a decent audio setup and my crossovers are mounted where the box would go.

If it's okay with Bentframe andthe event organizers, I'd like to put the box towards the next competition.
Slowly tears up, haha

Pass it off to who you thought was the best, they'll pay shipping! I entered specifically cause it was an item I was interested in, and I'm not bad at typing essays... even though mine was kinda dull and basic "I would blah blah, I would blah blah, I would blah blah"

And Jonny I see where your coming from man, but we just gotta chill... These competitions are fun and I definitly saw some slight "Buddying" towards others and he didn't even comment on mine till I apparently went "Sore loser" on him, then he bashed me to hell. And he just went striaght at yours to... but whatever. Yesterdays over, lets look to next month, appriciate bentframe for giving up an item of his with such kindness and AWD for organizing this great idea!

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