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Audi - quality cars?

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Old 07-16-2004, 01:48 PM
ImolaS4's Avatar
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Thanks S4sick. I don't like to get too haughty over subjects, but when some people flex their ignorance, I can't help but speak out. It's ignorance that fans the flames of bigotry and other undesirable traits.
....Just me keeping the playing field fair.
Old 07-16-2004, 02:04 PM
TroubleTrevor's Avatar
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Cor blimey he's having a go at the blooming Oxford dictionary now !
We do not have a King by proxy at all. The queen is king by virtue of her having more ***** than the entire continental US.

Listen tosh. Your 1.7 million active duty personel would be down to less than 30 spud bashers by the time the incompetent fools had finished topping each other with 'friendly fire', so let's not go too far down that "my dad's bigger than you're dad" road.

Sadly, I grew up with this belief that Americans, in common with Germans, had no sense of humour at all. In recent years I have had that opinion changed by a certain Matt Groening (The Simpsons). However, you have put me right back to square one.

You sir are a cad, a bounder and a humourless automaton. There, it needed saying and I said it.

I believe you have/had a popular expression over there regarding having a bug up your ***.

Audi's are crap. Furthermore, the next time you and S4sick are out on the porch spitting bacci into a bucket and doing your dualing banjo's routine, just remember ......i forget what you had to remember but just remember OK.

And as for education ! My word. Listen mate just leave it there because never before have I met such numpty's as the American undergrads I met at Oxford. One, and I jest not, didn't even know that you had tp plug a TV into the wall before it would work !!

Old 07-16-2004, 02:34 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

You continue to contradict yourself, or drift off-topic, or make grammatical or contextual mistakes (you simply don't stay within any contextual boundaries). And you certainly have drifted off-topic; perhaps you couldn't stay on-topic because you couldn't make a defensible point. You have yet to state anything substantive that proves your points.

I don't have any more time for this kind of drivel. If you want to get into an online pissing contest (boring), then take this to the Off-Topic Forum and post your commentary there. I'm sure there are few folks there that would be glad to ream you another *******.
Old 07-16-2004, 08:16 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

seriously man, the british would be **** without us. U guys depend on us. and so as we depend on u (sort of). why bash countries here anyway. wow wonderful that u grew up in gold ol Britain and i grew up in america. who cares man, we are people in the end. and im an audi enthusiasts who joined a forum to talk about my love for audi and how far they have come from the past. no one wants to hear who u hate audi or how u hate americans, find something original. and frankly, i think americans have a better sense of humor then british ********.
Old 07-17-2004, 01:11 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

S4sick, you are not a person you are a sheep. We depend on you like a fish depends on a bike. The stupidity of a nation that talks to a flag every morning is evident by your ramblings. Go eat your grits or whatever it is you inbreds do these days.

As for you 'super member' (and that is exactly what you are) you even dare to speak to me about grammer !!! This coming from a nation that can't spell colour (note for future reference it has a bleeding U in it). Note also that despise, formalise, etc etc have the letter 's' not as you retards seem to imagine a 'z' (which, incidently, is pronounced zed NOT zee).

You speak fluent Bush, or as we call it over here, Bollocks.

My god to be preached at by the bloody colonies. What next!?
Old 08-06-2004, 07:34 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?


I don't want to get sucked into this, but it's hard not to. This is the first time I've ever seen ImolaS4 swear!!

Trevor, it's pointless to bash Britain or America, because it's a moot point. Yes, you guys came first. Yes, we were once colonies. But times have changed buddy.

I don't think England is a terribly bad place (London I mean, because spending 2 summers living in Buxted [for anyone who hasn't been there, it's out in the boondocks] was probably the biggest waste of my time, apart from watching all the races, which is why I was there in the first place. Goodwood was killer, I might add.). I mean **** man, that's where I drove a stick for the first time when I was 12. I just think it's painfully obvious that (and let me make this VERY clear) YOU (NOT THE UK) are unbarably ignorant, or just plain dumb for that matter! You haven't said one intelligent, or even on-topic, thing this entire thread! All your insults come from stereotypes and only show that you have never even been to America! You bash all the stuff you don't like in the US becuase it's not how you grew up, not because you have actually sampled it, then decided!

I've always believed in the saying, "Don't knock it 'til you try it," and I, my friend, have had more than just a taste of England. I'm not saying that everyone has to see it the way I see it, but in MY OPINION it's not worth the money to visit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not so pro-America that I hate all the other countries. I've been to most of Europe and have to say that I like it for the most part. But if I had to assign a stereotype from MY EXPERIENCES to each country's people, it would look something like this:

Brits: Ugly, but proper and polite.
Germans: Tourists, and very friendly.
French: Rude and rebellious, but good lookin women (Paris is shitty, but the Riviera is awesome)
Spanish: Cool and laidback, also good lookin ladies
Netherlands: Loud and rude.
Italians: Amazingly cool and the most beautiful women anywhere.

In the end, my vote goes for Italy. I've been there twice, and the place is amazing, and food is ...well... also amazing, and like I said, the women are .... amazing!

I definitely got way to far off topic. So I'll shut up now.
Old 08-07-2004, 11:03 PM
audiboy1618's Avatar
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Yo big T, your Austin Morris looks an awful lot like what im sure your familliar with called a "Volkswagon Rabbit"
Old 08-08-2004, 10:00 AM
1.8t20v's Avatar
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

hay now dont be knockin the

Had one, the best mechanically running car I ever owned. Engine ran perfect after 400k, shock tower, floor boards, and body all rusted apart.

Ive never been to Italy but I thought Brazil had the most beautiful women anywhere, my opinion.

Old 08-08-2004, 04:35 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Brazil had the most beautiful women anywhere, my opinion.
This is true! I was only speaking from experience, but overall I have to agree with you! I can see you are an ***-man.
Old 08-08-2004, 04:46 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

hay now dont be knockin the

Had one, the best mechanically running car I ever owned. Engine ran perfect after 400k, shock tower, floor boards, and body all rusted apart.
Mike, I don't wanna get you upset or anything, but a VW was the victim of my senior prank way back when. I gutted the car, took out the floor with with a plasma cutter then rolled it over to school and wrapped it around a tree in front of the auditorium so it looked like the tree was growing up throught the middle of it. Gotta say, it was the crowing achievement of four years at a private school in Pebble Beach. It made the front page of the paper the next day, and about a month later our cross town rival tried to duplicate the project with a pickup. I'll see if I can dig up a pic.

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