Audi 2009 A4 Software Defects - required Updates

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Old 07-04-2009, 10:59 PM
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Default Audi 2009 A4 Software Defects - required Updates

My name is Mr. J. Sitbon ( I recently purchased an Audi 2009 A4 3.2 fully loaded in brilliant Red. The car is an eye catching, fun car to drive. It is certainly not your average car and its price reflects that. It has many of the high tech features one would expect in such a vehicle. None the less while other cars seem to have no problems with these features, Audi does and is unable or unwilling to address and correct them in a timely fashion. Let me put it in another way. If you owned a television set that refused to turn on randomly unless you unplugged it would you call that acceptable. Or purchased a phone that blocked certain phone characters from being dialed, would that be acceptable? Well that is exactly what Audi’s position is. There are various technologies employed in the Audi that simply do not work properly. Since I purchased the car with these features, Audi is obligated to fix them not to put the customer off, which is totally unacceptable.

Below I have put a list of problems I have with the Audi A4 with MMI and Navigation System. The reason I am posting this documents comes from the frustration of waiting nearly three months for an update only to finally hear “Well this is how it is” from Audi. As you go down the list I will also include what I feel are features and corrections that need to be addressed. Some item are wishes that should be included in software for the MMI.

I recommend that anyone who agrees with this list or part of this list contact Audi of America and let them know your dissatisfaction with the operation of the Technology system. Many of these problems could be easily addressed by Audi because they are programming problems. It is time for Audi to recognize that we are in an age where by software update and upgrades are the norm not a work as is. The actions taken by Audi in these matters will directly reflect on my future purchase of any other Audi vehicle and my recommendation to others about purchasing an Audi. I hope they realize that they must not turn their back on the customer.

1. IPOD Interface initialization failure. Connected to the Audi MMI interface is an Apple IPOD Classic 120meg Version 6 mp3 player. The IPOD typically remains connected in the vehicle at all times. The IPOD player is controlled by the Audi MMI unit. When it works it does a fairly nice job. Unfortunately it has a major problem turning on. That is when you start the car or try to access the IPOD, you have a 30% chance it will not turn on but display a message that the system failed to initialize the device. This leaves you with only one alternative which is to unplug the IPOD wait 30 seconds then reattach. This can be very dangerous if you try to do this while driving. This is not a cable problem. I have tried various cables of various colored bands. An Audi representative has also verified that he has the same problem and that he has a test version of the software that appears to be working. Yet Audi continues to procrastinate on delivering a solution to this issue. In simple term the Audi IPOD interface is not working. This is a defective system and must be addressed and corrected as soon as possible.

Here is the statement directly from Audi about their IPOD interface:
“The key to always having thousands of songs with you in your Audi: the iPod® compatibility enables you to control the Apple iPod® conveniently like a CD changer. Switch between songs and playlists via the radio or the optional multifunction steering wheel of your Audi A3, Audi A4, Audi A4 Cabriolet or Audi TT.”
This statement doesn’t say that the IPOD interface only works 70% of the time. A software upgrade should be made available immediately. I have three other cars with IPOD interfaces and none of them have this problem.

2. Bluetooth Interface fails to dial symbol characters. The interface between a cell phone and the MMI using Bluetooth is very complicated. Bluetooth does not always behave the same using different cell phones. This is not an easy problem to overcome and requires constant updating and fine tuning of software. None the less defects and bugs in the MMI software can and does affect all phones that connect to the system via Bluetooth. The Bluetooth interface used in the Audi will disconnect a call in progress if any special standard phone symbols are used to dial a phone number. Two of them that are very common are the # and the *. The # is used for international calls while the * is used by many phone companies to enable or disable phone features. For example, if you try to dial a phone number starting with *82 (disable caller ID Block) the MMI will immediately disconnect the phone. This problem is absolutely a software glitch in the MMI Bluetooth program. This can be proven by the fact once a call is made the symbol keys can be sent to control devices that recognize them. This problem occurs on any phone connected to the Audi Bluetooth interface. The same phone connected to other vehicle’s Bluetooth interface does not have this problem. Audi has determined that this problem does exist but has decided not to resolve it. Image you own a phone that refuses to dial certain numbers. Would you accept this or call it a defective device. This means that the Audi Bluetooth interface is defective. This is an unacceptable situation for a car and a manufacture of this caliber.

3. MMI Temperature Sync control setting fails to remain set. The Audi MMI has a feature that allows the user to have both temperature controls track, sync. This means by turning the driver’s temperature control would be also reflected in the passenger’s settings. The MMI include a software setting to enable temperature control syncing. Here is how it should work; Assuming Temperature sync was set in the MMI, then the drive would affect both controls as long as the passenger does not adjust their settings. If the passenger changes their control, then the sync would be broken and the temperatures controls would operate independently. Once the car is restart, the sync would be reestablished as it was set by the MMI. The problem with the MMI is its inability to retain the setting to sync the temperature controls after the passenger’s controls have been adjusted. This forces the driver to manually enter the programming mode of the MMI and reset the Temperature Sync setting anytime a passenger touches the control on their side. This is very silly. Just think if you had a radio programmed to a particular station but if someone changes the station, the previously stored station is no longer retained.

4. MMI Voice command system does not operate Auxiliary devices. The auxiliary port on the Audi can connect to a number of devices, IPOD, Flash drive, audio port and more. The Voice command system can access a number of features for example the Radio, Phone and Navigation system. What appears to be missing is a simple command to access anything on the Auxiliary port. This command could be as simple as Aux, Auxiliary, MP3 or even IPOD. This would simply turn on the Auxiliary port and allow the music to be heard as if the auxiliary button was pressed. Audi needs to update the software to the MMI voice command to enable the Auxiliary port by saying Aux, Auxiliary, MP3 and IPOD. This missing feature is like a remote control for a radio control car that can turn left but cannot be steered to the right. Once again this is another oversight in the MMI design that Audi needs to rectify.

5. MMI fails to retain Audi Drive Select Setting. The Audi A4 includes a feature call Audi Drive Select that allows the driver to set the handling of the vehicle. It comes with three preset modes and one custom (individual) setting. The MMI allows the driver to customize the individual setting. This works well with one exception, each time the car is restarted the system returns to its default setting of Auto. It is apparent that a setting in the MMI is needed to allow the driver to select the default drive select setting. It is an annoyance that the driver must each time they start the car readjust the settings to their preference. Image the sound level of your MP3 player always returns to maximum sound level each time it is turned on. A car of this sophistication should have this settings anything less is unacceptable.

6. MMI dial voice command is overly cumbersome. The MMI phone command is very convoluted. Example: To call a home number the driver must say the tagged person’s name followed by Home or Mobil then finally adding the command Landline. Why so many steps. I have worked with a number of phones that use voice command dialing. They use a simple straight forward system. Here is a typical command system. All command start by saying the name of the person you wish to dial followed by either, Home, Mobil, Work, Work Mobil. That’s it. Very simple and very straight forward. Why is the Audi’s dial up system so archaic?

7. MMI displays Private for calls made to “Home numbers”. For some strange reason the MMI displays the caller as Private when a call is instigated to a home number. It should say Home. Further the display should also say Home, Mobil, Work or Work Mobil. Of course it should also display the dialed user name when possible.

8. Homelink cannot be operated when the engine is turned off. Homelink was designed not to operate when the engine is turned off. This is a very wise setting as many robbers know that by breaking into a vehicle they can press the Homelink button and open the home owner’s garage door. The problem is neither can the driver of the Audi operate the garage door. Here is the problem and possible solutions. Assume your car is in the garage and you unlock and enter your vehicle, the only way to open the garage door would be first to start your car in the closed garage then press the Homelink button. Assume you are entering your garage at the end of the day, the only way to close the garage door is to leave the car engine running then press the Homelink button. Both situations present the same problem, operating a vehicle in a closed garage environment. This is a very unsafe. The solution is very simple, enable Homelink whenever the key is in the vehicle for keyless entry systems or have a 10 second timer activate Homelink whenever the engine is turned off or the car door is unlocked with the key.

9. MMI uses Voice Tags as oppose to voice recognition for dialing. The Audi A4 uses a primitive system to recognize directory entry names. That is the driver must manually record each entry and tag them in order to dial a number using voice command. If the directory of a cell phone is available, none of these names can be accessed by using voice command. Cell phones as well as many other car manufactures include a much more sophisticated and robust system of voice recognition. The driver says the listed name in the phone book and the system attempt to locate the name and dial it. This means all names can be accessed and no time is wasted manually setting individual voice tags to directly access name entries. I do not know if the MMI in the Audi is designed well enough to execute voice recognition but if it is I would hope the Audi would seriously implement this feature.

10. MMI should return to previous source after a call is disconnected. The MMI is very inconsistent on how it operates after a phone call is hung up. Sometimes it returns to the media device that was displayed while other times it stays in the phone mode. Audi needs to either have it always return to the previous display setting after a call is disconnect after 15 seconds or have a setting that determines the action the telephone system executes after a call is disconnected. The key here is the word disconnected. I recommend a delay of about 15 seconds before it returns to the previous mode. This would simplify the life of the driver. They could keep their mind on the road as oppose to pressing the appropriate button to display the current sound source.

11. MMI should display number being dialed. The MMI is inconsistent on whether it displays the phone number being dialed. Sometime the number is listed while other times just the name appears. My preference would have it always show the number being dialed as it displays the dialed person’s name.

12. MMI and drivers display colors need to be enhanced. While the colors of the MMI are adequate they really need to be enhanced. The colors for items not selected are very washed out. Driving in a sunny environment can make reading the display very difficult and could lead to the driver spending too much time trying to read the display as oppose to paying attention to the road. I suggest Audi include either different color schemes such as summer, fall, and winter or allow the user to set some of the color settings. Mature drivers would greatly appreciate this mode as it would make the display much easier to read.

13. MMI IPOD information display enhancement. The IPOD information that is displayed could and should be enhanced. Some enhancements include selecting either count up or down for a song being played. Marque display of song titles to long to be seen in a single line. One enhancement that I feel would be greatly received if it could be implemented, is to display the Album cover image on the MMI. This would be a very impressive feature for an Audi.

14. MMI Bluetooth fails to correctly switch call waiting. Assume that the cell phone supports call waiting that allows switching to an incoming call, while connected to another caller by pressing the dial button. When a second call comes in the MMI correctly shows it on the screen but when the driver selects answer from the MMI screen, the system disconnects both phone calls. This is a very troublesome problem. I have tested this with different phone and they all disconnect when switching to the second caller. The same phones works correctly in another vehicle using their Bluetooth system.

15. MMI loses Radio voice tags. In the course of three months my MMI has erased all my radio station voice tags. I am not sure what occurred prior to this happening but it has happened at least three times. Audi needs to look into this.

16. MMI does not listed Bluetooth devices recognized by the system. The Bluetooth feature does not list recognized devices. This is important if you wish to delete an individual device. The only setting I could find was to delete all Bluetooth devices. Generally speaking most Bluetooth devices list devices they are associated with and can select which device to delete directly from the list.

17. Navigation system needs to be more informative. While the navigation system in the Audi does a fair job it falls short compared to other vehicles built in systems. The changes that need to be upgrade are all street names should be announced. In this day and age with a car of this class one should not have to guess when making a turn if the street up a head is correct. In other words, the MMI Navigation should say turn right on 5th street in 200 feet not just turn right in 200 feet. In addition the dashboard digital display should have the option to show both the current street and on the top the target street for making a turn on. These features are standard even on low end cars with Navigation.

18. MMI resets IPOD Shuffle mode when driver control selects song from list. The problem here lies on how the songs are selected when the IPOD is in shuffle mode. Assume that the IPOD is set to play all songs and Shuffle is enabled. Any song on the shuffled list can be correctly selected by the center control **** without affecting the shuffle setting. If the steering column stick is used to select a song in the shuffled list, the song is played but the system reverts to alphabetical mode. This is an extremely annoying problem that needs to be resolved. The end results is the driver now must manually reset the IPOD back to shuffle mode each time a song is selected from the control arm.

19. MMI needs to be more informative and impressive. The MMI falls short in user information and display design when compared to nearly any other vehicle information system. Simply put when the driver presses the CAR button the MMI should display an information display screen not a boring list of settings. While the settings are very important they should be selected by pressing the a settings button from the first CAR screen, I am not asking for the world but the Audi should be at least as good as a Lexus, BMW, Acura and other cars in this class. Here are a few suggestions. In a colorful graphical display show Oil pressure. Battery Voltage, Wheel pressure or status, Engine temperature or maybe an icon that represent active devices such as an IPOD icon for mp3, CD icon for the CD player or a little radio or satellite radio. The MMI display falls way behind the pack when it comes to user appeal and information. It is time for Audi to bring it up to par.

20. All close / open windows can’t be accessed from Key remote. The Audi A4 has a terrific convince feature to open and close all the windows using the key (actual key) regardless of the advanced electronic entry system. If the key is inserted into the door lock, holding the key up will open all the windows while holding he key down will close all the windows. This is an outstanding feature. The problem is it is just short of being a terrific system. It would be much more convenient if this feature could be activated by holding down the lock or unlock button on the remote.

It is my sincere hope that Audi makes a real effort and follows up on at least the most serious issues. It is time of Audi to come up to the plate and make the changes that are sorely needed.
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