Doing clutch job, want to add oil pump?
somewhere on the various audi forums, I've seen a rig built with 2x4s and it is designed just like the ecs tuning and official audi device, except home made with wood. If you have bentley, look up that page to see the official tool. the 2x4s run across the motor from fender to fender and are supported by 2x4 feet, maybe 12 inches tall, which sit on top of the apex of the fenders just inside where the hood space ends and the quarter panel starts. Then you support the motor from the 2x4 bridge to the hooks on the motor, even with tie downs that can be pulled tight.
and its an 02x transmission. out of curiosity whats up with the 01A transmission.
That's what I was thinking
Last edited by Pbcrazy; 02-11-2013 at 04:09 PM.
Can also get the one engine mount that in the way (a spare) and chop the part thats in the way off. Drop the mount thats in the way first, swap the chopped one in, bolt back up,,,,, solid as if you haven't touched the subframe, yet nothing in your way. Easier than building some wood contraption. Also, you say your using a full lift, just run a chain to the celling. it cant be that far.
Oh you have a 1.8t 6 speed transmission, figured you had a 5 speed seeing this is the B5 forum. lol
The 01A is the A4 5 speed transmission.
somewhere on the various audi forums, I've seen a rig built with 2x4s and it is designed just like the ecs tuning and official audi device, except home made with wood. If you have bentley, look up that page to see the official tool. the 2x4s run across the motor from fender to fender and are supported by 2x4 feet, maybe 12 inches tall, which sit on top of the apex of the fenders just inside where the hood space ends and the quarter panel starts. Then you support the motor from the 2x4 bridge to the hooks on the motor, even with tie downs that can be pulled tight.
Except the fact that I'm going to need to drop the subframe...