Dealerships Review(s) of dealerships that sell or service Audi's

Maple Wood Audi, Minnesota

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Old 12-31-2010, 10:42 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
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I think that in general all Audi dealers in Twin Cities do not meet customer expectations. They are expensive, unprofessional and sometime simply rude. Although, I did have better lack with dealership in Wayzata. That's were I bough my A6 a while ago. Anyways, have owned 3 Quatros in the past and my wife still drive one nowadays. I have to say it is a great car to drive in terms of handling corners and comfort however my three Audis drove me in sane as far as service and most importantly, incredible amount of money invested in order to keep them up and running. As far as I remember, I spent well over $20 K within several years and as for today it continues to be a vicious and endless circle of repairs and frustrations. Despite of what I said about comfort and such, it is not the car you want to purchase. It will suck out your soul, your sanity and every penny from your wallet. I was Audi lover for decades while living in Europe but sadly, Audi did not share my excitement and therefore changed my perception about its cars forever. Here is my definition of Audi: over pronounced, troublesome, overcomplicated and money sucking machine. And so are the dealers with their outrages pricing and despicable service. They all should be send to Europe for training to learn how to handle customers in humane manner.

Consequently, my A6 is the very last purchase I made at Audi. Do not be fooled with its legacy, legendary stories and advertisements. It is all deception and mind possessing sales pitch. There is plenty of other cars which are equally comfortable and fun to drive. I've got 300 K miles on my winter-ice fishing-go skiing-beat the heck out of it Nissan. It almost drives like new after all these years. It is not like AUDI but I spent only $4 K for all repairs since I bought it. Does this sound like reliability? Of course, it does. I have another example: GX 470 Lexus. I drove it for a few years now and I simply love it. Good handling in Minnesota winter and reliability. I bought it in Wayzata Lexus MN and have been treated like royalty by dealer and service guys. Audi service does not come even close to Lexus dudes. I think that Audi guys are arrogant just by the fact they are called Audi dealer. I think they should face the brutal reality: there is nothing left from what Audi used to be! Nothing at all!
And by the way: I just tried for two hours to schedule appointment with Audi in Maplewood to replace right xenon headlight on my A6. No answer and no automated message!!! How cool is that? Go figure.

Old 01-05-2011, 01:46 AM
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ive never had a customer service problem, by phone anywaya, however theyre all ways booked tight when i call them u have to have a minimum of 2 weeks notice to schedule anything there.
but take this with a grain of salt, it is a dealership after all, and for this side of the metro the only other place is maplewood Volkswagon(in terms of VAG)

they have always answer my questions with ease at Audi of Maplewood, mn. i just wish they had a bigger garage, cuz i work
Old 01-05-2011, 07:52 PM
aspen79's Avatar
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I think Edward is really a salesperson at a competing make dealership from the sounds of his post, and the fact his very 1st post here is that one.............

BTW, the dealership I'm a tech at is also scheduled almost 2 weeks out. We're just busy, plain and simple. No matter how many tech's a dealer has, we can only do so much in a given amount of time, it's sort of a law of physics. Believe me, we try our best to turn out as much as we can, while keeping the quality high and "fix-it-right-the-first-time" numbers as close to 100% as humanly possible because we all work on flat rate (i.e. job pays 2 hours, do it in an hour get paid for two hours. Do it in 4 hours, still get paid only for 2 hours...............) Personally, I'd be worried if you called for an appt and they said "come on in right now". Would make me kind of wonder WHY they don't have the work to keep the tech's busy..........think about it. Rant done now, thank you.
Old 01-07-2011, 09:22 PM
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aspen, im right there with you.

like i said, u can only have so big of garage, and i know maplewood audi is a HUGE place. Id say just by driving up and down the hwy61 "auto mall"(as its called in MN) its prolly the biggest auto dealership in the area.

they always seem to know what they're talking about, I've even verified in many places online for prices etc. and don't have any complaints.

i personally have never gone there to purchase a car yet (unfortunately) but do intend on it by 2012ish =)

however as for a competitor i don't for see that considering the only other Audi dealership im aware of is in Wayzata, which is the opposite side of the metro area. in short hand, the Audi mechanics out here are so few and far apart i couldn't imagine trying to "fight" for business, but who knows..?
Old 01-08-2011, 10:17 AM
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I do agree that my post may sound like a voice of the competing make dealership but unfortunately it is not true. I am certain that ASPEN is very proud of being a part of supposedly one the best car makers in the world. However, it does change the fact that my experience with Audi turned out to be rather terrifying and nerve wracking nightmare. Consequently, I decided that my pains should be conveyed on to potential buyers so they can hear fair opinion before making decision as far as what car they want to purchase. Nevertheless, it is my understanding that Audi forum is not meant only for people who want to worship Audi as God’s work. Therefore, I think, it is a fair statement to say that people deserve to hear the truth about product they are just about to purchase. Essentially, it was my first post on Audi Forum and yes, indeed, I am one unhappy person driven by profound disappointments and emotions. Now, how can you maintain your sanity while being told by Audi service representative that you need to pay $8 K to take care of urgent repairs on your car? Obviously, working for Audi service you are on the other side of the fence so you would not understand. I felt betrayed, deceived, ridiculed and started asking myself one essential question: why did I purchase the car in the first place? How can you deal with the situation while temperature in Minnesota goes down to twenty five below zero and window on your A6 gets wide open on driver site all by itself while running 75 miles per hour? Probably, anyone would panic and so did my wife. It happened to me on several occasions as well. How can you drive your A6 knowing that there are multiple problems which put yours and loved ones lives and safety at risk? How can you drive your A6 while breaks computer shows total failure and air bags circuit indicates major malfunction. Yet, the odor of gasoline and oil in the car appears to be overwhelming, “breath taking” experience. Obviously, it all happened to me right after expiration of Audi warranty contract. It was a major emotional harm and distress that I found very difficult to cope with. I called Audi headquarters on numerous occasions asking them for assistance. I was literally kneeling and begging them for help but in return they simply ignored me and suggested - here comes the best part – buying another Audi! How dare you? It sounded like some kind of sick joke or rather an insult if you will. I am not an expert as far as automotive affairs however being an electro-mechanical designer of Research and Development department for hi-tech company entitles me to make some conclusions. First of all, it is painfully obvious that Audi cars are not meant to handle harsh weather conditions like in Minnesota or North Dakota for instance. With its sophisticated suspension and steering system it appears to outrun majority of other cars in terms of handling corners and comfort however there is a huge trade off as far as durability under severe weather and US roads conditions. As you all know, we do not have autobahns here and US highways are bitten the heck out by snow plowers, semi trucks which are nearly twice as big as in Europe, heavy machinery transportation, severe diversity of temperature range, snow, rain, incredible amount of salt, sand and all other mixtures which result in accelerated deterioration of any known vehicle. Audi is no exception. I would say it is even more prone to suffer due to its fragileness and sophistication. As you know, Audi is loaded with “goodies” but it has to be maintain by complex electromechanical interface that require sensors, MEMS, excellent hydraulics, computerized controls, transducers, miles of wiring, relays and tons of other things that make it very venerable under certain circumstances. It seems that simplicity is the key factor although it does not apply in case of Audi. After all it is German engineering which goes above and beyond of designs introduced by Korean, Japanese and US carmakers, altogether. Well, as good as it sounds, it has to work to be pronounced reliable, easy and affordable to maintain car. Or perhaps it is meant for customers with six digit salary so they can afford to pay for outrageously high cost of routine maintenance and ongoing-never stopping replacement of faulty parts. That is a brutal reality which is not accepted by average Audi craving customer. I am no exception as my denial did not let me believe for a long time that I am rather a victim than happy Audi owner. Certainly, every car needs maintenance and parts replacement but definitely not on such a profound scale. I have owned 3 Audis and I have become an expert on feeling the emotional and financial pain. Ironically, on the top of everything else, I was told by top customer service adviser at Audi dealership in Maplewood, MN that Audis A6 have a long history of problems, recalls and else. Well, thanks for being honest with me!!! Where were you while I was purchasing my dreamy A6? Lastly, it is my sincere advice for all people who consider Audi as a next purchase: Do your homework before you get it. Ask yourself for how long you plan to keep the car? Do you want to buy new or Audi certified vehicle? If you want to keep the vehicle after warranty expiration: how much money you want to dedicate for keeping the vehicle up and running? Shall you get warranty extension? Finally, is it worth paying so much money for never stopping repairs or you would rather take your wife and kids for so deserved vacation, instead?
Old 01-08-2011, 05:41 PM
aspen79's Avatar
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Sorry Ed, I may have been out of line a bit. Yes I'm an Audi tech and yes I do understand what you are talking about. I'm a very sorry you had such a bad experience with Audi, both the car and your dealership. In general, Audi's are very good cars with top quality but they do have their problems, just like any other car. Unfortunatley, it sounds like you ended up with one of the bad ones. I've dealt with the "problem" car from time to time. There can be numerous Audi's (we'll use A6) as an example that go through life with little or no trouble. Then there's the one that is one thing after another, usually electrical/electronic problems. Worse is when they're sporadic which makes it very difficult to zero in on the exact cause (can't fix it if it's not broken at the time, understand?) As a tech, it frustrates me to not be able to make it act up so I can find the fault. More importantly I know it frustrates the customer who is driving a car that could act up any time. Got to be honest, mid to late 2000's A6 seem to make up most of these types of concerns for some reason. Example: Have at least 4 hours diagnosing the cause of an MMI that sproadically goes dead (Audi warranty will probably only pay half that BTW andwe work on flat-rate). Cause? Sporadic failure of the satellite radio module resulting in disruption of the optical network (the infotainment/MMI data is fiber optic). Since the network gets stopped at that module it shuts down everything. The optical net is a ring that goes from module to module (8-12 modules depending on equipment level) back to it's starting point (the Gateway module). Anyways, off track here.....................

What was I talking about? Oh yeah, please don't let one bad Audi completely turn you off on the brand and don't let one bad dealer give us all a bad name. Is my dealership perfect? No. Am I perfect? Of course not, we're all human.

Wish our shop was bigger, we could serve more customers per day. There's 5 bays plus the alignment rack (5 techs) and we also do VW in the same shop. The metro area has a pop of roughly 95,000 or so. The next Audi dealership is over 100 miles away so we also get customers who drive 2, 3, 4 hours to get here and really like to be sure we do our jobs properly, thoroughly, clean and neat.

I know I've gone somewhat off topic with all of this. Just trying to give you another side to "the story". Not meant as a complaint: I work on Audi's, would love to own one but on a tech's pay that won't happen.

Yes, Audi maintenance is higher priced than some but with some other makes you spend as much, just on different things. Maybe maint. is less on a Japanese (or whatever) car but things on those that need replaced like ball joints, tie rod ends, transmissions, etc rarely need attention on an Audi. We have Nissan in the building also (separate shop) and I've never seen so many transmissions, rear axles (trucks), suspension sub frames, engines, major suspension componants, on and on being replaced as I do when walking through there to the parts dept. We're talking cars/trucks with 20,000 miles or out of warranty and 80,000 miles with a $5,000 bill for a trans..................see my point? Beside's some of those Nissan window stickers out on the lot are close to, or more than some of the new Audi's. Used is different. The Nissan depriciates WAY faster than an Audi. So, Audi's cost more to service, but they don't really in the long run. How many Nissan's (or whatever) have 250,000 miles with the original engine, trans, etc that start, run, look and drive almost good as new yet? None. Thank you. Now my "rant" is really done with, honest!

Last edited by aspen79; 01-08-2011 at 05:57 PM.
Old 01-10-2011, 01:28 PM
dasauce17's Avatar
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hey guys. im new to audi world. bought mine 6 months ago. i live 2 hours away from any of these stealerships. but i have had great luck every time i go to wayzata. and im not no business man in suit. i wear scruby clothes and they respect me and treat me kindly. sorry u guys have had bud luck there.
Old 03-04-2011, 11:55 AM
MnRiverman's Avatar
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Default Maplewood Audi = Poor

Our problems with Maplewood Audi over the past ten years and 4 cars.
2001 A6 2.7T
Returned twice from service low on oil – add line.
MA unable to mate Audi Motorola phone to the Audi after numerous attempts and an install of approx $850.00. I was told they were not compatible however MA refused to remove unit.
2002 A4 1.8T
Developed a hesitation after coil recall on a cold engine start. Over 90 days and numerous visits total at MA for repair but never cured. Finally sold car and two weeks later received another coil recall to fix the first. Car returned from service with scratches top sides of front fenders, oil/grease marks on drivers inside door panel. Runner used car w/s wipers to remove over 6” wet snow. Wiper transmission went out shortly thereafter.
2005 A6 4.2
Car returned from service with highway speed vibration and loudly squealing (not squeaking) brakes. Vibration turned out to be a bent wheel – was not vibrating prior to being dropped off.
2009 A5 3.2
Grease/oil marks left on rear interior pillar after replacing rear speaker.
Car developed an intermittent cold engine start surge accompanied by occasionally dieing. Three service visits and vehicle continues to have problem. Large amount of grease on carpet under steering column. (U-joint?) Car had a highway speed vibration at delivery. A road-force balance and a replaced tire helped for a short period. I was then told to buy all new tires – the originals were no good.

When the A5 deal was made it was agreed we would be given a late model Audi for a loaner as needed. The second loaner was an 8 year old, hail damaged A6 with 120K miles for my wife to drive. Real nice!!

I requested info on a Q7 diesel during a service visit, which was on the showroom floor, but the salesman had no interest in showing it. I bought a new X5 instead.

Audis are great cars but MA leaves much to be desired especially the service department and we are done with them.
Old 03-08-2011, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 3

Hello guys,

I just received a phone call from Audi owner in Utah. I have to say I was surprised a bit although I recalled placing my cell number on some other Audi blog a while ago. Anyway, he conveyed his sad story about his Audi experience which can make one wonder. Cutting ritgth in to the essence – his beloved Audi went on fire with his kids and wife in it. I believe his kids were stranded in car seats when it happened. He managed however to put the fire off with extinguisher and help of his friend. To make whole story truly miserable, his car insurance denied totaling the car as they stated, it is reparable. Is this some kind of sick joke or else? First of all – fire and flood make collateral damage beyond repair to any car and Audi is not exception. Secondly, why did the car go on fire in the first place? This is a legitimate question that should be addressed to Audi headquarters. Is there something Audi is not telling us therefore withholding information that can save lives of loved ones? I do not even want to comment on this as I am getting violently mad. It appears to be truly disturbing event as his family could of been killed. It sounds like an ultimate price for driving so called luxury vehicle. Well, I just wonder if Audi dealers offer genuine OEM fire extinguishers and if so, should i get one now or later?
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