CoilOver KitS or SpringS
CoilOver KitS or SpringS
i am planning to put coil overs on my 99 a4 1.8t does any one know any cheapest brand of coil overs that matches my car but with a better handling? any info where i can get those and the price range? and another question would it be cheaper if i just get lowering springs? does it fit with my stock shocks? thanks any suggestions will be great.. first time to have an a4 and first time to have a car and i wanted for it to look good and at the sametime improve the handling..thanks..
SpRiNgS wOuLd bE ChEaPeR tHaN cOiLoVeRs AnD tHeY dO gO WiTh sToCk sHoCks hOwEvEr, tHe ShOcKs MiGhT nOt LaSt aS LoNg As YoU'd ExPeCt.
ThErE ArE CoUpLe oF cOmPaNiEs ThAt MaKe dEcEnTLy ChEaP CoiLoVeRs sUcH aS v-MaXx aNd ST CoiLoVeRs. I NeVeR HaD aNy PeRsOnAL eXpEriEnCe WiTh tHeM bUt HaVe bEeN hEaRiNg gReAt tHiNgS aBoUt tHeM fOr ThE mOnEy.
ThErE ArE CoUpLe oF cOmPaNiEs ThAt MaKe dEcEnTLy ChEaP CoiLoVeRs sUcH aS v-MaXx aNd ST CoiLoVeRs. I NeVeR HaD aNy PeRsOnAL eXpEriEnCe WiTh tHeM bUt HaVe bEeN hEaRiNg gReAt tHiNgS aBoUt tHeM fOr ThE mOnEy.
^ LOL.
Perhaps a cup of coffee with some energy boosters played some role.
I just saw the title and thought of typing like that. I don't know how people type like that. It took me close to 5 minutes to do that much. I suck at being girly.
Perhaps a cup of coffee with some energy boosters played some role.
I just saw the title and thought of typing like that. I don't know how people type like that. It took me close to 5 minutes to do that much. I suck at being girly.
Depends on how much/often you're gonna dick with your ride height. If you plan on raising and lowering for daily driving vs show or winter vs summer then get coilovers. If you're a "set it and forget it" type like I am, pick the springs with the drop you like and get them. There are a lot of height drops out there and one is bound to be what you're looking for - if you won't be adjusting them then why pay extra for coilivers when you won't be using their features.
H&R race springs ftw - the drop is perfect IMO.
H&R race springs ftw - the drop is perfect IMO.
nooo.. stock= 4x4 status lol... and not all of us can be sooo low like u lol
can anyone find the eibach sportline kit cheper than 237 online?
Last edited by Mr. Phil; 09-05-2009 at 03:48 AM.