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Audi - quality cars?

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Old 07-11-2004, 11:43 AM
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Default Audi - quality cars?

Check out my web site
Old 07-11-2004, 01:43 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

I have several observations and comments about your story. By the way, I read it twice.

First, I feel for you . I am sorry to hear about all the trouble you had with the car. It pains me to hear of a fellow Audi owner with bad luck.

Second, I had a hard time following some of your side comments. For example your initial reference to someone who might have bought the car, but didin't, was a bit distracting and irrelevant (especially since much of your story was about bad luck) and your reference to insurance companies having a cheek and whether dealerships have cowboys (?) was confusing to someone who doesn't come from your country and doesn't understand the colloquial terms. By the way: I have no idea what, "...a phrase about horses, doors and bolting springs to mind" means at all. These kinds of trivial details, although colorful, were distracting and only lengthened a rather whiny story.

Third, to the point, your initial five mishaps were a case of bad luck. Sad to hear about scrathces and dents, but nevertheless, plain old bad luck. It sounds like you may be living and/or driving in an area where people have little respect for cars. We have those places in the states, too. They're called the ghetto and those of us with "nice" cars avoid parking in crowded lots; we often avoid these places alltogether.

Fourth, although I feel for your trouble with the car and you stated that you let the extended warranty offer slip down your list of priorities, that was your fault for not following through. I would have followed up, got all the answers, and then purchased the warranty. But that's me.

Fifth, why not use the mechanic down the road? So what if he isn't "authorised"? If he's competent and you trust him, then use him.

Sixth, considering the circumstances, I think Audi was quite generous. Their offer to pay half was not necessary (but quite generous) and the offer to provide you with an extended warranty was magnanimous - especially since you have been having mechanical issues that may recur. The likelihood that more problems will arise with your car are high.

Don't misunderstand me, I believe you are beyond frustration with your car, but it has been a series of bad luck. We all run that risk with any purchase. It sucks when it happens to you and not the next guy. It is an emotional low that consumes your life and often causes you to blame things (and people) that aren't really to blame. I hope that someday soon you will be able to look back and remember the good days driving your Audi.

It was an interesting story and I'm sorry for all your bad luck. I hope you and the readers can come away with a lesson to be learned.....
Find a competent service tech you can trust and use him regularly (when the times get tough, he will be there for you). And buy an extended warranty.
Old 07-11-2004, 01:45 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

By the way: Welcome to the forum! I hope you can find this place to be a sanctuary for your troubles and make new friends among some great fellow Audiphiles.

What is the final result with your car? Do you still have it? What are your plans?
Old 07-12-2004, 03:30 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

I don't want to get into a discussion about this since I have better things to do so please don't bother responding.

I really don't care about your comments, which I find rather patronising. I haven't done this to entertain anyone - I have a very clear goal which I thought would be apparent but maybe not.

I do want to clarify one point. If you have a warranty you must use an authorised dealer. The alternative is to pay for all parts and labour. In my case, over the three years of component failure that would have been substantial. That is the whole point - they have us over a barrel (another quaint English expression that you may not get).

Oh and by the way I live in a very nice affluent town called Guildford in the county of Surrey. You will have no idea where that is or what kind of place it is since you probably think that global means east coast and west coast of the US.
Old 07-12-2004, 04:10 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Hey I wasn't trying to be patronizing at all.

Your warranty comment is moot. We all know the requirements surrounding a warranty, but your story was outside the warranty parameters. You even say that the biggest repair happened when the car was out of warranty and that you let the opportunity to purchase an extended warranty slip down your priority list.

And if you have work done over a three year period under warranty, how is that having us over a barrel (it's an expression used everywhere by the way)??? Thankfully, there was a good Audi warranty!! You had a warranty, the car needed repairs, you took it in and got the repairs done under warranty. What's the issue there? You had a bit of bad luck and you may have had to get excessive warranty work done within three years, but nevertheless it was an inconveneience to your time, NOT your wallet. Why are you whining about that? Bad luck... oh well... that's life. We feel for your bad luck and wish it hadn't happened, but what more do you want?

Finally, there was no need to insult my intelligence when it comes to your geography. I was merely suggesting that your dings, scrapes, and body damages have nothing to do with the car being an Audi. You could have been driving a 1969 VW and the same events could have happened. I was wondering if the bad luck was contingent upon the area within which you travel. I mean, WOW! You "...parked the car in an incomplete car park and opened the door onto a metal rod sticking out of the ground." Who's fault is that? Audi's?? Come on!! And your "very nice affluent town called Guildford" obviously has ********, too, if there are people there who will, "...put a large dent in the nearside door and rear wing. All they left behind were two large footprints."

So... did you really "...have a very clear goal..." other than to vent your frustration to us here and at audi-sport??

Please understand my response. I was/am sympathetic to your story (we've all been there at one time or another). It was sad and I am truly sorry for your BAD LUCK, but I felt as though much of your story was a "STORY". Did you want something more from me/us??
Old 07-13-2004, 02:03 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

I fail to see how you could regard Duncans problems as 'bad luck'. Personally I'd prefer the phrase 'bad engineering'. It seems to me that the VW Audi group only bought Skoda to plunder their engineering skills.

What's all this 'ghetto' stuff anyway? We have those areas in the Uk too you know. We call them council house estates. You're car would would be very safe from damage on these estates.....I'm not sure your knee-caps would share that security but your car would be just super.

Stop wasting your time on this useless baby engineering and buy some true British technology ....the Austin Morris will destroy any AudiTT.

Old 07-13-2004, 03:13 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

ORIGINAL: TroubleTrevor

I fail to see how you could regard Duncans problems as 'bad luck'. Personally I'd prefer the phrase 'bad engineering'. It seems to me that the VW Audi group only bought Skoda to plunder their engineering skills.

What's all this 'ghetto' stuff anyway? We have those areas in the Uk too you know. We call them council house estates. You're car would would be very safe from damage on these estates.....I'm not sure your knee-caps would share that security but your car would be just super.

Stop wasting your time on this useless baby engineering and buy some true British technology ....the Austin Morris will destroy any AudiTT.


Welcome to the forum TroubleTrevor!

Please feel welcome here, but I have a hard reaction to your post.

Did you read Duncan's story???

Yes. He had BAD LUCK. He wrote about five separate events of BAD LUCK.
1. "...found a slight dent and scratch along the sill under the driver’s door."
2. "...a piece of furniture being loaded into the boot slipped, causing a slight dent."
3. "...I parked the car in an incomplete car park and opened the door onto a metal rod sticking out of the ground, which carved a two-inch long gouge down to the metalwork.
4. "...someone.... had put a large dent in the nearside door and rear wing. All they left behind were two large footprints.
5. "...a white van sliding towards you is not a pleasurable experience. ...(the accident damaged) the offside wing, back end and break the suspension."

Then he complains of poor body work repair - "... how incompetent some supposed professional dealers could be." That's not Audi's fault either; the body shop he chose did poor work. That's unfortunate and I'd be pissed about this, too. But I wouldn't be blaming Audi; I'd be blaming the morons who did the work.

By the way, I would bet the Queens jewels that Duncan took literary license when he said the suspension went back to a lab in Germany, and that he was told it was "top secret". Top secret... (yawn)... please!

Then he goes on to describe two incidents of MORE BAD LUCK.
1. Cracked bumper from someone hitting him from behind at a junction.
2. "Two further small dents – source unknown."

Clearly you didn't read the post thoroughly. My ghetto reference was a mere comment on how the bad luck may have resulted. I don't really care why it happened; the fact is that it happened and it was BAD LUCK.

Lastly, your cheeky insult about "...useless baby engineering" didn't go unnoticed. "...true British technology"??? That's an oxymoron! That's like saying the Hawaiian Ice Hockey team!! By the way: Now I know where the Flintstones got their cars - from Austin Morris!

Anyway... Glad to see a new member here at audiforums.
Old 07-15-2004, 04:14 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Of course I read Duncans web site.

1. "...found a slight dent and scratch along the sill under the driver’s door."

Obviously put there by an incompitent car assembler dreaming of swiping the last sun bed in Ibiza.

2. "...a piece of furniture being loaded into the boot slipped, causing a slight dent."

Probably a cushion.

3. "...I parked the car in an incomplete car park and opened the door onto a metal rod sticking out of the ground, which carved a two-inch long gouge down to the metalwork.

An Austin Morris would have just bent the spike, taking half the car park with it.

4. "...someone.... had put a large dent in the nearside door and rear wing. All they left behind were two large footprints.

Where were you that night anyway?

5. "...a white van sliding towards you is not a pleasurable experience. ...(the accident damaged) the offside wing, back end and break the suspension."

An Austin would have launched that van.

Anyway, who are you calling an oxy moron?

Never before have I been so insulted. I shall refer this to her majesty directly. Don't forget you lot only arm yourself to keep the king of England from your doors. I have it on good authority that Her Majesty is looking to take that particular colony back into her empire, so look out.

At least Fred Flintstones car could stand falling over. Look at an Audi a bit funny and they need towing away. Rubbish. Audi-v-Austin....well who's engineering kept Hitler from our doors eh? Not the blooming Grande Cherokee that's for sure.
Old 07-15-2004, 06:29 PM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

Are you smoking something, because that response was too funny. Do you even know to what you are referring? Every one of your responses digressed from the main point. You never proved or explained otherwise how those incidents weren't a series of BAD LUCK.
Instead, you tried to be clever. [sm=smiley21.gif]

Furhermore... If you are such an Austin fan and a critic of the Audi, why are you even on this forum? [sm=smiley25.gif]

By the way: You might want to re-read my oxymoron (it's spelled with one word) reference again; I didn't say you were a moron. And you might want to look it up in your revered Oxford dictionary and then get back to me.

Trust me Mr. Townsend, we don't arm ourselves, " keep the king of England from (our) doors." First of all, if you hadn't checked recently, there is no King - there's a King by proxy, not by authority. Secondly, we have no desire to get into a fight with an ally. News flash! You are an ally. But if you weren't an ally, do you think our 1.7 million active duty military personnel would really have any trouble disarming your 400,000 military personnel?

And not that I want to open an old wound of yours, but how did the Austin keep hitler's bombs from your doorstep?[sm=smiley11.gif]

If this was in jest, then it was fun, but if you were at all trying to make an argument that could possibly stand the scrutiny of your peers, then you did a poor job. I have no more time for this kind of sophomoric banter. Come back after you get an education.
Old 07-16-2004, 06:07 AM
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Default RE: Audi - quality cars?

honestly imolas, wow. U make me proud to be an american. I LOVE AUDI. and i believe every car has its good day and bad day, thats why smart people do routine check ups on thier vehicle. just for arguments sake, my step dad has a ferrari, and that thing is in the shop every other day for all sorts of crap. if u want a reliable car that u only need to get checked up every 50 thousand miles, GET A HONDA. and dont bitch about how audi sucks and all other cars are better when ur in an audi forum for audi enthusiasts. come on now, just pickin a fight, there the damn brits go again, pickin fights..hahaha. GOD BLESS AMERICA, and god bless my 2004 S4. imolas im with u 100% by the way, if there was any confusion along the way.

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