RS4 Replicas
RS4 Replicas
I've found what I think is a good deal on some 18x8 RS4 replicas. They're being sold by a place called Victoria Tire and wheel. They're selling all four new for $470 plus shipping. Sound like a deal? This place seems to have good feedback. What do you guys think?
RE: RS4 Replicas
my main concern would be the weight. Could someone please inform me what REAL B5 RS4 wheels would weigh? I've been wondering this to mysekf for a long time.. yet I'm sorrounded by a couple of thousand Audi enthusiasts!
RE: RS4 Replicas
I am actually very close to buying some rs4 replicas and was going to get them off of Ebay. However, I can't seem to find the same price you found. I went to their website but found them at 135 each plus shipping. That is $540 for 4, not $470. Am I missing something? Am I looking in the wrong place?